鈴木 彩加 スズキ アヤカ Suzuki Ayaka
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 社会学・人間学・人類学研究室
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
vol.34, pp.23-38, 2013-03-31

現代の日本社会において、草の根レベルの保守運動が活発化している。1990 年代後半には「新しい歴史教科書をつくる会」によって歴史修正主義に基づく中学校歴史・公民教科書の制作と採択運動が行われた。2000 年代前半になると、保守系諸団体によって男女共同参画反対運動が行われ、行政に大きな影響を与えた。これらの草の根保守運動は、市民運動とも類似性をもつ草の根レベルの新しい保守運動として注目されている。その契機となったのが小熊英二・上野陽子(2003)による「つくる会」の実証研究である。しかし、草の根保守運動を対象にした実証研究はその後行われておらず、とくに社会的影響力の大きかった男女共同参画反対運動に関しては保守系団体がどのように人びとの支持を集めているかが明らかにされていない。そこで本稿では、全国的にみても男女共同参画反対運動が活発だった愛媛県の市民団体A 会を事例とし、保守系団体が男女共同参画を問題化し人びとの支持を集めることができた要因を提示した。分析と考察の結果、愛媛県の男女共同参画反対運動では「つくる会」歴史教科書運動では見られなかった保守系諸団体間のつながりが草の根レベルでも存在していること、そして“ 家族” に争点化することで女性会員の生活意識に訴えかけていることが明らかとなった。
鈴木 彩加
フォーラム現代社会学 (ISSN:13474057)
vol.16, pp.29-42, 2017 (Released:2018-06-13)

鈴木 彩加
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.1, pp.21-37,95, 2011-06-30 (Released:2015-05-13)

Conservatives and conservative associations have attacked the 1999 Basic Law for aGender-equal Society, whose aim was to correct gender discrimination and the gendergap from 2000. Today, this force is called “Backlash”, and is supported by housewivesat the grassroots. Are these women opposed to gender equality, and if so, why? Thispaper explores the reason why some housewives join the backlash, and examinesgender politics in that backlash. For this purpose, we analyze conservative discoursein magazines, newsletters of various associations, and communication magazines ofgrassroots movements. As a result of the analysis, we find the following two points. Firstly, while abstractarguments that regard the family as the foundation of society and of the state accountfor the vast majority of articles, housewives however emphasize individual experiences,such as communication among family members, housekeeping and child-raising.Secondly, conservative female intellectuals are observed to have two facets, that ofthe intellectual, and that of the housewife. They describe the stories of their ownexperiences in the family as a housewife, and also discuss their value from the point ofview of society and state. In conclusion, we examine the internal politics of the backlash. There are conflictingopinions between housewives and the mainstream of the backlash about the familymodel. However, the two facets of conservative female intellectuals conceal the conflict,and assume a pseudo-continuity between housewives’ individual experiences andconservative discourse.
鈴木 彩加 スズキ アヤカ Suzuki Ayaka
大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 社会学・人間学・人類学研究室
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
no.34, pp.23-38, 2013

現代の日本社会において、草の根レベルの保守運動が活発化している。1990 年代後半には「新しい歴史教科書をつくる会」によって歴史修正主義に基づく中学校歴史・公民教科書の制作と採択運動が行われた。2000 年代前半になると、保守系諸団体によって男女共同参画反対運動が行われ、行政に大きな影響を与えた。これらの草の根保守運動は、市民運動とも類似性をもつ草の根レベルの新しい保守運動として注目されている。その契機となったのが小熊英二・上野陽子(2003)による「つくる会」の実証研究である。しかし、草の根保守運動を対象にした実証研究はその後行われておらず、とくに社会的影響力の大きかった男女共同参画反対運動に関しては保守系団体がどのように人びとの支持を集めているかが明らかにされていない。そこで本稿では、全国的にみても男女共同参画反対運動が活発だった愛媛県の市民団体A 会を事例とし、保守系団体が男女共同参画を問題化し人びとの支持を集めることができた要因を提示した。分析と考察の結果、愛媛県の男女共同参画反対運動では「つくる会」歴史教科書運動では見られなかった保守系諸団体間のつながりが草の根レベルでも存在していること、そして" 家族" に争点化することで女性会員の生活意識に訴えかけていることが明らかとなった。Conservative movements are intensifying advertisement in erce con ict with progressive social movements in the contemporary Japanese society. In particular, Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform has taken action in terms of revisionism since late 1990s. Conservative groups have held protest movements against gender equality since early 2000, which resulted in drastic impact on the government. These conservative movements have received attention as new grass-roots conservative movements. Oguma and Ueno (2003) suggested that the contemporary conservative movements are similar to civil movements by analyzing Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform. However, eld research studies of these grass-roots conservative movements, especially the protest movements against gender equality have not followed after Oguma and Ueno. It is still an open question how the grass-roots conservative movements against gender equality gain support from people in grass-roots. In this paper, I aimed to develop discussion of the grass-roots conservative movements and to show what makes people get involved in the movements against gender equality. From the aspect of gender, I analyzed a case of a civil group against gender equality in a local city in Japan. Through the analysis and discussion, I showed that the conservative civil group mobilizes human resources from various conservative and religious groups to extend their social and political in uence and to campaign for increasing public awareness. Moreover, I found that the conservative group appeals the primitive consciousness of female participants by focusing on the topic of "family."
鈴木 彩加
フォーラム現代社会学 (ISSN:13474057)
vol.16, pp.29-42, 2017

鈴木 彩加
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.56, no.1, pp.21-37,95, 2011

Conservatives and conservative associations have attacked the 1999 Basic Law for aGender-equal Society, whose aim was to correct gender discrimination and the gendergap from 2000. Today, this force is called "Backlash", and is supported by housewivesat the grassroots. Are these women opposed to gender equality, and if so, why? Thispaper explores the reason why some housewives join the backlash, and examinesgender politics in that backlash. For this purpose, we analyze conservative discoursein magazines, newsletters of various associations, and communication magazines ofgrassroots movements. As a result of the analysis, we find the following two points. Firstly, while abstractarguments that regard the family as the foundation of society and of the state accountfor the vast majority of articles, housewives however emphasize individual experiences,such as communication among family members, housekeeping and child-raising.Secondly, conservative female intellectuals are observed to have two facets, that ofthe intellectual, and that of the housewife. They describe the stories of their ownexperiences in the family as a housewife, and also discuss their value from the point ofview of society and state. In conclusion, we examine the internal politics of the backlash. There are conflictingopinions between housewives and the mainstream of the backlash about the familymodel. However, the two facets of conservative female intellectuals conceal the conflict,and assume a pseudo-continuity between housewives' individual experiences andconservative discourse.
鈴木 彩加
年報人間科学 (ISSN:02865149)
no.30, pp.61-66, 2009

書評 : Anita Superson & Ann Cudd(eds.), "Theorizing Backlash : Philosophical Reflections on the Resistance to Feminism", Roman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2002