信田 裕 北村 謙 大井 衣里 西尾 利樹
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.54, no.7, pp.375-379, 2021 (Released:2021-07-28)

症例1は78歳男性.回転性めまいを主訴に来院し,著明な腎機能障害を認めた.入院後に会話の辻褄があわなくなり,不穏が出現した.症例2は72歳女性.両側下肢の脱力と構音障害を主訴に来院し,症例1と同様に腎機能障害を認めた.2症例ともに腎機能障害の既往はなく,来院数日前に近医でバラシクロビル3,000 mgと非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)を処方されていた.頭部CT,MRIでは明らかな頭蓋内病変を認めず,これらはアシクロビル脳症であると考えた.バラシクロビル,NSAIDsを中止し補液を行ったが,2症例ともに腎機能障害および神経症状の改善を得られず第2病日に血液透析を開始した.その後,腎機能は改善し神経症状も消失したため透析を離脱した.腎機能が正常であっても高齢者ではバラシクロビルによって腎障害や神経症状が出現する場合があり注意が必要である.
北村 謙始 山田 久美子 伊藤 明 福田 實
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.29, no.2, pp.133-145, 1995-09-10 (Released:2010-08-06)
14 13

With the purpose of clarifying the role of internal factors in the process of dry skin occurs, dry skin was induced experimentally by an ionic surfactant and, using the model system, we investiglated from a pharmacological perspective as a new experimental plan. Through this research, we have conceived a new theory explaining how dry skin occurs. Furthermore, on the beais of this theory, we have developed a new effective compound for its treatment.In order to study on the mechanism by which dry skin occurs, we used anti-inflammatory agents and inhibitors against histological impairment mediators, as well as various substances that were considered to regulate the function of epidermal cells. The results strongly suggested that the occurence of dry skin involves a cause bringing about the over-manifestation of the epidermal plasminogen (PLG) activation system, which in turn causes abnormalities in the regulating mechanisms for the proliferation and differentiation of epidermal cells, and these result in dry skin.We discovered 4-aminomethylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid (t-AMCHA), which was the most effective substance in view of the theory on the occurrence of dry skin. Then we investigated in detail the efficacy of t-AMCHA. The results of our studies confirmed that t-AMCHA strongly suppresses the over-manifestatation of the PLG activation system in the epidermis when dry skin was occurring. In addition, t-AMCHA demonstrated superb effectiveness against phenomena caused by dry skin, including the loss of moisture from the horny layer, the increase in transepidermal water loss (TEWL), accelerated turnover in the horny layer, and the changes in various other indicators such as epidermal hypertrophy.We also performed a double-blind trial on a preparation containing t-AMCHA. Results demonstrated that the preparation containing t-AMCHA definitely made better and faster improvement than the preparation without t-AMCHA in skin surface texture. Furthermore, the t-AMCHA containing preparation showed superior stability and safety and had excellent usability.We demonstrated for the first time that the intraepidermal PLG activation system plays a major role in the process by which dry skin occurs, and founded a new theory on the occurrence of dry skin. In addition, on the basis of this theory, we discovered the effective substance t-AMCHA and conducted research on its practical application. As a result, we have not only verified the theory but also developed a revolutionary new effective substance for cosmetics.
三幣 康太 北村 謙英 コルテス カルロス 小川 実穂
vol.2014, no.6, pp."20pm1-E6-1"-"20pm1-E6-2", 2014-10-20

This paper presents an experimental platform to explore effective ambient intelligence systems using a MEMS-based wearable eye-tracking system and tactile display. Ambient intelligence, which allows us to receive useful information on site and at real time from the surrounding environment, requires a method to let the users be aware of the information. Given that our vision and hearing is heavily used, we consider that utilizing of tactile sensation is most effective. In our research, We use an unobtrusive pupil tracker for wearable computer using dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells installed on an eyeglass lens and an electro tactile display. In addition, we made an Android application that enables us to manipulate the Tactile sensations and get information of the eye tracking device.
北村 謙典 武村 紀子 岩井 儀雄 佐藤 宏介
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.134, no.2, pp.218-224, 2014-02-01 (Released:2014-02-01)

In this study, we investigated expressive facial reactions in response to changes in the visual environment and their automatic extraction from sensors, in order to construct a comfortable level of illumination in personal living spaces. We conducted an experiment that showed that expressive facial reactions occur when illumination in the visual environment changes. We captured facial images and manually classified them as expressing or not expressing discomfort. We then conducted a second experiment that showed that automatic image processing can be used to extract and identify these expressive facial reactions. We extracted facial features and used a support vector machine to learn the classification in this experiment.