小園 亜希 諌見 圭佑 塩田 喜美子 津曲 恭一 永野 真久 井上 大奨 安達 るい 平木 洋一 中川 義浩 神村 英利 山道 研
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.5, pp.769-776, 2016 (Released:2016-05-01)

Falls are common in elderly patients and are often serious. Several drugs have been associated with an increased risk of fall. Older adults often take multiple drugs for chronic diseases, and thus may be at increased risk from drugs associated with fall. We investigated the association between drug use and falling in hospitalized older people, with the goal of identifying medications that may increase the risk of a fall. A retrospective case control study was performed at the National Hospital Organization Kumamoto Saishunso Hospital in Japan. Medications taken by patients who fell (n=57) were compared with those taken by patients who did not fall (n=63). The median age (interquartile range; IQR) of the fall and non-fall groups were 75.0 (67.0-83.0) and 80.0 (70.3-84.5) years, respectively. The characteristics of the two groups were similar, with no significant differences in age, sex, or body weight. The probability of falling increased when the patients used zolpidem [odds ratio (OR)=2.47; 95%CI: 1.09-5.63; p<0.05] and calcium channel antagonists (OR=0.299; 95%CI: 0.13-0.68; p<0.01), and was also related to physical factors (OR=2.27; 95%CI: 1.01-5.09; p<0.05). Elderly patients taking zolpidem may fall due to sleepiness, and blood pressure control may be important to prevent orthostatic high blood pressure. In the treatment of elderly people, medical staff should try to choose drugs that prevent fall or are not associated with falling.
中村 智美 石倉 宏恭 中野 貴文 仲村 佳彦 神村 英利
一般社団法人 日本臨床救急医学会
日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13450581)
vol.21, no.4, pp.589-596, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-09-01)

播種性血管内凝固症候群(DIC)治療薬の遺伝子組み換えヒト可溶性トロンボモジュリン(rTM)の急性腎障害(AKI)患者への至適用量を検討した。rTM を1日1回380U/kgまたは130U/kgで投与したDIC合併AKI患者129例を対象とし,持続的血液濾過透析(CHDF)の有無およびrTMの投与量別に,有効性・安全性を評価した。DIC離脱率は,CHDFを施行しなかった患者群ではrTMの用量による違いはなかったが,CHDF施行群では380U/kg群のほうが高い傾向であった(p=0.050)。出血率はCHDFの有無およびrTMの用量間で差はなかった。以上より,AKI合併DIC患者にはrTM 130U/kgと380U/kgで有効性,安全性に差はないものの,CHDF施行時には380U/kg投与によりDIC離脱の可能性が高まることが示唆された。
進 健司 小林 大介 川尻 雄大 牛島 悠一 梅田 勇一 金澤 康範 神村 英利 島添 隆雄
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.2, pp.317-325, 2019-02-01 (Released:2019-02-01)

Psychiatric treatment is shifting from hospital to ambulatory care. It is important that pharmacists positively support outpatients. Pharmacist-led interviews with outpatients have been conducted in the psychiatric department of Iizuka Hospital before examination by the doctor since 2015. Few studies in this field have reported about the effect of the pharmacist-led interviews using subjective evaluation of outpatients prior to examination by doctors. The aim of this study was to reveal this effect by the evaluation of outpatients. We conducted a questionnaire survey. More than 80% of the patients responded that it was “Good” to have an interview with the pharmacist prior to examination by the doctor. Moreover, 71.7% of the patients were “Satisfied” with the pharmacist-led interview, while 81.7% of them responded to “Agree” about continuing the interview in the future. Patients who were satisfied and wished to continue the pharmacist-led interviews were more likely to report better rapport with the doctor as well, in comparison to the patients who answered negatively. Furthermore, the patients who answered “Satisfied” were significantly less likely to forget reporting to the doctor than those who answered negatively. The pharmacist-led interviews in the psychiatric department were appreciated by the patients. In conclusion, pharmacists can facilitate communication between patients and doctors through these interviews. These results indicate that the pharmacist-led interview before the doctor examination is a useful effort from the perspective of outpatients.
中野 貴文 中村 智美 仲村 佳彦 入江 圭一 佐藤 啓介 松尾 宏一 今給黎 修 緒方 憲太郎 三島 健一 神村 英利
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.137, no.7, pp.909-916, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-07-01)
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Warfarin (WF) shows a number of interactions with other drugs, which alter its anticoagulant effects. The albumin binding interaction is one such pharmacokinetic mechanism of drug interaction with WF, which induces a rise in the free WF concentration and thus increases the risk of WF toxicity. Teicoplanin (TEIC) is an anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus drug, which also binds strongly to albumin in the plasma. Therefore, co-administration of TEIC may displace WF from the albumin binding site, and possibly result in a toxicity. The present study was performed to investigate the drug-drug interaction between WF and TEIC in comparison with controls treated with vancomycin (VCM), which has the same spectrum of activity as TEIC but a lower albumin binding ratio.The records of 49 patients treated with WF and TEIC or VCM at Fukuoka University Hospital between 2010 and 2015 were retrospectively reviewed. These 49 patients consisted of 18 treated with TEIC in combination with WF, while 31 received VCM in combination with WF. Prothrombin time-international normalized ratio (PT-INR) showed a significant increase of 80.9 (52.0-155.3) % after co-administration of TEIC with WF. In contrast, the rate of PT-INR elevation associated with VCM plus WF was 30.6 (4.5-44.1) %. These observations suggested that TEIC can cause a rise in free WF concentration by albumin binding interaction. Therefore, careful monitoring of PT-INR elevation is necessary in patients receiving WF plus TEIC.
清水 星香 江口 幸臣 森脇 典弘 中野 貴文 池内 忠宏 兼重 晋 神村 英利

【目的】現在,福岡大学病院でのEnterococcus faecium(E. faecium)感染症に対するバンコマイシン(VCM)の投与は,メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MRSA)感染症に対する投与方法を基に設計されている。しかしながら,E.faecium感染症に対するVCMの有効性および安全性を評価する指標は検討されていない。そこで、E. faecium菌血症に対するVCMの適切な投与方法を後方視的に検討するため,薬物血中濃度と有効性、安全性の関連を調査した。【方法】2010年4月~2020年12月に血液培養でE. faeciumが分離された患者のうち,VCMが投与された症例を対象とした。有効性の指標は,体温,白血球数,C-reaticve protein値とし,改善かつE. faeciumが消失した場合を有効と判定した。一方,安全性の指標は,血清クレアチニン値の変化量とした。VCMのarea under the blood concentration-time curve(AUC)およびE. faeciumに対するminimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)を用いてAUC/MICを算出し,治療成績との関連を調査した。AUCはVCMのトラフ濃度を基にTDM解析ソフトウェアを用いて算出した。【結果】E. faecium感染症に対してVCMが使用された32例のうち,発熱がみられなかった4例とVCM血中濃度測定が未実施であった1例を除いた27例を対象とした。対象患者のうち,5例が有効と判定された。有効例のうち,4例はAUC/MICが1000以上であり,このうち2例に腎障害がみられた。【考察】本研究によりVCMのE. faecium菌血症に対するPK/PD指標としてAUC/MIC≧1000が必要である可能性が示された。一方で,高用量のVCMによる腎障害のリスクを考慮する必要があり,TDMの重要性が示唆された。