亀田 菜央子 岡田 佳織 金井 美惠子
相模女子大学紀要. B, 自然系 = The journal of Sagami Women's University. 相模女子大学・相模女子大学短期大学部ファカルティ・ディベロップメント委員会 編 (ISSN:09167676)
vol.76, pp.13-19, 2012

The number of incidents of food poisoning at food service facilities has decreased since the execution of a hygiene control manual for parge-scale food processing facilities in accordance with the HACCP, however the improvement level for sanitary conditions still cannot be deemed sufficient. Especially nowadays where bacteria capable of causing food poising in small numbers are gaining attention, the thorough cleaning and sterilization of kitchen instruments, hands and fingers is extremely important. Here, in order to comprehend the extent of microbial contamination, we conducted an examination of viable count, Escherichia coli and coliform group on the hands and fingers of food processing personnel and kitchen instruments (cutting boards, dish towels, knives, refrigerator, etc.). Results showed the mean values of 10^1 〜 10^2 /100cm^2 prior to usage and 10^2 〜 10^4 / per hand following usage. As the number of viable bacteria increased, the detection rate for coliform group also increased. The degree of viable count and coliform group contamination was especially high in water bowls for placing rice paddles and tongs during usage, used dish towels, hands and fingers during food preparation, and sponges, with more than half of examination targets having results comparable to the degree of contamination for the floor. With the need for improving sanitary conditions of cutting boards, refrigerator handles, hands and fingers, and sponges for washing, the hygiene instruction using the Lumitester PD-20 was carried out. As a result, the degree of contamination for almost all examination targets improved to Rank A, and in the results for examination of viable bacteria counts conducted simultaneously the values decreased to less than 1/10 〜 1/40 in comparison to those prior to instruction. Since the usage of Lumitester makes quick numerical comprehension of contamination possible, it can be deemed an efficient method for improvement of cleaning and sterilization methods at the workplace. The results of this research show that further minimization of secondary food product contamination risk is possible by introduction of the Lumitester into hygiene control.
永井 成美 亀田 菜央子 小橋 理代 西田 美奈子 堀川 千賀 江川 香 吉村 麻紀子 北川 義徳 阿部 圭一 木曽 良信 坂根 直樹 小谷 和彦 森谷 敏夫
公益社団法人 日本栄養・食糧学会
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.60, no.5, pp.257-264, 2007-10-10 (Released:2009-01-30)

L-カルニチンがヒトの空腹感に及ぼす影響を明らかにするために, 若年健常女性12名 (21.3±0.3歳) を対象として, L-カルニチン300mgを含有するフォーミュラ食と通常のフォーミュラ食を用いた二重盲検プラセボ対照試験による検証を行った (ウォッシュアウト : 1週間)。前夜からの絶食の後, フォーミュラ食を朝食として摂取させ, 食前および食後6時間まで満腹感スコア (ビジュアルアナログスケールズ ; VASs), 唾液コルチゾール, 血清カルニチン濃度, 血糖値, および心拍変動パワースペクトル解析を用いた自律神経活動指標を経時的に測定した。実験結果から, L-カルニチン摂取により主観的空腹感が軽減される可能性があること, および, 空腹感の軽減には血清総カルニチン濃度が関連していることが示唆された。さらに, 唾液コルチゾールはL-カルニチン摂取30分後, 2時間後には低値を示したが, 空腹感軽減との明確な関連は明らかではなかった。