越智 良文 田嶋 敦 小池 由美 白勢 悠記 三谷 尚弘 森 向日留 末光 徳匡 松浦 拓人 鈴木 真
一般社団法人 日本周産期・新生児医学会
日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 (ISSN:1348964X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.124-127, 2020 (Released:2020-05-13)

大塚 康二 桂 一憲 三谷 尚弘 野添 大輔 田上 和麿 前川 絢子 菅原 登 加賀 敬子 平野 拓司
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.18, no.2, pp.153-158, 2023 (Released:2023-05-25)

悪性腫瘍に伴う悪性消化管閉塞(malignancy bowel obstruction: MBO)に対する治療としては,手術療法,消化管ステント留置,経鼻胃管や経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術,薬物療法などが知られている.酢酸オクトレオチドなどの薬物治療を行う場合は経口摂取ができなくなり,かつ持続点滴静注が必要となることから,患者のQuality of Life(QOL)を著しく低下させる.今回外科および緩和医療科を含めた多職種カンファレンスを行い慎重に検討を重ね,酢酸オクトレオチド持続投与中で低栄養のMBOの患者に対し審査腹腔鏡手術を行い,MBOの重症度や進行状況を把握することで緩和手術として小腸瘻造設術を選択し施行することができた.その結果,一時的に経口摂取が可能となり患者のQOLを改善させることができた.
三谷 尚澄
哲学論叢 (ISSN:0914143X)
no.32, pp.36-47, 2005

Kant's ethical thought has always been criticized for its rigoristic aspects. Bernard Williams's well-known "one thought too many" or "the righteous absurdity" argument can be counted as a contemporary variation of these unsympathetic attitudes toward Kant. Williams objects that Kantian conception of "impartiality" or "universal morality" alienates our commitments to the personal ideals or the deep attachments which we feel to our important others. The principal aim of this paper is to vindicate Kantian conception of autonomy from Williams's accusation. The fundamental thesis of this paper can be summarized as follows : (1) Following Gerald Dworkin's idea, it is pointed out that the concept of "autonomy" should be distinguished from that of "freedom". The latter refers to the situation that an agent is not restricted to behave as he wishes to at certain time and place, or, at a local level, while the former demands that the agent's life-plan should not be interfered with at a global level. The concept of autonomy requires that an agent should be allowed to be the author of his own life, in the sense that he could create his way of living according to his own planning. That is, for an agent to be autonomous, he should be allowed to pursue his own significant purposes, or, the purposes of his own valuing. (2) The structure of "freedom to the purposes of one's own valuing" can be interpreted to overlap with the structure of Kantian obligation, or, the theory of Kantian self-legislation. For, in order for an object of choice to be valuable, it has to be willed as an end of one's acting, or, has to be recognized as a normative object worth realizing, which implies that the value of object is conferred via the process of self-legislation, or, via the process of an agent's willing an object. In this sense, autonomous willing is functioning as a process of value construction. (3) From above, it can be inferred that values would cease to exist if we refused to accept the concept of autonomy as an inherent structure of our normative experience. We have no choice but to admit autonomy if we are to make any sense of our value experience. In this sense, autonomy need not be regarded as the source of alienation. Rather, it should be conceived as a necessary condition of our agency, that is, the central and inevitable structure of value from which all other values arise.
三谷 尚 井手 詩織
vol.2011-MUS-92, no.5, pp.1-3, 2011-10-04

楽曲に関連するフーリエ・スペクトルを求めるために、一旦、相関関数を求め、Wiener-Khintchin の定理でスペクトルを求める方法に利点を見出した。なお、この方法によるスペクトルと、直接的スペクトル計算は比較し、妥当性をチェックしなければならない。これまでに音圧関数について、この方法を適用したが、近似を用いていた。今回、この近似の妥当性を明らかにし、かつ、音高関数についても、相関関数経由の方法を適用する。音高関数のスペクトルは、いわゆる 1/f ゆらぎとして知られるものであり、楽曲構成の点からこの本質に迫り得る。