佐々木 政則 川合 祐史 吉水 守 信濃 晴雄
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.70, no.6, pp.928-937, 2004-11-15
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シロサケ肉を主原料としていずしを製造し,原料の前処理過程(水晒し,仮酢漬け)と樽漬込み後,低温(5℃前後)熟成過程における化学成分と徹生物相を観察した。いずしは漬込み35日以降に食用可能となり,44日後にいずし特有の風味が生成した。いずしの有機酸は酢酸主体であり,熟成中のpHは5以下を維持した。熟成中に生菌数の著しい増加はなかったが,漬込み14日以降に一般細菌ではBacillus属が優勢となり,35日以降,乳酸菌ではLeuconostoc msenteroides subsp. Cremorisが,酵母ではDebaryomyces hanseniiが優勢種となった。
西村 昌彦 信濃 晴雄
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.57, no.6, pp.1141-1145, 1991-06-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
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Since no means of sterilization is used throughout the manufacturing process of the salted and ripened squid meat product “Ika-Shiokara, ” the quality of the product depends on its associated microbial flora. In the early stage of “Ika-Shiokara” ripening using 10% salts, viable bacteria occured at a level of about 105%/ml of fluid, and then increased gradually with time. The dominant species of bacteria in “Ika-Shiokara” was Staphylococcus epidermidis, but Staphylococcus aureus which closely resembles S. epidermidis in many respects was not detected in all the stages of ripening process. The result suggests that growth of S. aureus was inhibited by some component of “Ika-Shiokara”. We paid attention to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) and trimethylamine (TMA) which were the characteristic components derived from squid meat. A high amount of TMAO (500-600mg/100ml) was detected in raw squid and in the early ripening process of “Ika-Shiokara”, and it inhibited the growth of S. aureus at this level of concentration but not of S. epidermidis in the nutrient broth.
レオン サラポンセデ 猪上 徳雄 信濃 晴雄
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.59, no.7, pp.1183-1188, 1993

The effects of brine on fish storage have been studied using sardine (<i>Sardinops melanosticta</i>) as a raw material. Samples were immersed in brine and stored for a period in which they were considered suitable for consumption, at 15°C. NaCl concentration in the fish muscle reached its maximum within the first three days of storage for all the samples, after which the values remained constant. Assessments for suitability for consumption were carried out during storage. They included volatile base nitrogen (VB-N), microbiological, and organoleptic tests. Samples immersed in 15% brine solution proved to be edible for up to 5 days. Microbiological tests on all of the 3 samples found <i>Pseudomonas</i> spp. and <i>Moraxella</i> spp. to be the most numerous bacterial groups on the last day of sampling.
島崎 司 三明 清隆 塚正 泰之 杉山 雅昭 峯岸 裕 信濃 晴雄
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.60, no.5, pp.569-576, 1994
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Two types of smoked salmon in the A<sub>w</sub> range above 0.93 and less than 0.96 (L-A<sub>w</sub> type) and above 0.96 (H-A<sub>w</sub> type) were prepared, sliced, vacuum-packed and then stored for 40, 30, and 5 days at 5, 10, and 20°C, respectively. Changes in sensory evaluation, and microbiological and chemical characteristics were investigated throughout the storage period. The overall sensory score and textural evaluation of the H-A<sub>w</sub> type decreased faster than the L-A<sub>w</sub> type at each storage temperature. Viable cell counts and VB-N values of the H-A<sub>w</sub> type were larger than the L-A<sub>w</sub> type at each temperature during the storage period. As for microflora in the H-A<sub>w</sub> type, Enterobacteriaceae was significant in the middle period at 10°C, and was very common at 20°C after 2 days of storage. <i>Lactobacillus</i> finally dominated under the temperature conditions examined. In the L-A<sub>w</sub> type, <i>Streptococcus</i> and <i>Lactobacillus</i> were predominant on the last day of storage at 20°C, and 10 and 5°C storage, respectively. These findings suggest that the storage temperature and A<sub>w</sub> of smoked salmon are closely correlated to shelf-life, because a combination of storage temperature and A<sub>w</sub> affected the viable cell counts and formation of microflora during the storage period and induced the changes of sensory evaluation and VB-N values.