國土 将平 中野 貴博 佐川 哲也 笠井 直美 小磯 透 鈴木 和弘 下田 敦子 大澤 清二
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2010, no.46, pp.46_11-46_26, 2010 (Released:2011-02-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the standardization of height growth curves of 8 ethnic groups in Thailand and Union of Myanmar. The height of 16,000 children from 5 to 18 years old of 8 ethnic groups, i. e., Thai, Karen, Hmong, Lisu, Akha, and Lahu in Thailand, Burmese and Mon in Myanmar, was measured from 1994 to 2004 in Thailand, from 2005 to 2008 in the Myanmar. Modified BTT model was applied to height growth curve, and the fluctuation of standard deviation was smoothed using weighted moving variation and smoothing function developed by the authors. Finally growth charts were obtained using z-score of normal distribution. Resultant growth charts were generally satisfactory and were seemed to be useful from the perspective of data utilization. Though there are a few problems on the growth charts such as variance was decreased for more than 15 years old, or height growth has continued till 18 years old in some ethnic groups. Representing heights were different more than 10 cm among ethnic groups at 18 years of age. It was confirmed that it is important to create a growth chart by ethnic group respectively and utilize it in order to evaluate properly the growth status and the nutritional condition of the children.
大澤 清二 下田 敦子 タン ナイン
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2021, no.90, pp.1-10, 2021 (Released:2021-07-02)

The existence of adolescent growth spurts (PHV, Peak Height Velocity) has long been the norm for human height growth theory. However, according to Ohsawa's report, the hunter-gatherer Mlaburi, who lived in the forests of Thailand and Laos, did not see the adolescent growth spurt of their stature. The study reexamined this issue from growth data for the hunter-gatherer Salone (Moken) living in the Andaman Waters of Myanmar. As a result, similar to Mlabri, the adolescent growth spurt (PHV) could not be observed in Salone. The growth period of Salone was very long, and stature continued to grow to nearly 20 years of age.
アチャヤ ウシャ 下田 敦子 大澤 清二
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2014, no.62, pp.12-23, 2014-03-01 (Released:2014-05-05)

This study investigated the differences in physical characteristics of Nepalʼs major castes and ethnic groups to create more appropriate standard values with which to evaluate the growth and development of Nepalese children. Data was collected to determine the unique physical characteristics for each group, and this data was further analyzed to combine groups into clusters. Six body measurements (height, weight, chest circumference, sitting height, biacromion breadth, skinfold thickness) were taken of 1,344 children, ages 2-6, from 6 castes and 1 ethnic group in the Sunsari and Sankhuwasava districts of Nepal. Analysis of this data showed growth and physical attributes characteristic for each group. Cluster analysis (Wardʼs Method) was then used to determine similarities between the groups, which resulted in three clusters:high and middle caste cluster (Brahman, Chhetri, Yadav and Koiri), a low caste cluster (Kami and Mushar), and a Sherpa ethnic group cluster. These results indicate that standard values established for each of these clusters will be needed to more accurately evaluate the physical growth of Nepalese children. Because of the distinct physical growth characteristics of each cluster, Nepalese children cannot be properly evaluated using a single standard value for all groups.
下田 敦子 大澤 清二 タン ナイン ジョ ネイ
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2018, no.81, pp.10-20, 2018 (Released:2019-01-18)

Current of 21st century, in Demawso area, Kayah state, Myanmar, there are living Kayan women, so-called “Long neck tribes”. They go through their daily life wearing long neck rings and ankle rings for their entire lives.In this research, we investigate the influence on growth shape wearing neck ring. We compare women group who wear neck rings (wearer group) with group who do not wear neck rings (non-wearer group) in Demawso area, Kayah state. The result are as follows, comparing the neck length of both groups in each age group.1. Wearing neck ring begins from childhood, and it continues all through their lives.2. There is no wearing influence from childhood to early part of adolescent period.3. It starts to appear the influence of wearing neck ring from “age 11 to under 15 age group”, which we call it early part of adolescent period.4. From “age 21 to under 30 age group”, the difference between two groups have increased tremendously. The value t shows t0=2.703. We observe the significant difference of average value between the two groups.5. From 30's onward, statistic significant difference could be detected in both groups.6. In “Over age 60's”, neck length of “wearing group” is 12.18 cm. It is the longest length among all the age group. Neck length of “no-wearing group” is 7.65 cm, and the gap between “wearing group” and “non-wearing group” is 4.53 cm, and this gap is the biggest in all age group.7. When height reaches the 140 cm at the early part of adolescent period, they wear much extended neck rings, and it will make big influence to growth & form afterward.Considering the results mentioned above, we have investigated the influence on growth wearing neck ring in each age group. Wearing neck ring has big influence on the shape of women neck. In the near future, our research could be the valuable evidence for judging the matter of wearing neck ring.
鍛治 恭介 鵜浦 雅志 小林 健一 中沼 安二 西村 浩一 坂本 徹 竹内 正勇 寺崎 修一 下田 敦 卜部 健 松下 栄紀 金子 周一
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.33, no.11, pp.872-876, 1992

症例は53歳女性で1991年3月検診時にGOT 329, GPT 306とトランスアミナーゼの上昇を指摘され精査加療目的にて当科入院.検査成績では血沈65mm/hrと亢進,γ-glb 3.5g/dl,IgG 5.5g/dlと上昇,抗核抗体が160倍と陽性,また抗C100-3抗体,PCR法にてHCV RNAが陽性であり,自己免疫型の病型を示すC型慢性肝炎と診断した.プレドニゾロン(PSL) 40mgより加療するも改善は認めず,PSL漸減後α-インターフェロン(α-IFN)投与を開始した.α-IFN投与後GPT値は速やかに正常化し,また,γ-glb値は2.1g/dlまで減少した.一方,抗核抗体は持続陽性であったが,抗体価の上昇は認めなかった.なおIFN投与後22日目の時点で測定したHCV抗体,HCV RNAはいずれも陽性であった.C型慢性肝炎の一部に自己免疫型の病型を示す症例が存在し,また,IFNが有効な症例が存在することを示す貴重な症例と思われ報告した.
下田 敦子 大澤 清二
vol.2017, no.27, pp.610-620, 2017
