中尾 寛子 志村 正子 青山 英康 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.4, pp.159-168, 1989 (Released:2010-06-28)
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The relationships between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth on children in a kindergarten, way of feeding at infancy, and taste at the present time were examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of their daily consuming foods including at their infancy on the changes in the eruption order of the first permanent teeth from the first permanent molar (M1) to the central permanent incisor (I1). One hundred and fourty-nine children (82 boys and 67 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular I1 (I-type children) were compared with 111 children (48 boys and 63 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular M1(M-type children) on their ways of feeding at infancy and their taste at the present time. Results were as follows: 1) In both sexes, the evident relationship was observed between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth and the ways of feeding in infancy. M-type children were breast fed for longer time than I-type children. In the discriminant analysis, breast feeding was related to the M-type eruption, and bottle feeding was related to the I-type eruption. 2) Weaning was started earlier in M-type children than in I-type children. The rate of the children who began weaning earlier than 4-months old was significantly higher in M-type children than in I-type children. 3) The M-type children liked fruits and fish more than I-type children. 4) These results suggest that elevated sucking and chewing frequency by breast feeding and early start of weaning at infancy influenced the eruption order of the first permanent teeth as well as the growth of the mandible.
川名 はつ子 野中 浩一 三浦 悌二
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.31, no.1, pp.31-36, 1994-04-01 (Released:2010-10-13)

日本では早生まれの多い現象が1960年代半ばにはほとんど消えて, 1年中ほぼ平均して生まれるようになった.隣接する韓国・朝鮮との差異を検討するため, 日本人と朝鮮・韓国人の出生季節分布を, 古くからの記録を用いて約300年にわたり比較した.出生数の「早春の山と初夏の谷」の傾向が最もはっきりしていたのは, 19世紀以降のおよそ1世紀半の間の日本であり (山/谷比=約1.5) , その間, 朝鮮・韓国では分布の形は日本と同様ながら, その変動幅は小さかった (山/谷比=約1.1) .ところが日本で季節性の消失した1960年代以降にも, 韓国では早生まれが減少せず, とくに1970年代には「早春の山と初夏の谷」はむしろ明瞭になりつつあるという違いが生じている.日本の早生まれ喪失現象が, 一般に言われていたような, 冷暖房や冷蔵庫の普及などによる脱季節化に起因するものならば, 韓国でも何年かの時差はあっても同様の経過をたどるはずなのに, 却って差が拡大していることから, 冷暖房や冷蔵庫の普及などとは別の要因が働いているらしいことが示唆された.
川名 はつ子 三浦 悌二
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.26, no.1, pp.57-62, 1989-04-01 (Released:2010-10-13)

各国とも人口動態統計の整備される以前には月別出生の統計はなく, 長期の変動を観察するための資料に乏しい.このたび信頼できると思われる朝鮮の族譜の記録から1399~1980年生まれで出生年月の明らかな13, 004人について調べ, 従来知られていなかった朝鮮での月別出生数を明らかにした.その結果, 15~18世紀には春と秋の2つの山がみられたが, 19世紀以降はその傾向が弱まり, さらに20世紀中ごろになると春の山のみが高くなり, 20世紀前半の日本と共通のパターンが見られた.その後, 日本では1964年から一年中ほぼ平坦となったが, 朝鮮では1970~1980年代に入っても, まだ早生まれの多いパターンを残していた.本研究の20世紀に入ってからの動向は, 朝鮮総督府統計年報や韓国人口動態統計から調べた一般人口の結果とほぼ一致した.
三浦 悌二
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.29, no.Special, pp.1-6, 1992-11-30 (Released:2010-10-13)

生まれ月により, 疾患の罹患率, 正常の生理現象, 行動の決定などに違いが見られ, 胎児期に受けた環境の影響が生涯続いて, いわゆる体質や気質の形成に関与していることが示唆された.医学部の卒業生で, 30年後の生存率を見ると, 1910―1923年生まれの世代では夏生まれの者で生存率が低かった.老人施設入居者で75歳からの生存率でも, 男では同じ傾向があった.これは成人病の死亡率に生まれ月による差があるためと思われる.肺結核の死亡退院者の割合, 若年性慢性関節リウマチの罹患率は女で高く, かつ生まれ月での違いが大きい.こうした体質には, 胎児期の環境が強く影響していると思われる.夫婦の生まれ月と血液型には平均以上の一致が見られた.献血者, 那覇マラソンの参加者の割合には生まれ月によって対照人口とは偏りがあった.行動の決定に関する気質の形成にも生まれ月が関係していることが示唆された.将来の気候変動は胎児期の環境を変化させて, 人類の体質や気質に変化を及ぼす可能性がある.
志村 正子 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.44, no.4, pp.165-174, 1978

Changes in birth distribution pattern during a few centuries were investigated in both Japan and the USA, using various forms of records. Regional differences in seasonal birth distribution, and their connection with birth rates and marriage seasons were also studied. The following conclusions were drawn. 1) From the second half of the 19th century to the first half of the 1960's, seasonal distribution of births in Tokyo and Osaka showed a fluctuating pattern with a peak from January to March and a trough between May and August. Most variations during that period were in the amplitude of the basic pattern. 2) Old registration books of parishoners known as 'Ninbetsu-cho' of three towns in Osaka City revealed a peculiar pattern with a sharp peak between November and December, ( October and November of the lunar calender) from 1755 to 1867. 3) Japanese birth distribution became less noticeable in the 1960's and the 1970's with very low peak between July and August similar to that formed in the USA. 4) In USA, there is a secular change of shifts of peaks in different periods. The typical pattern with a peak between Aug. and Sep. can be seen from the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century and again after 1930. During certain periods since the 17th century, different patterns are apparent: e. g. a wide peak between May and September until the 1970's, or a pattern with two peaks in spring and autumn from the second half of the century until the 1920's. 5) Regional differences of the birth distribution in Japan gradually decreased and have reached uniformity throughout Japan. (6) As for the relationships between birth seasonality and regional birth rates, regional birth rates fell in summer, becoming lower as one travels south. 7) As for the relationship between birth seasonality and annual birth rate, a distinct difference was seen in the peak season of Jan.-Mar., and the birth rate in the trough season of May-July changed little until World War II when contraception became popular in Japan. 8) Prior to World War II the seasonal distribution of marriages in Japan was typified by peaks in spring. After the Wax it changed to a pattern with peaks in both spring and late autumn. Seasonal differences of marriages increased, in contrast to birth patterns. 9) Comparing the distribution of marriage ceremonies and registrations after World War II in Japan, seasonal variance was larger for ceremonies than registrations. The marriage registration peak shifted ahead one or two months. This suggests that most marriages were registered several months later than ceremonies. In the 1970's, however, this difference was reduced. 10) It seems worthwhile to consider the possibility that certain seasonal biological suppressing factors varying in period and by region may be responsible for the distributional birth pattern.
三浦 悌二
