太田 絵梨子
教育実践学研究 (ISSN:1344946X)
vol.20, no.2, pp.27-39, 2019 (Released:2021-05-08)

Homework can have both positive and negative effects on student learning. To overcome the negative effects and facilitate the positive ones, it is important for teachers to understand the underlying mechanisms of homework and how it relates to learning so that they can use the most effective methods of instruction and guidance. To provide a useful guide, this paper reviewed previous research studies and considered the roles of homework and effective instructional strategies from three psychological perspectives: behavioral, information-processing, and social constructivism. From a behavioral perspective, homework can be viewed as increasing opportunities for the repeated practice of knowledge and skills, whereas the information processing perspective places greater importance on the capacity of homework to promote deeper understanding and metacognition. Viewed from a social constructivist perspective, homework can promote the establishment of connections in the learning that occurs in school, at home, and in the wider community. Studies have shown that each of these roles of homework can contribute to the facilitation of meaningful learning and the support of students toward becoming self-initiated learners. However, there are some crucial challenges that remain in applying this knowledge to the actual school setting. This paper’s conclusion discusses possible directions for much-needed future research and suggests potential solutions.


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クラスによって宿題の量が違うことに、文句がちなママ友が、 宿題は多い方がいい!! という考えをずっと話してくる… リンクの論文によると、 宿題の量だけでなく,どのよう に宿題に取り組んだかという質的側面が重要そう。 https://t.co/Rp3OTm3261
参考にしたい。 「学習における宿題の役割に関する心理学的検討」太田  絵梨子 所属 東京大学大学院教育学研究科https://t.co/wyqk7HzSUw
J-STAGE Articles - 学習における宿題の役割に関する心理学的検討 https://t.co/4QX3dReMLJ
太田絵梨子. (2019). 学習における宿題の役割に関する心理学的検討. 教育実践学研究, 20(2), 27–39. https://t.co/vFuq4FH404
後輩の太田さん(@eriko_ota)が書いた「宿題研究のレビュー論文」がJ-Stageでオープンアクセスになっていた…。功罪語られる宿題ですが,宿題の目的,先行研究の知見,効果を高める手だてが手際よくまとめられているこの論文は,宿題を語る際のマスト論文になりそうです。 https://t.co/Npur9hYWQW

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