岩谷 佳美 加賀 勇治 芳賀 喜裕 荒井 剛 山田 文夫
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.43, no.1, pp.25-30, 2011 (Released:2012-09-20)

当院の冠動脈造影(coronary angiography; CAG)と経皮的冠動脈インターベンション(percutaneous coronary intervention; PCI)の年間総数は約7,000件であり, 循環器医師17名が左橈骨動脈アプローチで施行している. そのため, 術者個人の年間件数が多く, 被曝線量の増加が懸念される. そこで, 術者個人の被曝線量と件数から被曝状況を分析し, 問題点および防護対策について検討した. その結果, 個人の年間平均件数はCAG 280件, PCI 80件, 平均年間被曝線量は3.5mSvで, 被曝線量は件数に依存しなかった. 被曝線量の多かった術者は, 年間27.0mSvで, 職業被曝線量限度を超える危険性が生じた. この術者の被曝状況を分析した結果, 個人線量計を防護衣の前ポケット(布製)に入れていたため被曝したことがわかった. そこで, 正しく防護衣の内側に装着した場合の被曝線量をファントム実験で算定した結果, 被曝線量は3.7mSv/年と推定された. 術者は個人被曝線量計を正しい位置に装着する, きちんと防護用具を使用するなど, 常に被曝防護を意識し, 実践することが重要である.
加藤 守 千田 浩一 盛武 敬 小口 靖弘 加賀 勇治 坂本 肇 塚本 篤子 川内 覚 松本 一真 松村 光章 大阪 肇 豊嶋 英仁
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.72, no.1, pp.73-81, 2016

Deterministic effects have been reported in cardiac interventional procedures. To prevent radiation skin injuries in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), it is necessary to measure accurate patient entrance skin dose (ESD) and maximum skin absorbed dose (MSD). We measured the MSD on 62 patients in four facilities by using the Chest-RADIREC<sup>Ⓡ</sup> system. The correlation between MSD and fluoroscopic time, dose area product (DAP), and cumulative air kerma (AK) showed good results, with the correlation between MSD and AK being the strongest. The regression lines using MSD as an outcome value (y) and AK as predictor variables (x) was y=1.18x (R<sup>2</sup>=0.787). From the linear regression equation, MSD is estimated to be about 1.18 times that of AK in real time. The Japan diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) 2015 for IVR was established by the use of dose rates using acrylic plates (20- cm thick) at the interventional reference point. Preliminary reference levels proposed by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were provided using DAP. In this study, AK showed good correlation most of all. Hence we think that Japanese DRLs for IVR should reconsider by clinical patients' exposure dose such as AK.
加藤 守 千田 浩一 盛武 敬 小口 靖弘 加賀 勇治 坂本 肇 塚本 篤子 川内 覚 松本 一真 松村 光章 大阪 肇 土佐 鉃雄
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.70, no.8, pp.814-820, 2014

In recent years, dose justification and optimization have been attempted in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); however, deterministic effects have been reported. To prevent radiation skin injuries in PCI, it is necessary to measure the patient entrance skin dose (ESD), but an accurate dose measurement method has not yet been established. In this study, we developed a dosimetry gown that can measure the ESD during PCI using multiple radiophotoluminescence dosimeters (RPLDs). The RPLDs were placed into 84 pockets that were sewn into a dosimetry gown. Patients wear the original dosimetry gown during the procedures, after which we obtain accurate ESD measurements. We believe that this method using RPLDs and a newly-designed dosimetry gown provides accurate ESD measurements during PCI. We expect this system to become a standard method for measuring ESD during PCI.