岡本 有紀子 服部 慈久 中村 康夫 紙本 薫 鈴村 宏
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.2, pp.59-68, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

Objective: Incidents, such as disturbance of consciousness due to adverse reactions of medications during automobile driving, could cause a serious accident.  Although automobile driving is indicated to be “prohibited” in the package inserts of many drugs, no explicit guidelines are available in Japan on specific guidance to patients.  Therefore, we attempted to prepare guidelines for medication guidance regarding automobile driving.Methods: We investigated the number of incidents involving traffic accidents and the disturbance of consciousness cases reported in “Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report” database by “Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA).”  We also analyzed descriptions regarding automobile driving found in package inserts and guidelines to determine a risk level for each medication.Results: Guidelines for medication guidance were prepared based on four-level classification of drugs for which “prohibition” of automobile driving was indicated in their package inserts; these levels are “conform to pertinent guidelines,” “strictly prohibited,” “prohibited,” and “conditionally prohibited.”  The contents of the guidance prepared for some drugs were different from their package inserts.Conclusions: The guidelines prepared in this study can be expected to become a support tool to ensure close attention to cautions regarding automobile driving.  Because some contents of the guidance are different from that described in the package inserts, it is desirable to obtain agreement with physicians in hospitals adopting these guidelines.  In addition, guidelines based on a broader range of information should be prepared in the future.
谷川 惠一 キャンベル ロバート 中村 康夫 久保木 秀夫 鈴木 淳
国文学研究資料館報 (ISSN:03864790)
no.53, pp.1-20, 1999-09-01

魯庵の夢中村真一郎氏旧蔵・日本漢詩文コレクションデータベースのCD-ROM出版について文献資料部事業報告研究情報部事業報告整理閲覧部事業報告彙報評議員等名簿集会等予告 シンポジウム コンピュータ国文学 特別展示・公開講演会 国際日本文学研究集会新ホームページのお知らせ文庫紹介31:諏訪市図書館新収資料紹介44:和学者書簡集閲覧室利用案内人事異動秋季学会開催一覧
服部 慈久 岡本 有紀子 中村 康夫 紙本 薫 鈴村 宏
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.3, pp.164-168, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

Objective: When vehicular accidents occur as a result of impaired consciousness etc., because of adverse drug reactions, there is a risk that third parties may be harmed.  Till date, at Nagoya City East Medical Center (hereinafter, our hospital), the warnings about driving motor vehicles while taking drugs has varied depending on the doctor or pharmacist who provides the guidance.  Therefore, throughout our hospital, we aimed to standardize these warnings and to introduce measures to strictly enforce them.Methods: Among all the drugs used at our hospital, we identified those with warnings on the package insert about driving motor vehicles and classified them in accordance with “The Drug Administration Guidance Criteria Regarding the Driving of Vehicles,” created by our hospital on the basis of descriptions on the package insert and the level of risk of taking drugs.  We then standardized the warnings about driving motor vehicles while taking drugs, throughout our hospital.Results: Of the 1,416 drugs used at our hospital, we identified 294 (21%) with warnings about driving motor vehicles on the package insert, and more than half of these (158 drugs) had warnings about the prohibition of driving motor vehicles on the package insert.  As a result of classifying the drugs according to “The Drug Administration Guidance Criteria Regarding the Driving of Vehicles,” we identified 53 drugs with warnings about the prohibition of driving motor vehicles.  By the classification of the level of risk of taking drugs while driving motor vehicles and the hospital-wide standardization of the warnings about driving motor vehicles while taking drugs, we are now able to provide drug administration guidance in the form of warnings that are customized to the level of risk of using each drug.Conclusion: These measures have clarified the level of risk of taking each drug and warnings about driving motor vehicles while taking them.  In the future, we intend to cooperate with local pharmacies to intervene in the prescription of drugs outside well as inside hospitals.
岡本 有紀子 中村 康夫 工藤 正治
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.23, no.2, pp.82-93, 2021-08-31 (Released:2021-09-25)

Objective: The guidance on “what to do when patients missed a dose” is an important item of medication instructions; however, only a small number of prescription drugs contain it. The “Drug Guide for Patients” and “Kusuri-no-Shiori” are documents designed to facilitate medication instructions for patients, having a section on “what to do when patients missed a dose.” Specific descriptions under it differ among medication instruction documents for some drugs, including those containing the same active pharmaceutical ingredients; however, the actual status of such discrepancies has not been clarified. In this study, we conducted a fact-finding survey to clarify such discrepancies using two medication instruction documents for drugs containing the same active pharmaceutical ingredients.Methods: The medication instructions of “Drug Guides for Patients” and “Kusuri-no-Shiori” for 532 active pharmaceutical ingredients used in oral drugs were included in the survey. After reading the descriptions under the “what to do when patients missed a dose” section, we divided them into six groups and determined whether the descriptions for the same ingredient in the documents fell in the same group.Results: For 186 ingredients (35.0%), we identified discrepancies between the documents. Among these, the instructions for 61 ingredients (11.5%) contained contradicting descriptions, such as “take the missed dose as soon as you remember” in one document and “always let go of the missed dose” in another document.Conclusions: A substantial number of discrepancies in descriptions about “what to do when patients missed a dose” were found between the two documents, raising concerns of confusion in medication instructions when the documents used were different. Therefore, the descriptions should be improved to resolve the discrepancies among medication instruction documents. Moreover, it is important for pharmacists or other healthcare professionals to review the descriptions thoroughly before using the document to provide appropriate medication instructions without confusion.
岡本 有紀子 服部 慈久 中村 康夫 紙本 薫 鈴村 宏
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.17, no.2, pp.59-68, 2015

<b>Objective: </b>Incidents, such as disturbance of consciousness due to adverse reactions of medications during automobile driving, could cause a serious accident.  Although automobile driving is indicated to be "prohibited" in the package inserts of many drugs, no explicit guidelines are available in Japan on specific guidance to patients.  Therefore, we attempted to prepare guidelines for medication guidance regarding automobile driving.<br><b>Methods: </b>We investigated the number of incidents involving traffic accidents and the disturbance of consciousness cases reported in "Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report" database by "Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA)."  We also analyzed descriptions regarding automobile driving found in package inserts and guidelines to determine a risk level for each medication.<br><b>Results: </b>Guidelines for medication guidance were prepared based on four-level classification of drugs for which "prohibition" of automobile driving was indicated in their package inserts; these levels are "conform to pertinent guidelines," "strictly prohibited," "prohibited," and "conditionally prohibited."  The contents of the guidance prepared for some drugs were different from their package inserts.<br><b>Conclusions: </b>The guidelines prepared in this study can be expected to become a support tool to ensure close attention to cautions regarding automobile driving.  Because some contents of the guidance are different from that described in the package inserts, it is desirable to obtain agreement with physicians in hospitals adopting these guidelines.  In addition, guidelines based on a broader range of information should be prepared in the future.
今西 祐一郎 ハルオ シラネ 久保 木秀夫 赤澤 真理 ファビアン ・アリバート・ナルス 伊藤 鉄也 坂口 貴弘 中村 康夫
国文研ニューズ = NIJL News (ISSN:18831931)
no.19, pp.1-16, 2010-04-26

●メッセージ法人化後第1期から第2期へ国文学研究資料館とコロンビア大学の協力協定の意味●研究ノート国文学研究資料館蔵古筆手鑑2点の紹介 その1中近世における古代寝殿造理解一理想の住宅像と考証研究―●トピックス日本文化とロランバルトのフォトバイオグラフィー公開開始 与謝野晶子の源氏訳自筆原稿画像データベース研究集会「アーカイブズ編成の理論と実践」の開催当館所蔵「春日懐紙」の重文指定について平成22年度展示会・講演会等平成22年度アーカイブズカレッジ(史料管理学研修会通算第56回)の開催総研大日本文学研究専攻の近況表紙絵紹介『伊勢物語』
中村 康夫
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.20, no.4, pp.140-149, 1979-12-30
3 3

The prevision or estimation of rock durability is a very important and complex problem in engineering geology and civil engineering. Especially the durability of rocks for use as riprap of fill dams has a close relationship to their safety. the author has been studying on the durability of various rock s for use as riprap of fill dams by means of laboratory freezing and thawing test. As the first step, obtained results are as follows. (1) The deterioration characteristics of rocks are classified into following three types. A: No deterioration occurs in matrix itself. Sudden break to two or more pieces occurs along cracks after repeating certain freezing and thawing cycles. B: Progressive deterioration occurs in matrix itself. Exfoliation from the surface of test pieces occurs at any freezing and thawing cycles. C: Intermediate type between A and B. Type A rocks seem to be durable and no problem will occur for using as riprap of fill dams unless break will occur within the setting cycles. Durability of type and C rock can be estimated by the value of weight loss at the setting cycles. (2) Under freezing and thawing test, changes of saturation moisture content, effective porosity, dry density, coefficient of dynamic elasticity and shore hardness have a close relationship to the deterioration characteristics of rocks and can be classified into several patterns. (3) Freezing and thawing should be repeated at least 100 cycles to estimate rock durability. if it continues extra 100 cycle (i.e. 200 cycles), more precise estimation can be done on many deterioration characteristics of rocks, for example, the rate of deterioration. The rocks that weight loss occur less than 10% at 200 cycles are very durable and seem to cause no problem using for riprap of fill dams. (4) The durability of rocks can be estimated to some degree from initial values of the physico-mechanical properties. bu such method is very rough and sometimes even unreliable. In order to estimate the durability of rocks more precisely, it is necessary to make direct accelerated deterioration experiments such as freezing and thawing test and measure various changes of physical properties.