内藤 淳
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
vol.78, pp.67-109, 2019-03-18

John Stuart Mill endeavored to prove the principle of utility in his essay Utilitarianism. He argued that people’s social nature is the source of the sanction of the principle of utility and the fact that each person desires his or her own happiness is the basis of the goodness of general happiness, which is the object of the principle of utility. His arguments are concerned with human nature, specifically natural feelings and desires. However, his observation of human nature has two problems. Firstly, the principle of utility treats everyone’s happiness as equal. However, it does not coincide with people’s innate dispositions, because people tend to cherish themselves, their relatives, neighbors, and friends much more than strangers or acquaintances. It is our nature to treat people unequally. Secondly, Mill focuses on specific parts of our nature, especially social feelings like the desire to be in unity with fellow creatures, as the source of the sanction of the principle of utility. However, humans naturally have a variety of dispositions, including anti-social ones like egoistic desires or competitive spirits.We have to take into account the whole of the elements and workings of the human mind when we consider human nature. The human mind, as a whole, works to produce adaptive and beneficial behaviors according to present circumstances from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, and we can understand human nature egoistically with this perspective. This kind of view of human nature is named “absolute psychological egoism.”Some people may say that Mill’s proof is based on an egoistic view of human nature because he stresses the human desire for personal happiness as a ground for the principle of utility. However, his reasoning in connecting that desire with the principle of utility includes some fallacies. Some scholars are attempting to defend Mill in this regard, but they do not succeed in it, especially concerning the fallacy of composition. The principle of utility and Mill’s proof of it are based on some altruistic elements of the human mind and thus do not accord with an egoistic view of human nature.
内藤 淳
イプシロン (ISSN:0289145X)
vol.30, pp.15-18, 1988-03
内藤 淳
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.2005, pp.135-143,195, 2006-10-30 (Released:2010-02-15)

Normative judgments and their criteria are generally excluded as subjects of science on account of the dualism of facts and values. Meta-ethical naturalism, which attempts to present criteria for values in terms of facts, is therefore regarded as a fallacy. However, as normative judgments are produced through the workings of the mind of each individual, we may find some clues for examining the foundations or criteria of our normative judgments by analyzing the process of the working of our minds by scientific methods and thereby discovering its basic rules. This means that ethical problems can be approached and solved in the field of human science. Indeed, we can find some useful scientific knowledge related to meta-ethical problems. For example, it has been demonstrated in some studies of cognitive psychology that judgments on moral values are decided by intuition, which is an emotional reaction, rather than by rational thinking. And according to recent research in evolutionary psychology, emotions function in order to gain benefits for each person in their reciprocal relationships with others. These scientific studies suggest that the ultimate foundation of normative judgments is in human intuition as an emotional reaction and the ultimate criterion of “good/bad” or “right/wrong” is whether it is beneficial to the individual in his/her reciprocal relationships with others. While there remains much scope for further verification, these studies suggest that it is possible to examine meta-ethical problems by scientific methods and support meta-ethical naturalism, which presents the foundations and criteria for normative values through factual statements.
都澤 真智子 二村 英幸 今城 志保 内藤 淳
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.1, pp.21-30, 2005-01-30
1 2

This study reports the results of two meta-analyses of validation studies of a personality test using performance appraisals as criteria. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly we seek out the general levels of personality validity coefficients with Japanese samples and their generalizability across situations such as different jobs or organizations. Secondly we address issues of aggregating studies with different criteria, study purposes, and study periods. Five out of seventeen scales showed corrected validity coefficients higher than .10 in absolute value, with the highest coefficient of .21 on "Vitality". The results were similar with those of the previous meta-analyses on U.S. and European samples. Our second meta-analysis included only the studies that met the all three conditions of being conducted within a certain periods of time, using the same criterion, and being confined to research purposes. As a result, the validity coefficients became higher and more generalizable compared to the initial analysis. It is argued that the differences among studies that were often not dealt with in preceding meta-analyses have a significant effect.
内藤 淳
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
no.2005, pp.135-143,195, 2006

Normative judgments and their criteria are generally excluded as subjects of science on account of the dualism of facts and values. Meta-ethical naturalism, which attempts to present criteria for values in terms of facts, is therefore regarded as a fallacy. However, as normative judgments are produced through the workings of the mind of each individual, we may find some clues for examining the foundations or criteria of our normative judgments by analyzing the process of the working of our minds by scientific methods and thereby discovering its basic rules. This means that ethical problems can be approached and solved in the field of human science.<br> Indeed, we can find some useful scientific knowledge related to meta-ethical problems. For example, it has been demonstrated in some studies of cognitive psychology that judgments on moral values are decided by intuition, which is an emotional reaction, rather than by rational thinking. And according to recent research in evolutionary psychology, emotions function in order to gain benefits for each person in their reciprocal relationships with others. These scientific studies suggest that the ultimate foundation of normative judgments is in human intuition as an emotional reaction and the ultimate criterion of &ldquo;good/bad&rdquo; or &ldquo;right/wrong&rdquo; is whether it is beneficial to the individual in his/her reciprocal relationships with others. While there remains much scope for further verification, these studies suggest that it is possible to examine meta-ethical problems by scientific methods and support meta-ethical naturalism, which presents the foundations and criteria for normative values through factual statements.
内藤 淳
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
no.75, pp.13-59, 2017

According to Jeremy Bentham, human nature is governed by pleasure and pain, and increasing pleasure and avoiding pain is the primary interest of human beings. Men, he opines, act innately to achieve this outcome. This idea was termed psychological egoism and has been criticized by many scholars for a long time. However, Bentham did acknowledge that men sometimes acted in the interests of others. To be precise, he was of the opinion that men acted both selfishly and altruistically, but were more likely to act selfishly. This is not perfect egoism; it is what is called "relative psychological egoism." We can modify Bentham's ideas in terms of evolutionary psychology to explain our innate reactions to pleasure and pain and their influence on our behavior. By examining the human mind and its mechanisms from the standpoint of evolutionary psychology, we learn about how it operates to produce adaptive behavior, which helps in coping with varied and diverse environmental stimuli. In other words, our minds fundamentally operate in our best self-interests because our adapted behavior adheres to this. We thus introduce "absolute psychological egoism" based on this understanding of the human mind and the behavior that it results in. Absolute psychological egoism is consistent with the premises of the "moral foundations theory" proposed by Jonathan Haidt, a social and cultural psychologist; it also counters different criticisms leveled against general psychological egoism and Bentham's views on human nature by the likes of Joseph Butler, James Rachels, Bhikhu Parekh, Robert Nozick, and John Stuart Mill. By proposing absolute psychological egoism as a modified version of Bentham's standpoint on relative psychological egoism, we attempt to redefine and advance the theory of human nature.
都澤 真智子 二村 英幸 今城 志保 内藤 淳
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.18, no.1, pp.21-30, 2005-01-30 (Released:2011-01-27)
2 2

This study reports the results of two meta-analyses of validation studies of a personality test using performance appraisals as criteria. The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly we seek out the general levels of personality validity coefficients with Japanese samples and their generalizability across situations such as different jobs or organizations.Secondly we address issues of aggregating studies with different criteria, study purposes, and study periods.Five out of seventeen scales showedcorrected validity coefficients higher than. 10 in absolute value, with the highest coefficient of. 21 on “Vitality”. The results were similar with those of the previous meta-analyses on U. S. and European samples. Our second metaanalysis included only the studies that met the all three conditions of being conducted within a certain periods of time, using the same criterion, and being confined to researchpurposes. As a result, the validity coefficients became higher and more generalizable compared to the initial analysis. It is argued that the differences among studies that were often not dealtwith in preceding meta-analyses have a significant effect.
内藤 淳 於保 健吉 斎藤 宏 坪井 正博 高橋 英介 輿石 晴也 沖津 宏 永井 完治 雨宮 隆太 澤柳 久嘉 赤田 荘一 阿部 公彦 河内 堯 河村 一太
気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 (ISSN:02872137)
vol.13, no.2, pp.176-181, 1991-03-25

低線量率もしくは高線量率気管気管支腔内照射療法は, 手術適応のない気管気管支悪性腫瘍に対する補助療法として, 近年脚光を浴びてきた。また, Nd-YAG Laser治療と気管気管支腔内照射療法との合併療法も注目されている。今回, 我々は気管右主気管支に広範に発育した腺様嚢胞癌に対し, 内視鏡的Nd-YAG Laser療法による気道開大とfull doseのLinac外照射療法後に, ^<60>Co気管気管支高線量率腔内照射療法(腔内照射)を追加し, 腔内照射終了後約10日目に, 内視鏡的に腫瘍の消失を認めた。しかし, この症例は腔内照射終了後5カ月目に喀血死した。剖検により, 喀血の原因は, 喀血3週間前に挿入されたY-T tube先端による, 右主気管支壁の圧迫壊死に伴う肺動脈気管支瘻であることが確認された。しかし, 腺様嚢胞癌の遺残は認めなかった。以上より, 腔内照射が, 気管気管支腺様嚢胞癌に対する合併療法の一つとして, 有用であることが示唆された。