Taiji Noguchi (@NoguchiTaiji)


RT @J_Epidemi: Thank You Authors Campaign 2022: The Impact of Marital Transitions on Vegetable Intake in Middle-aged and Older Japanese Adu…
RT @Ikeda_springs: New paper out! This retrospective observational study using medical claims data in Japan examined the effect of early re…
Our new article has been published, Physical Therapy Research! Social vulnerability may also affect sleep quality. Association between Social Frailty and Sleep Quality among Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Cross-sectional Study https://t.co/p361qI6Sup
Our paper was published in the Journal of Epidemiology. The paper was published online a year ago. Association Between Second-hand Smoke Exposure and Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Adults: A Cross-sectional Study https://t.co/HBoju05Kh2
Our new paper has been published online in Journal of Epidemiology!! The impact of marital transitions on vegetable intake in middle-aged and older Japanese adults: a five-year longitudinal study https://t.co/7g54oHLnT7
The paper accepted last year has been published. This study examined the mental health effects of second-hand smoking. Association Between Second-hand Smoke Exposure and Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Adults: A Cross-sectional Study https://t.co/yeQw9Qlgf4


#J_Epidemi Thank You Authors! 2023: Association of Socioeconomic Status Assessed by Areal Deprivation With Cancer Incidence and Detection by Screening in Miyagi, Japan Between 2005 and 2010 Noriko Kaneko, et al. https://t.co/67lidbY4F1
#J_Epidemi Most viewed on J-Stage (September 2023): Association of social isolation and loneliness with chronic low back pain among older adults: A cross-sectional study from Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) Taiji Noguchi et al. https://t.co/ooRabdHCj2 @J_Epidemi https://t.co/8wlXZQe7jx
僕の筆頭著者論文「In-hospital rehabilitation therapy outcomes in community-acquired pneumonia adult Down’s Syndrome patients: A nationwide observational study」 が、Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine誌に早期公開されました。 https://t.co/xtRyy8Nsoj 以下、日本語による解説です: https://t.co/W5ifUh0CJx
英国にいる野口さん@NoguchiTaiji との共著がJE に早期掲載されましたー。 Association of social isolation and loneliness with chronic low back pain among older adults: A cross-sectional study from Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) https://t.co/fwumvQt37B https://t.co/yfFZcpd9rN
https://t.co/qsejPHDdJ7 社会参加とフレイル発症の関連をみた千葉大学の竹内さんの論文が早期公開されました。健康寿命延伸に向けたフレイル対策として、あらためて社会参加の重要性を示した論文です。社会関係学会で優秀賞を受賞した発表の論文化になります。竹内さん、おめでとうございます!
#J_Epidemi Advanced Publication: : Can ChatGPT be considered an author of a medical article? Kazuki Ide et al. https://t.co/oklFF0e8ND With an Editorial by Atsushi Goto, Kota Katanoda Should we acknowledge ChatGPT as an author? https://t.co/msKm3l9vhg @J_Epidemi
#J_Epidemi Advanced Publication: : Can ChatGPT be considered an author of a medical article? Kazuki Ide et al. https://t.co/oklFF0e8ND With an Editorial by Atsushi Goto, Kota Katanoda Should we acknowledge ChatGPT as an author? https://t.co/msKm3l9vhg @J_Epidemi
Thank You Authors Campaign 2022: The Impact of Marital Transitions on Vegetable Intake in Middle-aged and Older Japanese Adults: A 5-year Longitudinal Study Noguchi, T, et al. https://t.co/5b6CWJvOdX #JE_ThankYouAuthors2022
千葉県長柄町が、長柄町版CCRCで「スポーツ・健康まちづくり優良自治体」として表彰されていました。わずかばかりですが、データ分析で関われたことを誇らしく思います。https://t.co/nzakZtbI3N 「スポまち!長官表彰2022」開催事後レポート https://t.co/rIjsqqX6qV via @PRTIMES_JP
New paper out! This retrospective observational study using medical claims data in Japan examined the effect of early rehab on ADLs in in-hospital patients with vertebral compression fracture. Free access to our article :https://t.co/QOi9f3c8HY
生きがい意識尺度(Ikigai–9) 生きがい(reason for living)を9つの質問項目で聴取する 英語版も存在 https://t.co/AJqHiOBhzC https://t.co/N46t8KauvS
The final version of our tutorial paper on propensity score methods is now available online. https://t.co/Fm8fgzJe3o https://t.co/73rlfmXuND
I am pleased to share our new tutorial paper on propensity score methods. We compared identifiably assumptions, modeling decisions, and causal estimand of the alternative PS-based methods and multivariable outcome regression. https://t.co/B99dL38vsR
Combined Effect of Marriage and Education on Mortality: A Cross-national Study of Older Japanese and Finnish Men and Women Tami Saito, Tuula Oksanen, Kokoro Shirai, Takeo Fujiwara (@takeo_fujiwara), Jaana Pentti and Jussi Vahtera https://t.co/Zl2skHfvtf https://t.co/cLfiFClFiD
Association Between Second-hand Smoke Exposure and Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Adults: A Cross-sectional Study https://t.co/jBRNeVnexV

