國森由美子 (@YumikoKunimori)



1795 0 0 0 OA さんたくろう

なんか、おもしろいものを見つけた。その名も『面白い日本歴史のお話 明治・大正篇』https://t.co/cBOhayQPnp

2 0 0 0 OA さくらづくし


13 0 0 0 OA 不如帰



新型コロナウイルス感染症の蔓延は、当館のサービスにも大きな影響を及ぼしました。2020年から2022年までの期間の様々な変化を振り返ります。 https://t.co/r06lIo9fmi #国立国会図書館月報 745(2023年5月)号 https://t.co/kwkG8iWiny
英訳版「しっぺい太郎」の表紙です。人身御供となった娘のかわりに籠に入り、化け猫の様子をうかがうしっぺい太郎・・・。しっぺい太郎が化け猫を倒す構成は、歌舞伎の影響もあるようです。詳しくは→横山泰子氏の「化け猫、海を渡る」『浮世絵芸術』152号、2006年https://t.co/7Gjr9JLA6F https://t.co/yPI6GcSzlF
@YumikoKunimori 「小さい/大きい」というより「短い/長い」のようです。οは短音、ωは長音だそうです。 下のリンクはなぜか(日本)国立情報研究所サイトにある376ページもの文法書。PDFのp. 18に発音について書いてあります。 https://t.co/XxEb8cNzxN
面白い… 「『日葡辞書』が語る食の風景(1) https://t.co/pvK61J723W
This series of #nishikie depicts how people in the Edo period survived the heat of summer by using wisdom and wit. Here you can even see the prototype of a rotary fan. #ukiyoe #ndldigital https://t.co/SfauX3SUZ6 https://t.co/vE5BwQA4MD
In Japan, from ancient times, collecting beautiful shells and decorating them with poems has been an elegant pastime. This is a beautiful work featuring shells with art and poems by Kitagawa Utamaro. #ndldigital https://t.co/kpvSIjVAzC https://t.co/qlGCHZFJP2
Find lovely birds and flowers in Ikiutsushi shijuhachi taka, containing 48 woodblock prints. #ndldigital https://t.co/34nNgyabBd https://t.co/eRpdRwxAl3

63 0 0 0 OA 内外野菜圖

Looks delicious! A variety of #vegetables from a picture book published by a Japanese government-operated nursery company in the late 19th century. Find more at #ndldigital https://t.co/wnOIsMTnmh https://t.co/3ZxxljJlp0
Learn about the history of Japanese picture books, from picture scrolls of yesteryear to modern children's books! #ndldigital https://t.co/BRvTt2kJIf https://t.co/LTS61YoOKC
Terrifying or humorous? This #sugoroku features colorful pictures of yokai—monsters from Japanese folk tales. #ndldigital https://t.co/6dL0kU0kOQ https://t.co/VpJfYmziON
So, how about you? Have you ever written a love letter? Read this article about expressing romance in words. https://t.co/ZKCWdY8fH0 https://t.co/ZuTVoT91zj

16 0 0 0 OA 新板植木つくし

#Omochae (toy pictures) are #ukiyoe prints designed for children to learn about daily life while playing. Here are some examples of toy pictures that depict collections of the same types of things. #ndldigital https://t.co/dr1R77qaea https://t.co/xqWMoC1Tu2

26 0 0 0 OA 草木写生

In the Edo period, #JapaneseGardening evolved in a unique way. Check out these beautiful pictures. #ndldigital https://t.co/DonP5kBDai https://t.co/aqwz6kNo3N

7 0 0 0 OA 來禽圖彙

A picture book by #ukiyoe artist KITAO Masayoshi, which featured combinations of imported birds and Japanese flowers and trees. He made extensive use of techniques such as tonal shading and wiping to blur the background. #ndldigital https://t.co/MKutENZJgG https://t.co/ki2vX1EaXr
Explore records of earthquake disasters in the NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/PJFRp8Jrnw #ndldigital https://t.co/3jq5UQOcma
The first Japanese translation of Origin of Species is available on NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/GTEa2GcYQE #ndldigital https://t.co/4ybfDaGhnL
One of the sugoroku boards inspired by JIPPENSHA Ikku’s Tokaidochu hizakurige. Each square depicts a specific scene of the novel so you can follow its plot. #ndldigital https://t.co/XmWY4IK3Fv https://t.co/iskG6CV0pg

17 0 0 0 OA ニャンコちゃん

A short story about cute kittens. They were scolded in the end, but what mischief did they do? See their story at the NDL Digital Collections. #ChildrensBook #ndldigital https://t.co/onQBerqlic https://t.co/gCrPynxOyG
「雪だるま」ってなんで「だるま」なのかなって思ってたんですが、江戸時代には本当に雪でだるまを作ってました。https://t.co/Z1sa0dpEtZ https://t.co/Lz6vhNvN7D

6 0 0 0 OA 読本物語

なぜこのカップリングをチョイスしてしまったのか https://t.co/Vsjo0BTaW1 https://t.co/TD63f6g2HC
@YumikoKunimori これなのでしょうか? https://t.co/qBxZAeMlNf 楽譜なんですね。私には読みこなせそうにありません。

