坂東 伸幸 後藤 孝
日本耳鼻咽喉科感染症・エアロゾル学会会誌 (ISSN:21880077)
vol.5, no.1, pp.5-10, 2017-01-20 (Released:2020-08-04)

A retrospective study was conducted on 161 patients with peritonsillar abscess from July 2007 to June 2015 (111 males and 50 females; aged 11 to 86 years old, median age 41 years). All the patients were hospitalized and treated with drainage by incision for the abscess and intravenous administration of antibiotics. Out of the 161 patients, 83 (51.5%) were affected on the right side, 74 (46%) on the left and 4 (2.5%) on the bilateral. 137 (85.1%) patients were diagnosed as superior type and 24 (14.9%) as inferior type. In the blood test on the first day, number of white blood cells (WBC) ranged from 4600 to 26450 (median 12900) and C-reactive protein (CRP) ranged from 0.35 to 28.9 (median 7.98 mg/dl). Laryngeal edema was complicated in 35 (21.7%) of 161 patients. All the patients were treated with intravenous administration of either PIPC 2 g + CLDM 0.6 g (n = 74), ABPC/SBT 1.5 g + CLDM 0.6 g (n = 39), or ABPC/SBT 3 g (n = 31) twice a day. Decrease rates in WBC of patients with ABPC/SBT 1.5 g + CLDM 0.6 g or those with ABPC/SBT 3 g twice a day were significantly higher than those with PIPC 2 g + CLDM 0.6 g twice a day (p < 0.05). Age, CRP and percentage of laryngeal edema in the inferior type were significantly higher than those in the superior type (p < 0.05). Of the 24 patients of the inferior type of peritonsillar abscess, 12 (50%) patients cannot be drained with incision but cured with antibiotics and steroid. Four (16.7%) patients underwent abscess tonsillectomy under general anesthesia the next day after admission. These findings suggest that treatment with ABPC/SBT and drainage by incision is effective for peritonsillar abscess. The inferior type of peritonsillar abscess needs more intensive treatments including abscess tonsillectomy.
坂東 伸幸 後藤 孝 赤羽 俊章 大貫 なつみ 山口 朋美 佐和 弘基 西原 広史 田中 伸哉
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.30, no.2, pp.142-147, 2013 (Released:2013-08-30)

穿刺吸引細胞診は甲状腺結節の質的診断のために最も有用な検査である。当院ではこれまでプレパラートに穿刺吸引細胞を吹き付ける従来法で細胞診を行ってきたが,診断率は高くなかった。そこで液状処理細胞診(Liquid-based cytology;LBC)を採用した。2007年4月から2011年5月までに従来法で穿刺吸引細胞診を施行し,パパニコロウのクラス分類で判定した426病変(従来法群)と2011年6月から2012年8月までにLBCを施行し,当院で甲状腺癌取り扱い規約第6版に準じて判定した297病変(LBC群)との比較を試みた。検体不適正についてLBC群では27病変(9.1%)であり,従来法の68病変(16%)と差を認め,同規約の付帯事項である10%以下を達成した。手術施行し,病理組織と対比できた従来法群125例においてclass Ⅲを除くと感度69.6%,特異度95.2%,正診率80.5%であったが,LBC群53例では鑑別困難例を除くと感度,特異度,正診率とも100%を示した。穿刺吸引細胞におけるLBCは従来法と遜色ないと考えられる。
原渕 保明 坂東 伸幸 高原 幹 岸部 幹 後藤 孝 野澤 はやぶさ 吉崎 智貴
The Society of Practical Otolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.99, no.10, pp.805-812, 2006-10-01
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Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris (PPP), Sterno-costo-claviclar hyperostosis (SCCH), IgA nephropathy, and some other autoimmune diseases have been regarded as tonsillar focal infections since tonsillectomy is quite effective in the treatment of these diseases. In this paper, we reviewed recent clinicopathological evidence on tonsillar focal infections obtained through our experience as well as in the literature. In addition, we summarized experimental results regarding mechanisms of the development and progression of tonsillar focal infections. It has been speculated that abnormal immune responses in the tonsils may cause or worsen the disease. Therefore, tonsillectomy should be recommended for the treatment of tonsillar focal infections.