入口 陽介 小田 丈二 冨野 泰弘 依光 展和 園田 隆賀 岸 大輔 橋本 真紀子 中河原 亜希子 霧生 信明 清水 孝悦 水谷 勝 山里 哲郎 並木 伸 長濱 正亞 山村 彰彦 細井 董三
pp.779-793, 2020-05-25

要旨●スキルスとは,病理組織学的に癌組織の間質に線維性組織増生が顕著な状態の総称であり,スキルス胃癌は臨床的に「胃癌取扱い規約」の肉眼型の4型を指すことが多い.そこで,本邦における4型胃癌の経時的な発生頻度,形態学的・病理組織学的特徴を検討した.全国集計による進行胃癌の肉眼型別・年次推移をみると,4型胃癌は,1984年度13.8%から2014年度6.5%に減少していた.また,当センターにおいて過去29年間に経験した4型胃癌93例を対象として,原発巣(粘膜内進展部)の部位と背景粘膜から,①胃底腺型,②腺境界型,③幽門腺型の3型に分類し,2007年度を境に前期45例,後期48例に分けて検討した.後期では胃底腺型が特に減少し,腺境界型,幽門腺型の割合が増加していた.胃底腺型は,前後期ともに原発巣の大きさが25cm2以下で陥凹は深く組織型は未分化型腺癌が多かった.一方,腺境界型は,前後期ともに原発巣の大きさが50cm2以上で陥凹は浅かったが,後期では組織混在型の割合が増加していた.幽門腺型は原発巣の大きさに比較して粘膜下層以深の面積は大きくなく,前後期ともに組織混在型が約30%に認められた.H. pylori感染状態の検討では,前期はすべて現感染であったが,後期では現感染42例,未感染2例(胃底腺型2例),除菌後4例(胃底腺型1例,腺境界型2例,幽門腺型1例)であった.以上から,スキルス胃癌,4型進行胃癌の正確な診断のためには,原発巣の部位・背景粘膜の相違による形態学的・病理組織学的特徴を十分に理解して,スクリーニング,精密検査を行うことが重要である.
安 鍾賢 筑紫 彰太 安川 真輔 園田 隆
公益社団法人 日本設計工学会
設計工学 (ISSN:09192948)
vol.57, no.4, pp.181-190, 2022 (Released:2022-04-05)

In recent years, extermination work has been carried out due to the increase in the number of jellyfish. In this research, we design and develop an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) and conduct a jellyfish crushing experiment for the purpose of automating jellyfish extermination work. In the design and development of an AUV, electronic parts to operate autonomously were selected, and each electronic part was placed inside the hull to create a system diagram of them. Regarding the jellyfish extermination device, we designed and developed a device that sucks and crushes jellyfish together with water from the suction port. In this experiment, a jellyfish extermination device was mounted on developed AUV, and a crushing experiment was conducted using a jellyfish sample which is made by water and gelatin. As a result, it was confirmed that a jellyfish sample with a diameter of about 7 cm and a height of about 11 cm could be crushed to small pieces, which has average of volume 2885.6 mm3, during less in about 8 seconds.
安 鍾賢 筑紫 彰太 安川 真輔 園田 隆
公益社団法人 日本設計工学会
設計工学 (ISSN:09192948)
pp.2021.2931, (Released:2021-10-28)

In recent years, extermination work has been carried out due to the increase in the number of jellyfish. In this research, we design and develop an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) and conduct a jellyfish crushing experiment for the purpose of automating jellyfish extermination work. In the design and development of an AUV, electronic parts to operate autonomously were selected, and each electronic part was placed inside the hull to create a system diagram of them. Regarding the jellyfish extermination device, we designed and developed a device that sucks and crushes jellyfish together with water from the suction port. In this experiment, a jellyfish extermination device was mounted on developed AUV, and a crushing experiment was conducted using a jellyfish sample which is made by water and gelatin. As a result, it was confirmed that a jellyfish sample with a diameter of about 7 cm and a height of about 11 cm could be crushed to small pieces, which has average of volume 2885.6 mm3, during less in about 8 seconds.
武藤 泰敏 大森 正英 園田 隆也 石川 淑郎
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.72, no.5, pp.545-556, 1975 (Released:2007-12-26)

アルコールの量-反応関係 (dose-response relationship) にもとづいて, アルコール性肝障害の発生を検討した. そのさい総アルコール摂取量 (total alcohol intake: TAI) と血清γ-GTP活性を指標とした. 肝疾患既往のない飲酒者 (social drinkers) ではTAIと血清γ-GTP活性とは正相関4)を示すが, 一方, 慢性アルコール症患者 (chronic alcoholics) においては逆に負相関 (r=-0.4999, P<0.001) が観察された. そこで, TAIと血清 γ-GTP 活性との関係から, 慢性アルコール症患者を"good"と"poor" responder とに類型化し, しかも両型の主な臨床的特微をあげた. そしてアルコール性肝障害の発生をアルコール摂取に対する個体反応の差 (personal sensitivity) から観察することの重要性を強調した.
西田 祐也 園田 隆 石井 和男
vol.2010, pp."2A1-B03(1)"-"2A1-B03(3)", 2010

Locusts and grasshoppers have powerful hind-legs which are adapted to produce jumps and kicks. It is reported that the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) which is about 50mm long can jump to the height of about 250mm at the peak. Hind-legs of locusts have special cuticle called "semi-lunar process" same as the spring. Locusts charge jumping force in semi-lunar process using own muscle before jumping. And, they can jump by instantaneously releasing the force. So, locusts obtain high jumping performance which is impossible by only own muscle, using semi-lunar process. The aim in this research is to develop high power joint mechanism by mimic jumping system of locusts. This paper reports how to produce high power in the mechanism.
水越 文和 出島 健司 竹中 洋 齊藤 憲治 河田 了 高木 伸夫 安田 範夫 村上 泰 松岡 秀樹 日向 美知 立本 圭吾 任 書熹 大島 渉 寺薗 富朗 日向 誠 松本 真吏子 竹上 永佑 土井 玲子 三牧 三郎 西嶋 信雄 牛島 千久 伊達 敬一 園田 隆朗 大槻 晃直 木村 隆保 八木 正人 中井 茂 昌子 均 豊田 健司
耳鼻咽喉科臨床. 補冊 = Practica otologica. Suppl. (ISSN:09121870)
vol.76, pp.56-66, 1995-03-20
6 2

The effect of Oxatomide in the initial treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis was examined in 11facilities in Kyoto prefecture. This study examined the most appropriate starting time and period of administration for the highest effect of the initial treatment. The following results were confirmed by administre ring Oxatomide during the initial treatment for Japanese cedar pollinosis on 1991.<BR>The effect of Oxatomide was obtained after administering for one week or more, including the highest effect after two weeks for sneezing and three weeks for nasal discharge. However, no effect on sniffling. These results suggest that two to three weeks is the best administration period for Oxatomide in the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis.<BR>In addition, a close relation between pollen information facilities and practical medicine in the region, is necessary for the initial treatment of pollinosis.
園田 隆一 松本 樹典 キティヨドム パーサコーン
日本建築学会 = Architectural Institute of Japan
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.72, no.615, pp.127-135, 2007

Analyses of a single pile, a pile group and a piled raft in a homogenous elastic ground subjected to earthquake are carried out using FEM and a simplified analysis method, In the FEM analyses, the raft and the piles are modelled by solid elements, or the raft is modelled by the thin plate elements and the piles are modelled by beam elements. As a simplified analysis method, a three-dimensional dynamic analysis of piled raft foundations subjected to earthquake using a hybrid model is proposed in this paper. In the analysis, the flexible raft and the pile are modelled as thin plates and beam elements, respectively. The soil is treated as springs and dashpots. The results from different modelling are compared, in order to investigate adequate modelling of raft, pile and ground and to investigate dynamic responses of the pile foundations. It is shown from the analyses that horizontal displacements and horizontal accelerations are not influenced by methods of modelling. In contrast, vertical responses such as vertical displacements hence the rocking motion of the pile, axial forces of the pile are influenced by methods of modelling, although the vertical responses are much smaller than the horizontal responses. Details of the results of the analyses are presented, and suggestions for the improvement of the simplified analysis method are discussed.
岡本 洋 坪下 幸寛 園田 隆志
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.24, 2010
