【公式】日本甲殻類学会 Carcinologic (@CarcinologyJPN)


Plankton Benthos Res vol.18 - Variations in photoprotective compounds in surface-dwelling copepods in subtropical open waters. https://t.co/QmVB4oiYGo
Plankton Benthos Res vol.18 - Association of Caprella fimbrillata Vassilenko, 1993 (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Amphipoda) with the deep-sea holothurian Scotoplanes globosa (Théel, 1879) in the bathyal zone off Tohoku District, northern Japan. https://t.co/IbBfDtaqiP
Crustacean Research vol.52 - Dietary effects of phytoplankton and zooplankton on the larval survival, duration and growth of the atyid shrimp Atyopsis spinipes (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under laboratory conditions. オニヌマエビの初期生態 https://t.co/bEkGZX6gd1 https://t.co/Mj9ttMbd5r
Crustacean Research vol.52 - The bathypelagic postlarva of Stereomastis panglao collected from Suruga Bay, Japan (Crustacea, Decapoda, Polychelidae). センジュエビ科のポストラーバ https://t.co/wbflYM912U https://t.co/wxKrS5AkWB
Crustacean Research vol.52 - A new species of Automate (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Persian Gulf. オトヒメテッポウエビ属 https://t.co/jxj4cHqBKD https://t.co/c7Oah69fve
Crustacean Research vol.52 - Second record of Argulus mongolianus Tokioka, 1939 (Branchiura: Argulidae), an ectoparasite of freshwater fishes, in Japan. https://t.co/FZ6RhqpH65 https://t.co/ryfaOLomjQ
RT @Species_Divers: Distribution of Fish Parasites Argulus japonicus and Argulus coregoni (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae) in the Lake B…
RT @Species_Divers: First Japanese Record of Argulus nobilis (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae), an Ectoparasite of Gars of North American…

2 0 0 0 OA CANCER投稿規定

Cancer vol.32 - CANCER投稿規定. https://t.co/GTnwQXBYaB 最新版です。ご利用ください。

1 0 0 0 OA 会報

Cancer vol.32 - 会報(2023) https://t.co/w0QiLKnjpA
Cancer vol.32 - 2017年7月に羅臼沖で採集されたイバラガニ類に寄生していたフクロムシ類のDNA分析による種判別(報告) Molecular species identification of parasitic barnacles (Rhizocephala) on Lithodes spp. collected off the coast of Rausu in July 2017. https://t.co/zFaaFMYmE7 https://t.co/xMSs41ERhK
Cancer vol.32 - 左鉗脚が白化したヒライソガニGaetice depressus (De Haan, 1835)(報告) The subtropical pebble crab Gaetice depressus (De Haan, 1835) with whitened left cheliped. https://t.co/1yXQY8RKK4 https://t.co/VYO0NLHePX
Cancer vol.32 - 沖縄島から採集されたベニホシヒラオウギガニ(短尾下目:オウギガニ科)について(報告) Note on Neoliomera demani Forest & Guinot, 1961 (Brachyura: Xanthidae) collected from Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. https://t.co/Wjy4z8u5xL https://t.co/Sm4UtzeeuU
Cancer vol.32 - 翻訳は誰のため?世のため人のため自分のため?(若手の会自由集会報告)#共立出版 https://t.co/7RA2Z7AqsJ
Cancer vol.32 - 生物の書籍制作の裏側(若手の会自由集会報告) #文一総合出版 https://t.co/owZwXMkpmk
Cancer vol.32 - 「ヨコエビガイドブック」の出版について(若手の会自由集会報告) #海文堂出版 https://t.co/Y2Y16R3sw3
Cancer vol.32 - 「カニの歌を聴け」の苦労話を聴け(若手の会自由集会報告)#京都大学学術出版会 https://t.co/5SB8J1jRdv
日本甲殻類学会若手の会第4回自由集会「甲殻類学と書籍出版」の報告. https://t.co/1Oyy2u9iWp
書評「びっくり!ふしぎ!海の求愛・子育て図鑑」星野 修[著] https://t.co/Uh52fCGjIk
沖縄諸島ナガンヌ島から採集された日本初記録のオトヒメテッポウエビモドキ(新称)(十脚目:テッポウエビ科). [原著短報] #Bermudacaris_britayevi, #new_record, #Nagannu_Island, #Keise_Islands, intraspecies #polymorphism https://t.co/hH0Es8rL3E https://t.co/vuTHQDWTyz
アメリカザリガニによる2種のトンボ類幼虫に対する捕食 [原著論文] https://t.co/vpX4IdXyKg #Invasive_crayfish, #Procambarus_clarkii, #dragonfly_larva, #Trigomphus_interruptus, #Coenagrionidae, #predation https://t.co/NncvS2cxZA
琵琶湖における淡水エビ類に外部寄生するエビノコバン (等脚目:ニセウオノエ科)における生息環境利用と季節性. [2022年度日本甲殻類学会・学会賞受賞論文研究紹介] Habitat utilization and seasonality of Tachaea chinensis (Isopoda: Corallanidae) ectoparasitizing.. https://t.co/pWEo5xbYVm https://t.co/eK0tLJOQY3
RT @Species_Divers: A Distant Record of the Cavernicolous Land Crab, Discoplax gracilipes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) from Japan #c…
Spec Divers vol.28 - A Distant Record of the Cavernicolous Land Crab, Discoplax gracilipes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) from Japan. https://t.co/mUr0fyRxLH
Plank Bent Res vol.18 - A simple method for species identification of the ghost crabs using PCR-RFLP. https://t.co/klHhiyWzLC
Plank Bent Res vol.18 - Dietary effects on larval survival and development of three sesarmid crabs. https://t.co/idf7fMFpZm
Plank Bent Res vol.18 - Copepod community structure in the highly turbid innermost part of Ariake Bay in the 2000s with special reference to high abundances of Oithona davisae. https://t.co/ebEYnP7PXa
日水誌 vol.89 - 実験条件下において異なる飼餌料で飼育されたバナメイエビLitopenaeus vannameiの繁殖能力およびそれに及ぼす眼柄切除の影響. https://t.co/6svJRNc0Cd
RT @freeliving_mite: 日本動物分類学会から発行のSpecies Diversity 誌のスタイルを大きく変更しました. https://t.co/PbDmN1ywXw
Crustacean Research vol.52 - Markevitchielinus anchoratus Titar, 1975 (Copepoda: Chondracanthidae) parasitic on sea raven Hemitripterus villosus (Pallas, 1814) (Actinopterygii: Hemitripteridae)... https://t.co/PhOLXHpjdr https://t.co/tMhuDGgyD5
RT @Tanaidologist: Munakata et al. (2023) ab freshwater ostracods from Rishiri Island deposited in online repos 利尻島の淡水生カイミジンコを報告した論文のPDFを大…
RT @Tanaidologist: Matsumoto et al (2023) ab podocerid amphipod species deposited in online repos ドロノミ科ヨコエビ類 Leipsuropus seisuiaeを記載した論文のP…
Plankton & Benthos Research vol.18 - Burrow morphology of ghost crab Ocypode stimpsoni on Ikarashi beach, Niigata, Japan. スナガニの巣穴形態 https://t.co/lxOm1QBNA6
Crustacean Research vol.52 - On the male of Dicranodromia danielae Ng & McLay, 2005 (Brachyura: Homolodromiidae) from the Philippines. コウナガカムリ属の1種、雄の形態を初めて記載 https://t.co/eWso6U8tGO https://t.co/r95MKwKCae
Crustacean Research vol.52 - Artificial incubation and hatching of embryos of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae). アメリカザリガニ https://t.co/B3lRDEHRJG https://t.co/DcYK2XrcXs
Crustacean Research vol.52 - Variation of length and sequence of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1 supports “hermit-to-king” crab hypothesis. ヤドカリ・タラバガニ類の分子系統解析 https://t.co/fEC1j5QdUs https://t.co/Kj2BTRqvor
日水誌 vol.89 - 流体解析と行動モデルによるアミメノコギリガザミ<i>Scylla serrata</i>種苗生産水槽の流場環境評価手法の開発 https://t.co/zoLDivwGtJ
Crustacean Research vol.52 - Starvation tolerance of early stage zoeae of amphidromous and landlocked shrimp species in the genus <i>Paratya</i> (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under different salinity and temperature conditions https://t.co/Ss3BhcdBzA
RT @Species_Divers: Two Distinctive Amphipods (Crustacea) Collected from the Ariake Sea, Western Japan, with the Description of a New Speci…
日本ベントス学会誌 vol.77 - 岩手県沿岸におけるヤマトオサガニ個体群の初記録 https://t.co/iLaFIomdWj
日本ベントス学会誌 vol.77 - 宮城県気仙沼市の西舞根川におけるスジエビ<i>Palaemon paucidens</i>の生活史 https://t.co/tGMePM3CYR
RT @Species_Divers: A New Species of the Genus Sarscypridopsis (Crustacea: Ostracoda) Discovered in a Japanese Rice Field #NewSpecies #Spec…
日本水産学会誌 vol.88 - 令和4年度春季大会 高校生による研究発表最優秀賞を受賞して 「群馬県菅沼におけるシグナルザリガニの分布と付着生物から見るその由来」 https://t.co/1fCBNikQig
日本水産学会誌 vol.88 - 令和4年度春季大会 高校生による研究発表最優秀賞を受賞して 「共生ハゼとテッポウエビ類の共生関係について part2」 https://t.co/IVRQHyJfy7
日本水産学会誌 vol.88 - 3. デジタル操業日誌システムを活用したズワイガニの資源保護 https://t.co/bwvhXBJlPz

6 0 0 0 OA 新刊書紹介

有山啓之会員による著書「ヨコエビガイドブック」の書評が「日本水産学会誌」に掲載されています。評者は青木優和会員です。 https://t.co/0e3BPEswNR
Crustacean Research vol.51 - Grub fish Parapercis sexfasciata (Temminck &amp; Schlegel, 1843) (Perciformes: Pinguipedidae), the second non-serranid host record for a marine fish parasite Lernaeenicus ramosus Kirtisinghe, 1956 (Copepoda: Pennellidae) https://t.co/mwRYCybwkV
Crustacean Research vol.51 - Mating and burrow plugging behavior of Cardisoma carnifex on the Iriomote-jima Island in Japan https://t.co/kwnmYhtD4l
BNMNS vol.48(4) - Crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Seas of East and Southeast Asia Collected by the RV Hakuhō Maru (KH-72-1 Cruise) 4. South China Sea 南シナ海のカニ類 https://t.co/Y4ZZEv5M3T
Crustacean Research vol.51 - Temperature tolerance of juveniles of two mud crab species, Scylla paramamosain and Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) https://t.co/qrhtXuueHJ
Crustacean Research vol.51 - Genetic differentiation in Palaemon septemtrionalis between populations of two rivers examined by newly developed short tandem repeat markers https://t.co/SsS73bpUuH

2 0 0 0 OA CANCER投稿規定

CANCER vol.31 - CANCER投稿規定 https://t.co/fPT2JDJKFj ※最新版です。熟読のうえ、よく推敲されてからご投稿ください。

1 0 0 0 OA 会報

CANCER vol.31 - 会報 https://t.co/hHT9yddLHk ※2021年度大会の報告、演題など
CANCER vol.31 - 釧路市千代ノ浦マリンパークより得られた等脚目甲殻類ソメワケウミセミの分類学的問題点と飼育技法 https://t.co/sohVtLypQ8
CANCER vol.31 - 砂浜海岸波打ち際で観察されたスナガニOcypode stimpsoniの幼生放出時の行動 https://t.co/zwZpNSHb29
CANCER vol.31 - 駿河湾から採集されたトゲトゲオナシグソクムシ(等脚目:ウオノエ亜目:オナシグソクムシ科) https://t.co/UKX8wOaAvZ
CANCER vol.31 - 沖永良部島初記録のドウクツベンケイガニ https://t.co/wKvySRAdEp
CANCER vol.31 - 福井県と京都府からのヨコヤアナジャコの記録 https://t.co/FRshk22wOE
CANCER vol.31 - 日本甲殻類学会若手の会第3回自由集会オンライン開催の報告 https://t.co/SND6egmyfd
CANCER vol.31 - #書評 ヨコエビガイドブック 有山啓之[著]#海文堂出版 https://t.co/L2qHUK1mRb
CANCER vol.31 - #書評 新・動物記5 カニの歌を聴け 竹下文雄[著]#京都大学学術出版会 https://t.co/SIf0ynOICG
CANCER vol.31 - イサベラサンゴヤドカリ(十脚目:異尾下目:ヤドカリ科)の日本初記録 キーワード: Ogasawara Islands, new to Japan, hermit crab, #Diogenidae, Calcinus isabellae https://t.co/FkJYKKgPAz
CANCER vol.31 - 沖縄島から採集されたオオメオウギガニ属(新称)(十脚目:短尾下目:オウギガニ科)の2種について キーワード: #Tweedieia, #Xanthidae, Distinguishing character, Japan https://t.co/wpz8wTsa2T
CANCER vol.31 - ヨツハモガニ Pugettia quadridens (De Haan, 1837) の北海道函館湾からの初記録 キーワード: Pugettia quadridens, kelp crab, Hokkaido, distribution https://t.co/Dqffsd3YSU
CANCER vol.31 - 関東地方から129年ぶりの記録となるハシボソテッポウエビ キーワード: alpheid shrimp, easternmost record, endangered species, estuary, muddy tidal flat, rediscovery https://t.co/R86oVhwI5b
CANCER vol.31 - コスジエボシが着生したナンヨウスナガニのメガロパ幼生 キーワード: megalopa, Ocypode, molecular analysis, COI, Conchoderma https://t.co/RQNxz7geSU
JUST PUBLISHED Crustacean Research vol.51 - First record of the maternal care behavior of a “rhizarian rider,”Phronimopsis spinifera Claus, 1879 (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea), in association with Aulosphaera sp. (Rhizaria, Cercozoa, Phaeodaria, Aulosphaeridae) https://t.co/O3FeFZpqco
CANCER vol.31 - サヨリHyporhamphus sajori(ダツ目:サヨリ科)に寄生するサッパノギンカAnilocra clupei(等脚目:ウオノエ科)のエガトイド幼体 キーワード: aegathoid stage, Anilocra clupei, fish parasite ほか https://t.co/rxKJAqqKgU
CANCER vol.31 - 日本初記録の2種を含む日向灘産深海性十脚類4種の報告 キーワード: #Pandalidae, #Chirostylidae, #Munidopsidae, #Xanthidae, first record, Miyazaki Prefecture https://t.co/qB89JNgvW5
CANCER vol.31 - 河川水温が両側回遊性コエビ類個体群の越冬に与える影響 キーワード: river water temperature, amphidromous, overwintering, #Atyidae, #Macrobrachium https://t.co/Ufy6F4MSDM
CANCER vol.31 - カブトヤドカリとモンバンイソギンチャクの共生継続様式(2021年度日本甲殻類学会・学会賞受賞論文研究紹介) https://t.co/G4eg18sB2Z
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- A new species of Eosamon (Crustacea, Brachyura, Potamidae) described from Bokor, Cambodia https://t.co/asaQpx53qf
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- First record of the maternal care behavior of a “rhizarian rider,”Phronimopsis spinifera Claus, 1879 (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea), in association with Aulosphaera sp. (Rhizaria, Cercozoa, Phaeodaria, Aulosphaeridae) https://t.co/O3FeFZ7ONO
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Effect of pairing periods on mating and spawning success of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda: Cambaridae) under laboratory conditions https://t.co/RMIT6zQfaN
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Occurrence of Salmincola edwardsii (Olsson, 1869) and Salmincola markewitschi Shedko & Shedko, 2002 (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) on stream-dwelling salmonids in eastern Hokkaido ... https://t.co/yc4e1n7jBr
J-STAGE Articles - The Petalophthalmidae (Crustacea: Mysida) of the ANDEEP I–III expeditions to the Antarctic deep sea, with description of a new species and first record of photophores in mysids https://t.co/m5dL1OiwxO
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Morphological description and molecular barcoding of the aegathoid stage of Nerocila japonica Schioedte & Meinert, 1881 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) infesting red seabream Pagrus major (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843) https://t.co/4ow0boxcFO
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- First specimen-based record of the freshwater crab Geothelphusa dehaani (White, 1847) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae) in Hokkaido, northern Japan https://t.co/M8qYhbr8Tn
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Argulus matuii (Branchiura: Argulidae) parasitic on yellowfin seabream Acanthopagrus latus in Japan, with a note on the body coloration in an ethanol-preserved argulid specimen https://t.co/YOaSTQd8Dp
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Burrow utilization by the Japanese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica in the clay sediment of a freshwater river of Kyushu, Japan https://t.co/McCrD6wkCm
Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Lernaeenicus ramosus (Copepoda: Pennellidae) parasitic on a perchlet, Chelidoperca hirundinacea (Perciformes: Serranidae), in Suruga Bay, central Japan, with a note on the first record of the copepod from a serranine fish https://t.co/IvKgyFrQaX
Article recently published from Crustacean Research vol.51 --- Size at sexual maturity of male Lucensosergia lucens (Decapoda: Sergestidae) in Suruga Bay, Japan https://t.co/mDHEa77c3N
RT @Species_Divers: Redescription of Argulus mongolianus (Crustacea: Branchiura: Argulidae), an Ectoparasite of Freshwater Fishes in East A…
RT @Species_Divers: First Description of Phyllosoma Larva in the Genus Projasus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palinuridae) #plankton #phyllosoma #S…
RT @Species_Divers: First host record of Ceratothoa oxyrrhynchaena (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) infesting the serranid fish, Sacura margaritacea…
Naruse, T. & Uyeno, D. (2021) Catoptrus lavicolus, a new species of swimming crab (Crustacea, Brachyura, Portunidae) from shallow subtidal lava rock field at Sakurajima, an active volcano in Kagoshima, southern Japan. Crustacean Research 50: 107-118. https://t.co/gwv1HAWCyn
Do you know a paper on POSTLARVA OF PENTACHELES LAEVIS FROM SURUGA BAY by Konishi et al. released from #CrustaceanResearch ? OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/uttozgAq2d 2020.12.24
Do you know a paper on INVASIVE SHRIMP DETECTION USING ENVIRONMENTAL DNA by Hiraoka et al. released from #CrustaceanResearch ? OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/2pGSMxSws3 2020.12.24
You can read a paper on REPRODUCTION OF PETROLISTHES JAPONICUS by Hamasaki et al. released from #CrustaceanResearch OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/ofepzJtxGz 2021.02.23
You can read a paper on MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF THE AEGATHOID STAGE OF ANILOCRA CLUPEI by Fujita et al. released from #CrustaceanResearch OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/1UqtgQe6QR 2021.04.02
You can read a paper on ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS AFFECTING INVASIVE SHRIMP DISTRIBUTION by Onuki released from #CrustaceanResearch OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/m6lqmYrGVy 2021.04.01
You can read a paper on LARVAL ECOLOGY OF ATYID SHRIMP by Kondo et al. released from #CrustaceanResearch OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/IJ1AcEz4vC 2021.04.01
A paper on A NEW GENUS AND NEW SPECIES OF CRAB FROM VIETNAM by Ng has just released from #CrustaceanResearch Please check!! OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/gd9dALDn8l 2021.06.25


A paper on A NEW GENUS AND NEW SPECIES OF CRAB FROM VIETNAM by Ng has just released from #CrustaceanResearch Please check!! OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/gd9dALDn8l 2021.06.25

