羽鹿 牧太 高橋 浩司 山田 哲也 小巻 克巳 高田 吉丈 島田 尚典 境 哲文 島田 信二 足立 大山 田渕 公清 菊池 彰夫 湯本 節三 中村 茂樹 伊藤 美環子
no.10, pp.1-20, 2009 (Released:2011-03-05)

甲斐 由美 境 哲文 片山 健二 熊谷 亨 石黒 浩二 中澤 芳則 山川 理 吉永 優
国立研究開発法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構
農研機構研究報告 九州沖縄農業研究センター = Bulletin of the NARO, Agricultural Research for Kyushu Okinawa Region (ISSN:24328103)
no.66, pp.87-119, 2017-03

「べにはるか」はいもの外観が優れる「九州121 号」を母,いもの皮色や食味が優れる「春こがね」を父とする交配組合せから選抜したサツマイモ新品種である。蒸しいもおよび焼きいもの糖度(ブリックス)が「高系14 号」より高く,食味が優れる。萌芽性は中,草型はやや匍匐型で,いもの皮色は赤紫,肉色は黄白,形状は紡錘形,いもの外観はやや上である。育成地におけるいもの収量は「高系14 号」を上回るが,試験地によっては,「高系14 号」並みあるいはやや劣る場合がある。掘取直後の蒸しいもの肉質はやや粉質であるが,貯蔵により粘質化しやすい。蒸切干(干しいも)の肉色は黄色で,食味はやや上~上と優れる。サツマイモネコブセンチュウに強く,ミナミネグサレセンチュウにやや強い。黒斑病抵抗性は中~やや弱であり,貯蔵性は易である。"Beniharuka" is a new sweetpotato cultivar for table use, developed at the KyushuOkinawa Agricultural Research Center. It was evaluated at prefectural agriculturalexperiment stations as breeding line "Kyushu No. 143" and was registered as a new variety in 2010."Beniharuka" is the progeny from a cross between "Kyushu No. 121" and "Harukogane" conducted at the Sweetpotato Breeding Laboratory in 1996. "Kyushu No. 121" is a cultivar for table use, especially suitable for baked root, while "Harukogane" is a cultivar for table use with good skin color and good taste. Starting from 278 seeds sown in the nursery, selection was carried out based on field performance, taste, and appearance of storage root."Beniharuka" exhibits moderate sprouting ability and a slightly prostrate plant type. The top leaves are light green. The mature leaves are green and cordate. The vine diameter is intermediate with a somewhat short internode length. Pigmentation by anthocyanin is pale in the veins and is very pale in the vine nodes. The storage roots are uniformly fusiform with reddish purple skin and cream flesh. The steamed root texture is slightly dry just after harvesting, but it becomes slightly moist after about one month storage and its taste becomes sweeter. Steamed and cured slices made from "Beniharuka" are yellow and taste good.The yielding ability of "Beniharuka" is comparable to that of "Kokei No. 14", a leading Japanese variety for table use. The dry matter content of "Beniharuka" is higher than that of "Kokei No. 14" ."Beniharuka" is intermediately resistant or slightly susceptible to black rot (Ceratocystis fimbriata), somewhat resistant to root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae), and resistant to root knot nematode(Meloidogyne incognita).The storage ability of the storage roots is sufficient throughout winter.