小林 匠
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.3, no.2, pp.117-126, 2018-04-30 (Released:2019-01-10)

Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is one of the most common injuries in competitive sports. This article organized the scientific evidence about the pathology, evaluation and treatment of LAS and chronic ankle instability (CAI). Athletes who injured LAS has various symptoms such as inflammation, restriction of joint range of motion, muscle strength deficit, decline balance control, fundamental movement abnormality which caused by various tissue damage. For LAS, it is important to properly evaluate these dysfunctions and advance treatment under the control of the athletic trainer, thereby preventing recurrent sprains and progression to CAI. In treatment for CAI, it is important to properly evaluate mechanical instability, functional instability, perceived instability, and functional performance and to organize individual disease states. Although treatments of CAI are verified by various methods such as balance exercise, joint mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, and resistance training, balance training is considered to be advantageous to prevent of recurrent sprains and improvement of activity of daily living. In future, it is necessary to develop appropriate treatment protocols according to severity and pathological condition.


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足関節捻挫やACLなど色々な疾患に使えます。 特に足関節捻挫で言えば小林先生のこの文献は非常に勉強になることも多く、SEBTについても書かれているので、オススメです! https://t.co/BHtpW3evWn https://t.co/U7be9Z1D6x
補足ですが、 更に足関節捻挫に対する機能的な問題や評価を考察するのてであれば 北海道千歳リハビリテーション大学の小林先生が書かれた記事は日本語ですし、サクッと読んでみて下さい!勉強になるかと思います。 https://t.co/Bv1FExq1a5 (続)↓
@ebato_harikyu https://t.co/lbuuv3mNs3 少し調べました。 https://t.co/Mpa107FXgj
足関節捻挫の病態と理解 https://t.co/xYTiYG9PGy 急性足関節内反捻挫の主な症状 ✔ROM↓…底背屈総ROM ✔筋力・機能↓ ✔バランス能力↓(求心性神経線維の損傷)
1.腸骨稜から手が離れる 2.開眼する 3.足を踏み出す・よろめく・転 倒する 4.30度以上の股関節屈曲もしくは外転が生じる 5.前足部も しくは踵が浮く 6検査姿勢から 5 秒以上崩れる 参考文献https://t.co/YUydWPBFQD https://t.co/IJRhPJN2e3

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