杉島 優子 上野 栄一
富山大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:1882191X)
vol.14, no.2, pp.159-171, 2014-12

上野 栄一 川野 雅資
福井大学医学部研究雑誌 (ISSN:13488562)
vol.15, no.1, pp.1-18, 2015-01

Our nursing fields put most of our efforts into elucidation of tacit knowledge. It greatly assists the assessment ofthe evaluation for nursing care that we offer nursing care based on the EBN. As stated above, it is very important toclarify the tacit knowledge.In this paper, we explain the method for guiding from tacit knowledge to clinical knowledge using the analysis oftext mining. In the past, the mainstream of the nursing research was quantitative research with a central focus oncomputer science.Recently, number of qualitative researches have grown rapidly and developed various qualitative research design.Additionally, the method of content analysis used by computer and text mining is introduced in many nursing journalsto elucidate the nursing tacit of knowledge, and the research concerned of text mining is growing gradually. Thus,the usage of text mining is considered to contribute to resolution of nursing tacit knowledge.As stated above, we introduce the characteristics of text mining and see what is possible to utilize the text mining,and methods of analysis that is useful to clarify the tacit of knowledge in this paper.
八塚 美樹 川嶋 朗 上野 栄一

松浦 純平 喜田 加奈子 上野 栄一
富山大学看護学会誌 (ISSN:1882191X)
vol.11, no.1, pp.9-18, 2012-03

The purpose of this research to clarify the cause of delirium appearance of disease factors which is supposed by veteran nurses working at the surgery ward of head and neck.A total of five nurses was interviewed.The semi-structured interview that contains seven cross method was performed to examine the cause of delirium appearance of the disease factors. The interviews were translated transcripts using the content analysis of K. Krippendorff.As a result, the following categories were generalized by content analysis; "individual characteristic", "the long rest", "aged", "insomnia", "male" "solitude". Seven cross method showed that the strongest delirium appearance of the disease factors was seven factors as follows, "insomnia", "advanced age", "long operation", "anxiety before the operative". Seven cross method showed that the strongest delirium appearance of the disease factors was seven factors as follows, "insomnia", "individual characteristic", "aged", "long operation", "amount of bleeding during the operation", "the effect of sleeping drug" "anxiety before the operative". Categories included in both the content analysis and seven cross method showed four categories of "aged", "insomnia", "individual characteristic".It was suggested that it is very important to perform the nursing practice of the delirium after operation.本研究の目的は,頭頸部外科病棟に勤務する経験豊富な看護師が考える術後せん妄発症要因は何かを明らかにして,臨床での術後せん妄発症患者に対する看護実践への示唆を得ることである.対象は,A大学医学部附属病院頭頸部外科病棟に勤務する頭頸部外科勤務経験5年以上の看護師5名とした.術後せん妄発症要因について半構成的面接を実施,結果はK.Krippendorffの内容分析手法およびセブン・クロス法にて分析した.内容分析の結果から【性格特性】,【理解力不足】,【長期安静】,【高齢】,【不眠】,【男性】,【独居】の7つのカテゴリーが生成された.セブン・クロス法の結果から,優先順位が高い順に【不眠】,【性格特性】,【高齢】,【長時間手術】,【術中出血量】,【眠剤の影響】,【術前不安】の7つのカテゴリーが生成された.内容分析とセブン・クロス法の両方に含まれていたのは,【高齢】,【不眠】,【個人特性】の3つのカテゴリーであった.この結果から今後の術後せん妄看護についての示唆を得た.
上野 栄一
公益社団法人 日本看護科学学会
日本看護科学会誌 (ISSN:02875330)
vol.25, no.2, pp.47-55, 2005-06-20 (Released:2012-10-29)
4 7

本研究では, 看護師における患者とのコミュニケーションスキルを測定するための尺度を開発することを目的とした. 54の質問項目を作成後, 看護職 368 名を対象に調査を行い, 有効回答の得られた 355 名に対して分析を実施し, 質問紙の信頼性, 妥当性を検証した. その結果, 最初の質問項目数は 54 項目であったが, 内容妥当性, 相関係数, 共通性の値の検討により精選された質問紙原案 19 項目について因子分析を行った. その結果, 第1因子「情報収集」, 第2因子「話のスムーズさ」, 第3因子「積極的傾聴」, 第4因子「パーソナルスペース・視線交差」, 第5因子「アサーション」の5つの因子が抽出された. 信頼性の検討では, 全体での Cronbach のα係数は0.874と内的整合性の高い値を示し, 本尺度が信頼性の高いものであることが検証された. また, 併存妥当性の検討では, 本尺度と KiSS-18 との間には, 高い有意な相関を示し, 妥当性の高い尺度であることが証明された.以上の結果から, 本尺度は高い信頼性と妥当性のあることが示された.
上野 栄一
福井大学医学部研究雑誌 (ISSN:13488562)
vol.9, no.1, pp.1-18, 2008-12

Qualitative and quantitative research design models present the nurse researcher with complex issues to sort through beforeresearch can be started. Content analysis is a linguistic, systematic and replicable technique for compressing many words andsentences of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding. Content analysis is a hybrid (mixed ormulti-method) research approach which contains both qualitative and quantitative research.In contrast with qualitative methods such as grounded theory, content analysis allows inferences to be made which can then becorroborated using other methods of data collection. This method employs various state-of-the-art fields such as linguistics,information science and social science. Krippendorff, who is a professor at Pennsylvania University, notes that computer-drivencontent analysis tools such as Wincha ( morphological analysis software ) and KWIC Finder have been motivated by the search fortechniques and skills for making inferences from symbolic data that would be either too costly, no longer possible, or too obtrusive bythe use of other techniques. Therefore, content analysis appears to be promising for nurses to discover and describe the topic focusof individuals (especially patients), interest groups, institutions and societies.This methodology, which arose from the analysis of anthems, enhances research quality across a broad spectrum of professionalfields. In particular, computer utilization offers a realistic coupling of quantitative research with qualitative research in the field ofnursing. In Japan, the development of content analysis is now being conducted by nursing researchers.By introducing computer analysis into conventional and qualitative research methods, word-level analysis becomes a practical tool.Such analysis offers the power to produce objective, quantitative displays enabling the researcher to categorize the content ofinterviews. Furthermore, content analysis makes possible generalizations about critical components of the relationship betweennurses and patients within a reasonable time frame. This paper will present the method of the content analysis, its history, andspecific analytical procedures involved in computer utilization.Experience with content analysis suggests that this method has the potential to contribute greatly to nursing research in the nearfuture.