塩沢 由典
産業学会研究年報 (ISSN:09187162)
vol.1999, no.14, pp.1-16,101, 1999-03-30 (Released:2009-10-08)

Industry has a tendency to concentrate in a rather localized area. This phenomenon is now attracting the interest of many people and can be explained from two sides. From the negative side, the local concentrations of industries are now in a difficult situation, because of the competition mainly from Asian countries, and these industries are now targets of a revitalization policy. From the positive side, the concentrations offer a chance to create new high tech industries, upon which Japan is obliged to rely on in the future. This paper first analyses how a localized concentration begins and proceeds using a simple model of increasing returns. The model reveals that there is a threshold beyond which a concentration has an advantage over a non-concentrated area. The concentration proceeds until a certain amount of capacity has accumlated in the region. The saturation point differs much according to whether the concentration is derived by an internal economy or an external economy. In an internal economy, it is quite probable that a single big firm monopolies the industry. In an external economy, many small firms accumulate until extra profit rate is nullified. In a numerical example given in the paper, the internal economy case ceases to accumulate at about half the volume of the external economy case. In later sections, the concept “external economy” is examined. There is no such a case that can be called “external economy” in the sense that it only benefits small firms and not big firms. The external economy should be understood as a situation where economies of scale, as a function of total volume of productions, prevail and firms are prevented to grow beyond a certain size due to the existence of other reasons that increase the internal cost of the firm. In the last part of the paper, an advantage of the diversity is discussed and some policy implications are indicated.
塩沢 由典
国際経済 (ISSN:03873943)
vol.69, pp.41-62, 2018 (Released:2018-10-31)

リカード貿易理論は, 多くの誤解にまとわれているが, 新しい解釈と新しい国際価値論とにより, その理解は一新している。新しい国際価値論は, 多数国多数財で投入財が自由に貿易されるという状況設定のもとに構築されている。それは, 原材料・部品等の国際的ネットワークを通して国際価値連鎖(GVCs)がいかに形成されるかを示す分析枠組みであり, 現代のグローバル化された世界経済の基礎的分析理論を提示している。
塩沢 由典
公益社団法人 計測自動制御学会
計測と制御 (ISSN:04534662)
vol.38, no.10, pp.658-662, 1999-10-10 (Released:2009-11-26)
塩沢 由典
経済教育 (ISSN:13494058)
vol.36, no.36, pp.4-9, 2017 (Released:2018-08-10)

塩沢 由典
経済教育 (ISSN:13494058)
vol.36, no.36, pp.4-9, 2017

<p> 経済学の危機はひじょうに深い。それは経済の諸問題に対し,経済学が有効な対策を提示できないという範囲に止まらない。問題の深さは,理論を根本から作りなおす必要,需要供給の法則を理解しなおすことにまで及んでいる。この事態は,しかし,経済学教育を真に教育的なものにする基盤をも与えている。既成の知識を教え込むのでなく,深く考える仕方を教えるには,論争をベースとする教育がふさわしい。経済学が危機にあること,その危機が乗り越えられつつあることは,経済学を「わくわくする」ものにしており,それは経済学教育を「わくわくする」ものに作りかえる基盤でもある。</p>
塩沢 由典
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.46, no.3, pp.41-52, 2009-10-20 (Released:2017-04-25)

The mainstream of economics is named neoclassical economics. Its success in 20th century economics is obvious and it remains dominant even in 21st century. One of the reasons why neoclassical economics so succeeded is the appropriate employment of mathematical methods. Two pillars of the neoclassical framework are optimization and equilibrium. Both permitted to transform economic problems into tractable mathematical formulations. But, the cost of this use of mathematics was not cheap. It enclosed the economics to the simple world of calculus and put aside many of important questions that economics should attack. Neoclassical way of explanation seems to be flourishing but it is an effort to make scarecrows from in one field to in another. They may be impressive for naive people, as the explanation is full of high mathematics. But, this is not the real way to develop economics. Problem setting itself is designed such that the problem thus obtained is soluble. By consequence, there are full of ridiculer explanations. To cite an example, the RBC (Real Business Cycle) theory is one. This "theory" claims that business cycle is caused by the technical shocks the economy incurs. How does it explain the present world wide depression? Is financial crisis also a technical shock? I cited many other examples in the text, but the main question is not this point. RBS is only an example, but of what? It is a symptom of the crisis of economics as discipline. Now it is the time to seek a breakthrough. We should build a new economics different from neoclassical economics. There are many schools in economics and all but few are for it. But the question is how? Most of the endeavors that schools of economics tried failed. Is it possible after all? The attempt is not an easy one, of course. It requires a firm strategy. It is not a question of changing this hypothesis to another. The trouble that neoclassical economics faces is that it is enclosed in a circle of mathematical tractability. This circle is very loose and hard to see it, but it is strong enough that it never permits to go beyond it, as far as economics continues to use mathematics as main methodology. By consequence, the new strategy must be as powerful and as omnipotent as mathematics. What I propose as such a candidate is MAS (Multi-Agent simulation). MAS may liberate us from the yoke of mathematical tractability. Process analysis becomes the major field of MAS. By mathematics, analysis of processes was difficult except for special types of time development, i.e. differential and difference equations. In MAS, varieties of people can be included. People of different income, of different taste, of different opinion, and so on. Goods can be also very different. Firms may be different too. Evolution of behaviors can be implemented. MAS may open a new stage of economics. It is time to bet for it.
塩沢 由典
社会・経済システム (ISSN:09135472)
no.7, pp.41-46, 1989-10-25

Market economy is an object which can only be well understood when viewed as a complex system.The agents are subjected to three limits:(1)bounded sight, (2)bounded rationality, and (3)bounded activity.They have no ability for a full adjustment which is assumed in the walrassian groping processes.The complexity of the system remains far beyond the human capacity to see, think, and act.An agent behaves by a rule of thumb, a routine which has been selected through a number of trials of success and failure.In order that this selection be meaningful, the economy itself must have certain characteristics.First, the economic processes must be stationary even though they inevitably involve fluctuations.Second, the system is to be divided into a large number of small parts and each part must be loosely connected with others.This looseness is only possible when the system functions with play.An agent can then isolate a subsystem which he may partially control.Adjustments and controls are always imperfect.Agents may make errors.If the system is to subsist, however, the agents cannot die out all in once and so, thirdly, they must have a sufficient marge of viability above the death-life break-even point.