中尾 寛子 志村 正子 青山 英康 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.55, no.4, pp.159-168, 1989 (Released:2010-06-28)
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The relationships between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth on children in a kindergarten, way of feeding at infancy, and taste at the present time were examined. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of their daily consuming foods including at their infancy on the changes in the eruption order of the first permanent teeth from the first permanent molar (M1) to the central permanent incisor (I1). One hundred and fourty-nine children (82 boys and 67 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular I1 (I-type children) were compared with 111 children (48 boys and 63 girls) whose first permanent tooth was mandibular M1(M-type children) on their ways of feeding at infancy and their taste at the present time. Results were as follows: 1) In both sexes, the evident relationship was observed between the eruption order of the first permanent teeth and the ways of feeding in infancy. M-type children were breast fed for longer time than I-type children. In the discriminant analysis, breast feeding was related to the M-type eruption, and bottle feeding was related to the I-type eruption. 2) Weaning was started earlier in M-type children than in I-type children. The rate of the children who began weaning earlier than 4-months old was significantly higher in M-type children than in I-type children. 3) The M-type children liked fruits and fish more than I-type children. 4) These results suggest that elevated sucking and chewing frequency by breast feeding and early start of weaning at infancy influenced the eruption order of the first permanent teeth as well as the growth of the mandible.
牛島 一成 志村 正子 渡辺 裕晃 山中 隆夫
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.38, no.4, pp.259-266, 1998-04-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

1994年度と1995年度に, 大学の公開講座として運動不足気味の一般市民向けに「体と心にエアロビクス教室」を実施し, その参加者(男性2名, 女性26名, 計28名)を対象に数種の有酸素運動を約2カ月間にわたって, 1回1.5時間程度, 週2回のペースで行って, 心身への長期的影響および短期的精神影響を検討した.長期的精神影響としては, SDSおよびSTAI-Tの著明な低下が認められた.1995年度のみ実施したCMIにおいても身体的自覚症および精神的自覚症の低下傾向, 精神的自覚症のうちの抑うつおよび不安項目群での低下傾向が認められた.これらより, 習慣的で長期的な有酸素運動の実施がメンタルヘルスを考えるうえで大変重要であると思われた.しかし, 性格・行動型である自己抑制傾向, 「いい子」度, タイプA傾向およびI型(情緒不安定内向)傾向には変化が認められなかった.基礎体力では, 2カ月の運動後に無酸素性作業能力のみが増加していた.運動種目ごとにSTAI-S, POMS, Nowiis気分評定表を用いて短期的精神影響を検討したところ, 愉快さ, 活動性, 社会的愛情および活力・積極性はいずれの運動種目でも増加する方向へと変化し, STAI-S, POMSのTMDおよび混乱・物おじはいずれも低下する方向へと変化していた.これらの結果は, メンタルヘルスを目的とした運動処方の可能性を示唆する.
藤森 英之 志村 正子
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.24, no.2, pp.67-73, 1987-08-01 (Released:2010-12-10)

The authors examined psychiatric emergency cases (n=1219, male 850, female 369) admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Tokyo over a 53-month period (from December 1978 to April 1983), to examine the correlation between monthly numbers of psychiatric admissions and meteorological factors.The results were as follows: 1) Psychiatric emergency admissions of male patients made a peak in spring, whereas female patients showed no obvious seasonal fluctuations. 2) Monthly frequency of admissions was positively correlated with the difference between maximum and minimum temperatures among male non-schizophrenic patients, who consisted mainly of cases of alcohol psychosis including alcohol dependency. 3) Neither of female schizophrenic and non-schizophrenic patients showed any significant correlations with meteorological factors in contrast to male patients.
増田 彰則 山中 隆夫 武井 美智子 平川 忠敏 志村 正子 古賀 靖之 鄭 忠和
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.44, no.12, pp.903-909, 2004-12-01 (Released:2017-08-01)

子どもからみた家族機能が, 心身症の発症, 学校での適応, 思春期の精神面や生きる喜びに与える影響について検討した. その結果, 家族機能不良群は, 心身症の発症の相対危険度が良好群に比べ2倍であった. 小学, 中学時代にいじめを受けた者は2倍, しばしば学校を休んだ者が3倍高かった. 思春期になると一入こもるようになった, 他人の視線が気になる, 自己主張ができない, 人間関係をうまくつくれないと答えた者が約2倍高かった. さらに, 人を信用できない者は約5倍, 誰も相談相手がいない者は良好群に比べ相対危険度が3倍高く, 自分が必要とされていない, 生きる喜びがないと答えた者も約4倍高かった. 家族機能は, 心身症の発症のみならず, 学校適応や思春期の精神面, 生きる喜びにも影響を及ぼしていることがわかった.
牛島 一成 渡辺 裕晃 志村 正子
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2016, no.72, pp.19-30, 2016 (Released:2016-10-18)

[Objective] The Objective of this study was to clarify the relationships among physical fitness, academic achievements, psychological stress scale scores and lifestyles (eating breakfast, sleeping time, time spent for watching television and game). It was done for the subjects of 175 junior high school students in 2014.[Methods] We used the following statistical analyses:the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, the one-way analysis of variance, the Bonferroni's method for performing multiple comparisons, the chi-square test by cross tabulation and the logistic regression analysis.[Results] the primary results were as indicated below.1) Academic achievements of boys with higher physical fitness were a little high, and their stress degree was low. They could also perform well on different physical activities such as sit up and standing jump.2) Academic achievements of those who have breakfast everyday were also high, and the stress degree was low. The stress degree of those whose sleeping time a day is less than 6 hours was relatively high.3) According to the logistic regression analysis, among the factors that influenced academic achievements, physical fitness and breakfast showed large influences.As a result, it seems that it is preferable to develop the class of the health education and physical education that considers the physical strength improvement and the breakfast intake.
増田 彰則 平川 忠敏 山中 隆夫 志村 正子 武井 美智子 古賀 靖之 鄭 忠和
一般社団法人 日本心身医学会
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.44, no.5, pp.369-378, 2004

志村 正子 三浦 悌二
The Japanese Society of Health and Human Ecology
民族衛生 (ISSN:03689395)
vol.44, no.4, pp.165-174, 1978

Changes in birth distribution pattern during a few centuries were investigated in both Japan and the USA, using various forms of records. Regional differences in seasonal birth distribution, and their connection with birth rates and marriage seasons were also studied. The following conclusions were drawn. 1) From the second half of the 19th century to the first half of the 1960's, seasonal distribution of births in Tokyo and Osaka showed a fluctuating pattern with a peak from January to March and a trough between May and August. Most variations during that period were in the amplitude of the basic pattern. 2) Old registration books of parishoners known as 'Ninbetsu-cho' of three towns in Osaka City revealed a peculiar pattern with a sharp peak between November and December, ( October and November of the lunar calender) from 1755 to 1867. 3) Japanese birth distribution became less noticeable in the 1960's and the 1970's with very low peak between July and August similar to that formed in the USA. 4) In USA, there is a secular change of shifts of peaks in different periods. The typical pattern with a peak between Aug. and Sep. can be seen from the second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century and again after 1930. During certain periods since the 17th century, different patterns are apparent: e. g. a wide peak between May and September until the 1970's, or a pattern with two peaks in spring and autumn from the second half of the century until the 1920's. 5) Regional differences of the birth distribution in Japan gradually decreased and have reached uniformity throughout Japan. (6) As for the relationships between birth seasonality and regional birth rates, regional birth rates fell in summer, becoming lower as one travels south. 7) As for the relationship between birth seasonality and annual birth rate, a distinct difference was seen in the peak season of Jan.-Mar., and the birth rate in the trough season of May-July changed little until World War II when contraception became popular in Japan. 8) Prior to World War II the seasonal distribution of marriages in Japan was typified by peaks in spring. After the Wax it changed to a pattern with peaks in both spring and late autumn. Seasonal differences of marriages increased, in contrast to birth patterns. 9) Comparing the distribution of marriage ceremonies and registrations after World War II in Japan, seasonal variance was larger for ceremonies than registrations. The marriage registration peak shifted ahead one or two months. This suggests that most marriages were registered several months later than ceremonies. In the 1970's, however, this difference was reduced. 10) It seems worthwhile to consider the possibility that certain seasonal biological suppressing factors varying in period and by region may be responsible for the distributional birth pattern.
志村 正子
