松井 美由紀 乗松 貞子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.25, no.2, pp.1-9, 2012-12-01 (Released:2013-03-01)
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Physiological and psychological effects of illumination with different colored lights on humans were investigated in order to improve lighting conditions in medical treatment environments. Women (n=12) participated in an experiment in which they were exposed to illumination using 900 lx and 200 lx white fluorescent lamps, and a 200 lx lamp covered with a green cellophane transparent film. Physiological variables such as heart rate, HF values, LF/HF ratio, and Chromogranin A in saliva, as well as psychological variables such as subjective feelings of relaxation were measured using the Visual Analogue Scale test and the short version of the Japanese Profile of Mood. Participants subjected to stress conditions created by using the Uchida–Kraepelin test under white fluorescent lighting and then tested after 15 min of rest following stress in all three lighting conditions. Results indicated that there was a suppression of sympathetic activity, an increase in parasympathetic activity, as well as an improvement in physiological responses when using the 200 lx green light. There was also an improvement in psychological reactions and the feeling of relaxation, as well as a reduction in anxiety-tension, fatigue and confusion.
梶原 理絵 乗松 貞子
一般社団法人 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌 (ISSN:21852928)
vol.37, no.1, pp.5-9, 2014 (Released:2014-03-28)

目的 : 覚醒度に及ぼす背面開放端座位の影響を, 自律神経機能および大脳機能から検討し, 加えて背面開放端座位における指先圧の有無の影響も考察することである.方法 : 健常成人女性20名を対象に安静仰臥位と背面開放端座位における大脳機能, 自律神経機能を, 2007年10月から11月に測定した.結果 : 被験者は平均25.8±4.1歳であった. 背面開放端座位は安静仰臥位よりも, 脳波のβ波含有率, 心拍数, 拡張期血圧値が高値を示し, 副交感神経活動は低値を示した. また, 指先圧の有無による背面開放端座位の効果は, すべての指標において有意差が認められなかった.結論 : 背面開放端座位は, 自律神経機能のみならず大脳機能においても覚醒度の上昇に効果的な姿勢であることが示唆された. また, 手掌接地した背面開放端座位で, 指先に力を入れた状態と入れない状態を比較すると, 大脳機能, 自律神経機能からは覚醒度に差は認められなかった.
乗松 貞子 仁科 弘重 家串 香奈
植物環境工学 (ISSN:18802028)
vol.18, no.2, pp.97-104, 2006 (Released:2007-06-01)
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In the present research, psychological states of elderly people in the process of raising plants were analyzed by means of brain waves and semantic differential technique.The experiment carried out from October 2004 to January 2005. Subjects were ten elderly individuals (mean age, 70.5 years) and ten young individuals (mean age, 21.0 years). Each subject raised three kinds of plants (Pachira glabra Pasq., Myrtillocactus geometrizans Console and Cyclamen persicum Mill. cvs.) for ten weeks in his or her house. At the zeroth, second, sixth and tenth week of the experiment, the subjects brought their plants to a laboratory at Ehime University. In the laboratory, the psychological states of the subjects in seeing their plants in front of them were evaluated by brain wave and semantic differential technique. The Cyclamen persicum Mill. cvs. of most subjects lost its flowers and leaves and declined in appearance at approximately the sixth week.The ratio of alpha wave to beta wave calculated an index of the degree of calmness of psychological state. As for the elderly subjects, the differences of the ratios of alpha wave to beta wave between the evaluated plants became smaller according to the raising weeks. The influence of the deterioration of the Cyclamen persicum Mill. cvs. on the psychological states of the elderly subjects was not observed. The semantic differential data were almost the same the brain waves data. These results indicated that elderly people's psychological states became stable and calm in the process of raising plants.
松井 美由紀 乗松 貞子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.25, no.2, pp.1-9, 2012

Physiological and psychological effects of illumination with different colored lights on humans were investigated in order to improve lighting conditions in medical treatment environments. Women (<i>n</i>=12) participated in an experiment in which they were exposed to illumination using 900 lx and 200 lx white fluorescent lamps, and a 200 lx lamp covered with a green cellophane transparent film. Physiological variables such as heart rate, HF values, LF/HF ratio, and Chromogranin A in saliva, as well as psychological variables such as subjective feelings of relaxation were measured using the Visual Analogue Scale test and the short version of the Japanese Profile of Mood. Participants subjected to stress conditions created by using the Uchida&ndash;Kraepelin test under white fluorescent lighting and then tested after 15 min of rest following stress in all three lighting conditions. Results indicated that there was a suppression of sympathetic activity, an increase in parasympathetic activity, as well as an improvement in physiological responses when using the 200 lx green light. There was also an improvement in psychological reactions and the feeling of relaxation, as well as a reduction in anxiety-tension, fatigue and confusion.