國土 将平 中野 貴博 佐川 哲也 笠井 直美 小磯 透 鈴木 和弘 下田 敦子 大澤 清二
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2010, no.46, pp.46_11-46_26, 2010 (Released:2011-02-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the standardization of height growth curves of 8 ethnic groups in Thailand and Union of Myanmar. The height of 16,000 children from 5 to 18 years old of 8 ethnic groups, i. e., Thai, Karen, Hmong, Lisu, Akha, and Lahu in Thailand, Burmese and Mon in Myanmar, was measured from 1994 to 2004 in Thailand, from 2005 to 2008 in the Myanmar. Modified BTT model was applied to height growth curve, and the fluctuation of standard deviation was smoothed using weighted moving variation and smoothing function developed by the authors. Finally growth charts were obtained using z-score of normal distribution. Resultant growth charts were generally satisfactory and were seemed to be useful from the perspective of data utilization. Though there are a few problems on the growth charts such as variance was decreased for more than 15 years old, or height growth has continued till 18 years old in some ethnic groups. Representing heights were different more than 10 cm among ethnic groups at 18 years of age. It was confirmed that it is important to create a growth chart by ethnic group respectively and utilize it in order to evaluate properly the growth status and the nutritional condition of the children.
鈴木 宏哉 西嶋 尚彦 鈴木 和弘
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2010, no.46, pp.46_27-46_36, 2010 (Released:2011-02-20)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a change in life habits on a change in physical fitness in Japanese children using 3-year longitudinal data. The participants were 456 Japanese children aged 6-9 (230 boys, and 226 girls). Data were collected on 3 occasions over a one year period. Survey items included life habits (exercise habits, eating habit, sleeping habit, and TV/video game viewing habit), physical fitness (Japan Fitness Test : Grip Strength, Sit-ups, Sit & Reach, Side Steps, 20 m Shuttle Running, 50 m Dash, Standing Long Jump, and Handball Throwing). Physical fitness in participants was graded into five categories (A-E) according to norm-referenced criteria. Participants of lower two categories (D and E) of physical fitness level was defined as a lower level group. A latent growth modeling was used to examine the influence of the change in a life habit score to a change in a physical fitness score. With the physical fitness change factor, there were statistically significant and positive direct effects from the change in eating habits (slope) only in the lower level group. There were also significant effects from the initial levels of the eating habits, the exercise habits in the all data, and all life habits except for TV/video game viewing habit in the lower level group. These findings, with limited samples and a statistical method, might suggest that an improvement of eating habits has an effect on improvement of physical fitness in a lower level group of physical fitness, and initial levels of life habits also affects improvement of physical fitness.
川勝 佐希 國土 将平 笠次 良爾 長野 真弓 森田 憲輝 鈴木 和弘 渡邊 將司 上地 広昭 山津 幸司 堤 公一 辻 延浩 久米 大祐 石井 好二郎
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2018, no.78, pp.43-60, 2018 (Released:2018-08-07)
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A survey was conducted to assess physical activity, depression, and sense of coherence among early adolescents. This study used a cross-sectional sample of 12,086 students (G5-G9) from 28 public elementary schools and 22 public junior-high-schools in Japan. A total of 9,424 students (G5-G8) were surveyed from December 2013 to December 2015 using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) -short form to measure physical activity (PA), the Depression Self-Rating Scale for Children (DSRSC) for depressive symptoms, and the Sense of Coherence Scale-13-item version (SOC-13). Vigorous PA (VPA) of the G5 boys (4h 20 min) was significantly longer than that of the G5 girls (1h 30min) and the VPA of the junior-high-school students increased significantly compared with that of the elementary-school students. The VPA of the G8 boys reached 6h 30 min, whereas that of the G8 girls approached 3h, which was a significant difference. Additionally, more junior-high-school students participated in sports-club activities than did elementary-school students. The mean DSRS-C score of the G5 girls (10.24±5.73) was significantly higher than that of the G5 boys (9.31±5.31). No other differences by grade, were found among the elementary-school students. The depressive symptoms of the junior-high-school students indicated they had a greater risk for depression than the elementary-school students did. The mean SOC score of the G8 boys (44.58±8.11) was higher (better) than that of the G8 girls (43.46±8.30). Furthermore, the elementary-school students' score on the SOC was higher than that of the juniorhigh-school students; the score tended to decrease as the grade increased.
鈴木 和弘 鈴木 宏哉 中西 純 小磯 透 石井 好二郎 高木 誠一 中野 貴博 長野 敏晴 小山 浩 霜多 正子 溝口 洋樹 川村 徹 梅津 紀子

本研究の目的は,幼児から中学生の子どもを対象にライフスタイル改善教育及び体力向上プログラムを幼児・学教教育に適用し,同一集団の子どもをそれぞれ縦断的に追跡しながら,その有効性を検証することであった.おもな成果は次の3点であった.1)体力向上プログラムに参加した幼児の体力は,小学校1年で極めて高く,体力A評価は50%を超え,持ち越し効果が確認された.2) 低学年児童を対象に基本的動作習得を目指した8時間の授業で,動作の改善と共に,50m走後半の疾走スピードに有意な改善が見られた.3) 中学校での3年間継続した体力向上への取り組みによって,生徒の遅刻回数や不定愁訴が有意に減少した.