平尾 千波 後藤 美樹子 池島 巌 大島 朋子 湯浅 茂平 向後 生郎 亀井 優徳 五味 一博 前田 伸子 新井 高 桃井 保子
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.52, no.3, pp.255-263, 2009-06-30 (Released:2018-03-30)

本研究では,古くから飲料・食品として親しまれてきたココアを含有した試験研磨材を試作し,その有用性について,ウシ歯を用いたin vitro試験と臨床試験によって検討した.In vitro試験では,試験研磨材として,純ココア(森永製菓)を蒸留水に縣濁させ,0.2g/mlココア溶液(ココア研磨材)を作製した.比較対照として,0.2g/mlリン酸水素カルシウム水溶液(リン酸水素カルシウム研磨材)と,蒸留水を用意した.ウシ抜去歯を紅茶液に浸漬し,歯面を着色させた.ココア研磨材,リン酸水素カルシウム研磨材,蒸留水の3グループにウシ歯を分類し,各試験研磨材を用いて研磨を行った.研磨は,ウシ歯唇面の被験部位に対し,ポリッシングブラシにて,同一条件下で行った.着色前,着色後,3分間研磨後,6分間研磨後において,被験部位を分光式色彩計にて測色し,CIEL*a*b*で表示した.着色後と3分間研磨後の色調,着色後と6分間研磨後の色調それぞれについて色差(ΔE*ab)を算出し,各試験研磨材の違いについてTukeyの多重比較を行った(α=0.05).さらに,ココア溶液による歯面の着色が生じるか否か検討するため,ココア溶液(4g/100ml)を作製し,別に準備したウシ歯を浸漬した.ココア溶液浸漬前後の色調変化を,紅茶液に浸漬前後の色調変化と比較した.臨床試験では,ココアパウダー含有の試作歯磨剤を使用する被験歯磨剤群と,ココアパウダー不含有の試作歯磨剤を使用するプラセボ群に被験者を分け,1ヵ月間使用した前後の前歯の色調の測定と,プラーク指数(PLI,Silness&Loe法)の判定を同一評価者により行い,二重盲検法により比較検討した.結果は,Mann-Whitney U testで解析した(α=0.05).In vitro試験の結果,ココア研磨材による研磨前後の色差は,蒸留水による研磨前後の色差に対し有意に大きい値を示した.ココア研磨材による研磨前後の色差と,リン酸水素カルシウム研磨材による研磨前後の色差に有意差はなかった.各試験研磨材の研磨前後の色差は,3分間研磨前後,6分間研磨前後の間で大きな変化はみられなかった.また,ココア溶液にウシ歯を浸漬した場合,紅茶とは異なり,ほとんど着色は生じなかった.臨床試験の結果,試験期間前後における歯の明るさの差とプラーク除去効果は,被験歯磨剤群とプラセボ群の間に有意差は認められなかった.以上の結果より,ココアパウダーを含有した試験研磨材は,歯面着色除去効果を有することが示されたが,歯磨剤への臨床応用試験において,今回の試験条件下では有意差を認めるまでにはいたらなかった.
土屋 守克 長田 浩平 荒川 浩 髙橋 誠一 亀井 優徳 松井 悠子 間藤 卓
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.139, no.6, pp.939-953, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-06-01)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of two types of medication administration-assisting food. The subjects were 30 caregivers of children from one to eight years old hospitalized in the pediatrics unit of a university hospital, and 30 nurses caring for them. The caregivers gave medications to their children using two types of administration-assisting food, “chocolate” and “jelly”. A questionnaire was prepared to investigate the efficacy of the administration-assisting food, and the caregivers and nurses responded to the questionnaire after the medication was given. The questionnaire data included many positive responses regarding the administration-assisting food, demonstrating its efficacy. The caregivers of children aged ≥4 years responded that the “chocolate” type was more effective than the “jelly” type in administering medications. There also tended to be a positive opinion of the “chocolate” among the nurses of children aged ≥4 years. However, the opinion of the “chocolate” and “jelly” were equivalent among the nurses of children aged <4 years. The reasons for these results were thought to be that the children were at an age when their sense of taste was developing and changing, plus correlations with past experience of the food and differences in the properties of the administration-assisting food. Easiness of swallowing of administration-assisting foods may be important for children whose taste is underdeveloped. However, the taste of administration-assisting foods may be important for children with taste development. Selecting administration-assisting foods based on these factors may be useful for the smooth administration of medication.
土屋 守克 長田 浩平 荒川 浩 髙橋 誠一 亀井 優徳 松井 悠子 間藤 卓
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
pp.18-00152, (Released:2019-04-04)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of two types of medication administration-assisting food. The subjects were 30 caregivers of children from one to eight years old hospitalized in the pediatrics unit of a university hospital, and 30 nurses caring for them. The caregivers gave medications to their children using two types of administration-assisting food, “chocolate” and “jelly.” A questionnaire was prepared to investigate the efficacy of the administration-assisting food, and the caregivers and nurses responded to the questionnaire after the medication was given. The questionnaire data included many positive responses regarding the administration-assisting food, demonstrating its efficacy. The caregivers of children aged ≥4 years responded that the “chocolate” type was more effective than the “jelly” type in administering medications. There also tended to be a positive opinion of the “chocolate” among the nurses of children aged ≥4 years. However, the opinion of the “chocolate” and “jelly” were equivalent among the nurses of children aged <4 years. The reasons for these results were thought to be that the children were at an age when their sense of taste was developing and changing, plus correlations with past experience of the food and differences in the properties of the administration-assisting food. Easiness of swallowing of administration-assisting foods may be important for children whose taste is underdeveloped. However, the taste of administration-assisting foods may be important for children with taste development. Selecting administration-assisting foods based on these factors may be useful for the smooth administration of medication.
稲垣 宏之 杉谷 政則 瀬戸口 裕子 伊藤 良一 織谷 幸太 西村 栄作 佐藤 進 加藤 正俊 齋 政彦 山本(前田) 万里 亀井 優徳
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.56, no.7, pp.403-411, 2009-07-15 (Released:2009-09-01)
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