長尾 知生子 鎌田 真由美 中津井 雅彦 深川 明子 片山 俊明 川島 秀一 水口 賢司 安倍 理加
一般社団法人 日本医薬品情報学会
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.24, no.4, pp.187-195, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-04-07)

Objective: Pharmaceutical documents such as the common technical document, package inserts (PIs), and interview forms (IFs) are available at the website of the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. However, because these documents were created with an emphasis on human readability in paper form, it is difficult to use the information included and interoperate these documents with computers. Using IFs, we will investigate how to structure pharmaceutical documents in the AI era to achieve both human and machine readability.Design/Methods: The IFs of arbitrary selected ten drugs were structured into Resource Description Framework (RDF) according to the Drug Interview Form Description Guidelines 2018 (updated version in 2019). The data were manually extracted from the IFs and entered into a spreadsheet before being converted to RDF by a written script. The PIs were converted to RDF in addition to the IFs. To examine the linkage with external databases, IDs in ChEMBL, which is a manually curated database of bioactive molecules with drug-like properties, were embedded in the RDF.Results: We demonstrated that the conversion of IFs and PIs into RDF makes it possible to easily retrieve the corresponding part of the PIs cited in the IFs. Furthermore, we quickly obtained the relevant data from ChEMBL, demonstrating the feasibility of linking IFs with an external database. Our attempt to RDFization of IFs is expected to encourage the development of web applications for healthcare professionals and the development of datasets for AI development.Conclusion: We could easily interoperate IFs with other pharmaceutical documents and an external database by converting IFs into RDF following the description guidelines. However, problems such as how to deal with items that were not described in the description guidelines were indicated. We hope that discussions will grow based on this effort and that related industries will move toward accomplishing effective use of these documents.
中津井 雅彦 鎌田 真由美 荒木 望嗣 奥野 恭史
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.149, no.6, pp.281-287, 2017 (Released:2017-06-14)

荒木 望嗣 中津井 雅彦 広川 貴次 金井 千里 佐藤 美和 岡本 敦之 服部 一成 志水 隆一 奥野 恭史
公益社団法人 日本化学会・情報化学部会
ケモインフォマティクス討論会予稿集 第38回ケモインフォマティクス討論会 東京
pp.12-13, 2015 (Released:2015-10-01)

創薬プロセスの初期段階において、医薬品候補化合物を効率的に探索して構造最適化するためのインシリコ創薬技術が求められている。本研究では、スパコン「京」を用いることで、世界最大規模の化合物-タンパク質相互作用空間における超高速かつ高精度な医薬品候補探索を実現するための「インシリコ創薬基盤」を構築し、創薬現場での実践的利用を目指している。現在までに我々は、CGBVS法(Chemical Genomics-based Virtual Screening method)を「京」に実装・チューニング することで、膨大な化合物空間と多数の創薬標的タンパク質候補との大規模相互作用の高速予測を可能にした。更にMP-CAFEE法(Massively Parallel Computation of Absolute binding Free Energy method)を「京」に実装することで、タ ンパク質と化合物との結合自由エネルギー(結合親和性)の高精度予測を可能にした。本発表では当該プロジェクトの取り組み状況と現在までの成果について紹介する。