中尾 寛子 志村 正子 青山 英康 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.4, pp.159-168, 1989 (Released:2010-06-28)
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The relationships between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth on children in a kindergarten, way of feeding at infancy, and taste at the present time were examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of their daily consuming foods including at their infancy on the changes in the eruption order of the first permanent teeth from the first permanent molar (M1) to the central permanent incisor (I1). One hundred and fourty-nine children (82 boys and 67 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular I1 (I-type children) were compared with 111 children (48 boys and 63 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular M1(M-type children) on their ways of feeding at infancy and their taste at the present time. Results were as follows: 1) In both sexes, the evident relationship was observed between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth and the ways of feeding in infancy. M-type children were breast fed for longer time than I-type children. In the discriminant analysis, breast feeding was related to the M-type eruption, and bottle feeding was related to the I-type eruption. 2) Weaning was started earlier in M-type children than in I-type children. The rate of the children who began weaning earlier than 4-months old was significantly higher in M-type children than in I-type children. 3) The M-type children liked fruits and fish more than I-type children. 4) These results suggest that elevated sucking and chewing frequency by breast feeding and early start of weaning at infancy influenced the eruption order of the first permanent teeth as well as the growth of the mandible.


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永久歯の萌出順序(I:下顎中切歯から、M:下顎第一大臼歯から)も興味深い。 人類はずっとM型中心だったのに、近年になってI型が優勢になってきているというデータもある。 乳児期の栄養方法が関係しているかも、とのこと。 https://t.co/Foet5ZoOwC
@sora0048063416 実はされています。 https://t.co/Foet5ZoOwC
「なぜなんだろう?」と考えることが必要なのだ。 明確な答えは得られずとも、考えながら、検証しながら、できうる限りの対応をし続けることこそが「歯科保健」だと僕は思う。 https://t.co/Foet5ZFRyC
これは永久歯か » 民族衛生 第55巻 第4号159~168(1989) 幼稚園児にみられた永久歯萌出順序の変化と乳児期の栄養方法及び現在の嗜好との関連性について https://t.co/cEqeOYfuou

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