菅井 三実 Kazumi SUGAI 兵庫教育大学学校教育学部 Hyogo University of Teacher Education
世界の日本語教育. 日本語教育論集 = Japanese language education around the globe ; Japanese language education around the globe (ISSN:09172920)
vol.12, pp.175-191, 2002-06-28

本稿は、格助詞「が」の両義性を出発点として、 2種類の「構文スキーマ」を提案し、基本文型を具体的に範疇化するところにまで発展させたものである。まず、「ガ格」成分の基本的意味として述語レベルで 〈主体〉 と 〈対象〉 の 2つを認める。前者は 「太郎が走る」のような主語的なもので、後者は「水が欲しい」のように、むしろ目的語的なものである。 この両義性が 《意味と形式の一対一対応》 の原則に反することから、より高次のレベルにおいて「ガ格」を「述部内において最も顕著な成分」を標示するものとして同化させる。その上で、述語レベルにおける 2つの意味を分化させるために構文レベルに 2つの「構文スキーマ (constructional schema)」を導入する。この構文スキーマを導入することで、従来、その位置づけが確然としなかった 〈存在文〉 〈同定文〉 〈能力文〉 〈可能文〉 〈てある文〉 〈主観表現〉 〈形容詞文〉 などに対し、ガ格の意味に基づいて構文的特徴を明らかにするとともに、プロトタイプ効果を確認しながら、明示的な範疇化を試みる。具体的には、 存在文をプロトタイプ的メンバーとし、《存在のあり方》 を変数とする存在表現のバリエーションとして放射状に範疇化するというものである。同時に、〈存在のありか〉 が「ニ格」で標示されるかどうかという存在文に固有の特性に着目することで、〈(広義の)同定文〉 〈数量形容詞文〉 〈知覚文〉 〈関係文〉 が 1次的メンバーとして位置づけられ、〈情意・情態形容詞文〉 〈主観表現〉 〈能力文〉 〈てある文〉 が 3次的メンバーとして位置づけられることを例示する。
杉尾 宏 Sugio Hiroshi 兵庫教育大学 Hyogo University of Education
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.31-44, 1988-10-03

This paper proposes that the definition of the situation should be a central concept to the sociological investigation of teachers' behaviours and that the theory of the teachers' working process should be built to locate the teachers' educational behaviours in the public educational system within the capitalistic socio-economic structure. The role and role-conflict is negatively examined in terms of its conceptual ambiguity and its human and social model. The definition of the situation proceeds from the classification and categorizing of the immediate events (1st phase) to the evaluation of the 1st phase, and to the planning of the actions and its legitimation (2nd phase). It varies with the actor's orientation of actions (goal, intention, interests at hand), the actor's environment (material conditions, social and cultural structures) and his or her predisposition (identity, commitment, ideology). Sociological studies of teachers' behaviours have focused upon the teachers' perception of the pupils (1st phase), and their planning of actions and legitimation (2nd phase). Teachers' perception of pupils has been considered to be a problem of the teachers' typification of the pupils by H.S. Becker, D. Hargreaves, R.C. Rist, N. Keddie, G. McPherson, P. Woods, and other symbolic interactionists. The teachers' planning of actions has been approached in terms of the strategies by A. Hargreaves, P. Woods, A. Pollard and other new sociologists of education. The teachers' legitimation of their educational behaviours has been approached in terms of the frame, structure and structuring (H. Mehan, A. Edwards, V. Furlong, G.C.F. Payne) and in terms of the front performance or impression management (E. Goffman). In this paper, each aspect of the above described teachers' behaviours is examined and it is suggested that the exploration of the dialectical relationship between the teachers' orientation of action, their environment and their predispositions is needed to approach the process of the teachers' definition of the situation. Finally, it is contended that a macro-approach is needed to place the teachers' educational behaviours in the public educational system, because the teachers' educational behaviours are supposed to lie in the dilemma between the teachers' working process and the process of the man-power production loaded upon teachers by the public educational system.