East Asian Library UTL (@EastAsianLib)


#JapaneseStudies series: Famous Places, People, and Social Customs on Paper ℹ Exploring the scenes illustrated on boards for sugoroku, board games that use dice Places
#JapaneseStudies series: Famous Places, People, and Social Customs on Paper ℹ Exploring the scenes illustrated on boards for sugoroku, board games that use dice Places
#JapaneseStudies series: Famous Places, People, and Social Customs on Paper ℹ Exploring the scenes illustrated on boards for sugoroku, board games that use dice Places

93 0 0 0 OA 満洲写真帖

National Congressional Library, Japan -- 滿洲寫真帖 http://t.co/VkVm9O6ohj


Take a look at Hiroshige's beautifully illustrated scenes of Mt. Fuji from 36 perspectives! https://t.co/HSQL3YtEAI #ndldigital https://t.co/zcc0b8ctZH
A lithograph artist, Oda Kazuma (1882-1956), depicted urban nights. In the first picture, two girls wearing #kimono are looking at the Kamogawa River. The third one shows street stalls. #ndldigital https://t.co/v8NGnSMHSA https://t.co/41ROWtSTzZ
Children in the Edo period studied at small elementary schools called terakoya. Here is a picture where pupils are comparing their skills in calligraphy. https://t.co/ZyYPtAA9yC https://t.co/AEZuSFzNiN
Beware of the kotofurunushi, a monster which haunts the koto, a traditional Japanese instrument! #ndldigital https://t.co/jaMKo5jl9y https://t.co/CYL1O3lgGQ
Not exactly what you might expect: a scrap book of business cards from the Edo period: https://t.co/vSo3DY5svE #ndldigital https://t.co/Q4yqlhfoH4
Traces of censorship by the Japanese government before WWII can be found in these periodicals: https://t.co/MybqHUFdZt https://t.co/cUCbZujGY8
"Narumikata―The beauty of ancient design" introduces a collection of old Japanese designs from a wide variety of sources including treasures of Horyu-ji Temple and Shosoin, dyeing and weaving works, crafts and buildings. #ndldigital https://t.co/ZkVzNMvKLy https://t.co/qzgxEXlk2q
Have you ever played #shogi, Japanese chess? This ukiyo-e, published in 1860, depicts a battle between personified shogi pieces. https://t.co/JA4lrPluqU https://t.co/BeTEqO9eO1
Are you interested in #JapaneseCastle? Here are maps of castles collected during the mid to late Edo period. https://t.co/z1E7hqu4uH https://t.co/k0QAEshYwy

7 0 0 0 OA 水産俗字集

Look at the many different names for crabs (kani), more than 30 names! This book, published in 1887, collected different names made of different Chinese characters used in different regions of Japan for the same marine products. #ndldigital https://t.co/YVCc8iGIU1 https://t.co/5zsPBISTk0
Kawabiraki, a seasonal event of summer, was one of the most exciting event for people in the Edo period. Ryogoku kawabiraki was also famous for its beautiful fireworks, known as the Sumidagawa Fireworks today. #ndldigital https://t.co/qdCqSuDY6T https://t.co/XNABnLQEs3
#Ryogoku Bridge in summer, crowded with people. This is from a two-volume hand-colored woodblock print by Tsuruoka Rosui, #ukiyoe artist, that depicts the east and west banks of the #SumidaRiver #ndldigital https://t.co/3Ec2CYtwpQ https://t.co/VYyzCXnyW2

57 0 0 0 OA 朝顔三十六花撰

Have you heard that there are many varieties of #morningglories? This is an illustrated book of morning glories, which depicts many variegated morning glories with strangely shaped flowers and leaves. https://t.co/e7anFinkp9 https://t.co/IPoTAntYp2

57 0 0 0 OA 海獸圖

A sketch of an earless seal which strayed into paddy fields along the Japanese coast in 1833. A number of people gathered to see this curious animal. #ndldigital https://t.co/VGzZ9B6Xv8 https://t.co/mF696RcGFT

64 0 0 0 OA 金魚養玩草

This is the first manual for keeping goldfish written in Japanese, published in the Edo era. It explains the features of goldfish, their history, how to take care of them, and how to treat their diseases. #ndldigital https://t.co/xQny3dC8xe https://t.co/UTyNLdRfoh
"Quiz―700 answers to questions on things Japanese" was first published in 1948, shortly after foreign tourists first began to visit postwar Japan. https://t.co/E2BE3o6zJ2 https://t.co/rZobw3M5oA
Guess what difficulties there were when installing a pipe organ in Japan in the 1920's, when pipe organs were not yet well known? Read this article to learn more. https://t.co/XbyJ0xqPxb https://t.co/hP4R6t1u7e

34 0 0 0 OA (表紙)

A series of #yokai paintings by #ukiyoe artist #TsukiokaYoshitoshi, who had a lifelong passion for yokai paintings. You can see his masterpieces created in his last years at #ndldigital https://t.co/9rEClNehjc https://t.co/OxXlAThSCa

10 0 0 0 OA 奥之細道

These images are of Yosa Buson's transcription of Matsuo Bashō’s Oku no Hosomichi. Matsuo started writing a travel diary in 1689 and finished in 1694. Buson transcribed Matsuo’s text and added his own illustrations. Replica, in 2 vols. #ndldigital https://t.co/wF9jckr1zV https://t.co/G0mInnLSf3
Learn about the history of robots and how they evolved: https://t.co/hyMMKEHyEc #ndldigital https://t.co/5gmEcQocwc
#YoshuChikanobu created a sugoroku, or Japanese board game, with the motif of Chiarini's circus in 1886. #nishikie #ndldigital https://t.co/z3XewBOsDO https://t.co/cwNOTIWDFF
One vassal of the Shogun planned a get-rich-quick scheme by exploiting a bird. Read this article to get the full story. #ndldigital https://t.co/Rw94cgBTAz https://t.co/Hcfwsar69z
Horikiri is a famous place for #shobu (sweet flags) in Tokyo. #Hiroshige depicted their beautiful violet flowers at the beginning of summer. #ndldigital https://t.co/WWWnoaPBeo https://t.co/tLChIK6Z41

19 0 0 0 OA 大日本物産圖會

Early summer is the season to pick fresh tea leaves in Japan! Here is a #nishikie depicting #TeaPicking in #Uji, #Kyoto. Learn more about famous products around Japan in Meiji era at https://t.co/ba5amv0AE8 #ndldigital https://t.co/0QwMRF8hfA

17 0 0 0 OA 家庭染色法

Look at various techniques of Japanese dyeing. DIY book published in 1940. #ndldigital https://t.co/sgpMs2mGoz https://t.co/zuf82gIpkF

35 0 0 0 OA アイヌ物語

"Ainu Monogatari" by TAKEKUMA Tokusaburo (1896-1951), the first book on Ainu written by a native Ainu. John Batchelor, an Anglican missionary, wrote the preface. #Ainu https://t.co/yfKvjBpBR9 https://t.co/waXnNpnksY

33 0 0 0 OA 翻車考

Ocean #sunfish attracted a lot of interest because of their unique looks. This book was created by KURIMOTO Tanshu, a Shogunate doctor and naturalist in the Edo period. https://t.co/5HgHPui03v https://t.co/PB1eMyBFVQ

13 0 0 0 OA 紅型 : 古琉球

Exhibition catalogue of #bingata, a traditional dyeing technique in #Okinawa.The characteristic charm of bingata is its vivid colors, bold color schemes, and the simplicity of its figures. #ndldigital https://t.co/Lhf1kWBi1f https://t.co/B53u28RIsz
“Tokaidochu hizakurige,” a comic novel by Jippensha Ikku, features Yajirobei and Kitahachi, a hilarious pair of commoners travelling from Edo to Kyoto on the Tokaido. Ikku drew illustrations for this excerpt of the novel. #ndldigital https://t.co/F9IBIONcMA https://t.co/D1g53OuXym
Take a look at these nishiki-e illustrations from newspapers in the late 19th century, featuring bizarre stories cited from major newspapers. #ndldigital https://t.co/huQwo4E0k2 https://t.co/2H4M6O8ROd
This artwork by Kitagawa Utamaro depicts the scene of a shell-matching game. The inside of each shell carries an exquisite little picture of a subject such as birds, flowering plants or scenes from the Tale of Genji or the Tales of Ise. #ndldigital https://t.co/kpvSIkdJNK https://t.co/AsUEa2jCPi

10 0 0 0 OA 花咲爺

Do you know a Japanese folk tale of an old man who made withered trees blossom? You can read the whole story in English at the National Diet Library Digital collections. #ndldigital https://t.co/AiDduAB0mP https://t.co/g1uIpNoME4
This piece by Kobayashi Kiyochika, famous as one of the last ukiyo-e artists of the Meiji era, is a series of woodblock prints depicting scenic landscapes from throughout Japan. #ndldigital https://t.co/SCQAQQcReT https://t.co/5dSJs8hEpi
The koto is a major element of traditional Japanese music. Find stories of koto and koto music. #ndldigital https://t.co/jaMKo5jl9y https://t.co/E4CJ79s9wV

38 0 0 0 OA 食道楽

Cooking and love story - a Meiji-era bestseller novel by Murai Gensai, introducing more than 500 cuisines including Western ones like curry. This picture shows the well-equipped kitchen of #OkumaShigenobu. https://t.co/Es6URBuv22 https://t.co/JnTHCRsjy9

22 0 0 0 OA 寺社境内名物集

Various laid-back #mascots and unique #souvenirs of local temples and shrines across Japan. Which one do you like the best? #ndldigital https://t.co/Mf5LkADhTz https://t.co/ns7w27vCZo

17 0 0 0 OA 文芸美術漫画

The lives of writers were made into a #sugoroku (Japanese board game) by Okamoto Ippei, a famous manga artist. The goal is having their works published as complete works. Published in 1930. #ndldigital https://t.co/oLszS4nciZ https://t.co/IZQ0r7FVLN
This artwork by Kobayashi Kiyochika depicts Shinkyo, the "sacred bridge," in deep snow. It serves as a gateway to the historical landmarks that comprise the Shrines and Temples of Nikko World Heritage Site. #ndldigital https://t.co/SCQAQQcReT https://t.co/KZIjjTNBA3

7 0 0 0 OA 彩画職人部類

A picture book focused on #artisans by #TachibanaMinko depicts 28 artisans of the #Edo period, such as umbrella makers, carpenters, inkstone carvers, washi paper craftsmen, and more. #ndldigital https://t.co/Inzs0uLUsE https://t.co/GZWemYVsJq
Tokiwa Gozen, a beautiful and beloved concubine of Minamoto no Yoshitomo, chief of the Minamoto Clan, was running away from the enemy with her 3 boys, including the baby Ushiwaka, in a heavy snow storm. #Nishikie by #MizunoToshikata #ndldigital https://t.co/DT0lvFp6jf https://t.co/uF6oYhzfx6

15 0 0 0 OA 十二月遊ひ 2巻

This picture scroll from the early Edo period depicts events of the year and seasonal games in Kyoto. In the picture for January, children are playing vigorously, hitting a ball with a broom and a toy called a buriburi. #ndldigital https://t.co/A11wugut1n https://t.co/BsA9sasVyv
The Boy Who Cried Wolf. "Tsuzoku Issopu Monogatari," a translation of #AesopsFables, was published in 1875 with illustrations by #KawanabeKyosai and other eminent painters of the early Meiji era. It became very popular. https://t.co/Lh6vatUSs3 #ndlditital https://t.co/2YaYwR8UZZ

