城間 康 安富祖 仁 斎藤 秀和 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.168-172, 2021

<p>The grade of a mango is determined by its color. Traditionally, the classification of mangoes is manually performed by humans. Such classification is subjective and then the quality of mango's is not uniform. In order to overcome the problem, automatic classification method to classify mango based on RGB histogram of their images and certain threshold. However, this process might be influenced by variations in the luminance. In this study, we implemented alternatives of the traditional method and compared them with sampled images.</p>
長山 格 上原 和加貴 城間 康 宮里 太也
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.141, no.2, pp.130-137, 2021

<p>In this study, we aim to develop a robust motion recognition system for an intelligent video surveillance system, that can be used for security, sports and rehabilitation by using extended alternative learning. A robust motion recognition system is necessary for the automated detection of security incidents by using a machine learning approach. However, to avoid the difficulty of collecting a huge training dataset, we propose an alternative learning approach that trains a deep neural network with a 3D-CG dataset to recognize several motions. We present our experimental results on motion recognition from free-viewpoint videos by using deep learning and alternative learning. The trained deep neural network (DNN) is evaluated using actual videos by classifying the different actions performed by real humans in these videos.</p>
城間 康 安富祖 仁 諏訪 竜一 金城 篤史 殿岡 裕樹 加賀 武史 長山 格 玉城 史朗 マハラジャン ガウリ
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.166-173, 2019

<p>Mango is a popular seasonal fruit in summer, and mango production in the Okinawa prefecture is the largest in Japan. However, the growth process of mangoes is susceptible to changes in sunshine, temperature, and other factors. In this research, to produce mangoes without being influenced by the natural environment, we will develop a production system that can positively realize environmental measurement and control by using an IoT sensing system. Specifically, we introduced local CO<sub>2</sub> application technology and a supplemental LED lighting system with the aim of activating photosynthesis by mango trees.</p>
城間 康 安富祖 仁 金城 篤史 長山 格 玉城 史朗
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 (ISSN:09136339)
vol.139, no.2, pp.174-179, 2019

<p>Crop growth is influenced by various environmental factors. As a condition for effective plant growth, it is necessary that control of the habitat environment, such as soil moisture content, temperature, humidity, solar radiation amount, is adequately delivered. We focused the fact that soil moisture is important. It is desirable that moisture is uniformly distributed in the soil. In order to avoid physiological disorders caused by water related stress on agricultural crops, it is necessary to use soil with appropriate permeability. By calculating and estimating some characteristic amount related to water permeability, it is possible to identify soil with appropriate water permeability. In this research, we realize the visualization of the planar soil moisture volume by arranging the soil moisturemeter at multiple points. In addition to a system that realizes planar visualization of soil moisture, we propose a method for estimating soil permeability parameters in combination with computer simulation.</p>
平田 哲兵 城間 康 宮城 武志 大城 美和子 我喜屋 千晶 仲程 基経 長田 康敬 玉城 史朗
no.15, pp.26-31, 2013-07-06

本論文ではICTを活用した畜産分野における情報管理システムである「Pinza Cloud System」の概要について述べ,これを活用した畜産関係者,特に獣医学分野の研究者と農業者による共同での,テレワークによる家畜防疫体制の確立に関する可能性について議論する。またこれらのシステムを活用して地域畜産物である山羊のブランド化に挑戦する沖縄県多良間村での取り組みを取り上げ,システムの活用における課題を明らかにすることを目的とする。