藤井 隆 小嶋 俊一 大江 透 今西 政仁 木村 玄次郎 唐川 真二 飯田 達能 平田 結喜緒 倉持 衛夫 下村 克朗 伊藤 敬一 尾前 照雄
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.30, no.4, pp.347-353, 1988-04-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

The mechanism of polyuria associated with paroxysmal supraventicular tachycardia (SVT) was investigated in 8 patients whose SVT was provoked artificially by esophageal pacing. SVT was sustained for 60 minutes. Blood and urine samples were collected every 30 minutes from one hour before provocation to one hour after termination of SVT. Urine volume increasd in all patients more than two fold (on average 2.5 fold) of the control volume. Urine osmolality decreased from 546±66 (S. E.)mOsm/kg at the control period to 197±32 mOsm/kg at the peak of urine volume. Urinary Na excretion increased significantly (p<0.01) about 1.5 fold for 30 minutes after termination of SVT. Urinary antidiuretic hormone (u-ADH) was suppressed to one third of control period during SVT (from 30±11 pg/min to 8±2 pg/min), then increased significantly (p<0.05) to 74±15 pg/min after termination. Although plasma ADH level did not change during SVT, it tended to increased after termination. Plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (p-ANP) increased to 5 fold on average at termination of SVT and maximally attained value was 400 pg/ml. Urinary prostaglandin E2(u-PGE2) excretion increased after termination of SVT and percent changes of u-PGE2 had a positive correlation with those of urinary Na excretion (r=0.64, p<0.001, n=5). Positive correlation was also found between percent changes of u-PGE2 excretion and those of u-ADH excretion (r=0.72, p<0.001, n=5). The findings suggest the following conclusions: 1) The polyuria during SVT period was attributed mainly to the inhibition of ADH secretion, 2) Natriuresis after SVT period was due to i) the increase of p-ANP and ii) the release of renal PGE2 associated with the increased ADH secretion.
濱田 真宏 森川 貴 山崎 大輔 竹内 由佳 大野 良晃 柴田 幹子 岸田 真嗣 今西 政仁 北林 千津子 小西 啓夫
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.49, no.4, pp.297-303, 2016 (Released:2016-04-28)

症例は66歳男性. 32歳から2型糖尿病, 52歳時に慢性C型肝炎による膜性増殖性糸球体腎炎からの末期腎不全で血液透析導入となった. X年2月, 腰痛の出現後から左下肢の筋力低下と両下肢痛が出現し歩行困難となったため入院となった. MRIにて胸椎2-3レベルの脊髄の腫大を認め, 左側よりにT1, T2強調画像で淡いhigh intensity areaを認めた. 髄液検査にて水痘帯状疱疹ウイルスを認めたが, 皮疹を認めないことから無疹性帯状疱疹に伴う脊髄炎と診断した. 免疫能が低下していると皮疹が現れにくいといわれており, そのため診断に苦慮することが多い. 本例は糖尿病, 肝硬変, 腎不全などによる免疫不全状態がその要因と考えられた.