佐藤 嘉彦
横浜国立大学教育人間科学部紀要. IV, 自然科学 (ISSN:13444646)
vol.11, pp.9-15, 2009-02

I investigate seed plants growing wild in Manazuru Peninsula. I wrote comment about the plants of Manazuru Peninsula with Okada in 2007 and We included the plant list which was not yet completed in the comment. I continue the investigation afterwards and found some other plants which I had not collected on the plant list. I will describe that I was provided from the observation in three kinds of these plants. They are Epipogium roseum (D. Don) Lindl., Liparis nervosa (Thunb.) Lindl. and Chloranthus japonicus Sieb. Though Epipogium roseum of the Orchidaceae is a very rare plant in Japan, it was observed a lot in Manazuru Peninsula in 2007 and 2008. Because there was an error in a description of Debregeasia edulis (Sieb. et Zucc.) Weddell of the comment (Okada & Sato 2007) that mentioned above, I will describe the correction.この数年、真鶴半島に自生している維管束植物の調査を続けている。真鶴半島に自生している約160種類の種子植物の目録を、2007年には岡田とともに発表した(岡田・佐藤 2007)。真鶴半島は神奈川県西部の静岡県との県境付近に位置している、およそ3km2ほどの小さな半島である。この半島のある相模湾は海深が深く、表層には黒潮が流れ、深部には親潮の末端が流れ着いており、半島周辺は良好な漁場となっている。その漁場を守るために半島には魚付き保安林が設定され、真鶴町の管理の下で、大切に保全されている。この保安林はクスノキを優占種としたアカマツなどの常緑樹を交えた林である。真鶴半島の海岸線には海岸に特有の植物相が見られ、魚付き保安林の中には山地性の植物も自生している。魚付き保安林としてのこのクスノキ林を宮脇等(1969)は、林の構成の植物社会学的な調査と林内に全くクスノキの幼樹が見られないことに基づいて、人工的に作られたものであると考察している。しかし、自然度の高い林である。目録を発表して後の調査で、目録の作成時には観察できなかった数種類の植物の自生が明らかになった。そのうちの3種類について記述をし、次いで2007年のヤナギイチゴの記述(岡田・佐藤 2007)の訂正と追記をしておきたく、この報告文を作成した。
佐藤 嘉彦 田中 利幸
no.6, pp.1-9, 1990-03-25

INOUE and OSATAKE (1988) have recently developed a new tert.-butyl alcohol freeze-drying method for drying biological specimens of scanning electron microscope. Their method has come into wide use recently for drying zoological specimens. The specimens dried acccording to the new method seem to be in no way inferior to the critical-point dried specimens. But there have hardly any accomplishments with regard to the botanical specimens. So, we have intended to compare the botanical specimens dried by the new method with the critical-point dried specimens. And we could take the most exquisite photographs from the specimens produced according to the following procedures: (1) double fixation by 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 1% osmium tetroxide, each buffered at pH 7.2-7.4 with 0.1M phosphate buffer. (2) dehydration by tert. -butyl alcohol series (Tab. 1). (3) replacement with pure tert. -butyl alcohol. (4) freeze-drying with tert. -butyl alcohol (INOUE & OSATAKE 1988). The drying method is expected to become greatly available in future for drying the botanical specimens for scanning electron microscopy, although some further improvements are necessary to realized satisfactory and stable results from almost all botanical materials.
佐藤 嘉彦
vol.5, pp.15-25, 1989-03-25

Leaves of five forma of Hydrangea macrophylla group listed below were anatomically investigated and many variations were found in the epidermal and mesophyll tissue. (1) Hydrangea macrophylla var. macrophylla forma macrophylla (2) H. macrophylla var. macrophylla forma normalis (3) H. macrophylla var. megacarpa forma megacarpa (4) H. macrophylla var. acuminata forma acuminata (5) H. macrophylla var. angusta forma angusta There was no difference in the anatomical characters between two forma of H. macrophylla var. macrophylla. Their leaves were composed of one-layered epidermis, in which the outline of the cell walls was straight, and ten or more cell-layers of the mesophyll, of which adaxial two-three layers were palisadal. In other three forma, also, the epidermis was one layer of cells, but the outline of cell walls was curved inwardly or outwardly. The palisade tissue was composed of only one layer of cells. It is known that section Hydrangea possesses unicellular hairs with a hillock-like structure at their base (STERN, 1978). Besides the hairs, unicellular hairs without a hillock-like structure at their base were found. These variations are fully expected to have an important significance, when an intra-specific relationship of H. macrophylla or/and an inter-specific one of the genus Hydrangea will be discussed in future.
佐藤 嘉彦
日経メカニカル (ISSN:03863638)
no.528, pp.94-98, 1998-09

前回,前々回の2回にわたって機能開発について解説したが,これについて読者の方々から多数のご意見をいただいた。毎回ご質問や激励をいただき,とても元気付けられているが,今回は質問が集中した。言葉足らずの部分もあったようだ。連載ものの特長を生かして,p.97の別掲記事のように補足しておきたい。 さて,本号のテーマに入ろう。
佐藤 嘉彦
vol.5, pp.15-25, 1989-03-25

Leaves of five forma of Hydrangea macrophylla group listed below were anatomically investigated and many variations were found in the epidermal and mesophyll tissue. (1) Hydrangea macrophylla var. macrophylla forma macrophylla (2) H. macrophylla var. macrophylla forma normalis (3) H. macrophylla var. megacarpa forma megacarpa (4) H. macrophylla var. acuminata forma acuminata (5) H. macrophylla var. angusta forma angusta There was no difference in the anatomical characters between two forma of H. macrophylla var. macrophylla. Their leaves were composed of one-layered epidermis, in which the outline of the cell walls was straight, and ten or more cell-layers of the mesophyll, of which adaxial two-three layers were palisadal. In other three forma, also, the epidermis was one layer of cells, but the outline of cell walls was curved inwardly or outwardly. The palisade tissue was composed of only one layer of cells. It is known that section Hydrangea possesses unicellular hairs with a hillock-like structure at their base (STERN, 1978). Besides the hairs, unicellular hairs without a hillock-like structure at their base were found. These variations are fully expected to have an important significance, when an intra-specific relationship of H. macrophylla or/and an inter-specific one of the genus Hydrangea will be discussed in future.
岡部 康平 濱島 京子 佐藤 嘉彦
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.114, no.192, pp.11-14, 2014-08-28
