宮川 豊美 川村 一男
和洋女子大学紀要 家政系編 (ISSN:09160035)
no.29, pp.p13-19, 1989-03

「にんにく」「乾燥にんにく」「にら」「蕃辛」「乾燥蕃辛」「生姜」「青じそ」の細菌発育阻止作用を,食中毒細菌のサルモネラ菌,腸炎ビブリオ菌,病原大腸菌,カンピロバクター菌及び黄色ブドウ球菌について,発育阻止作用を吟味することから次の結果を得た。1. 「にんにく」と「にら」に細菌発育阻止作用を認めたが,その効力は,「にんにく」の方が強い。2. 細菌発育阻止作用を生じさせるには,そのままの状態で使用するのではなく,潰す,磨りおろす,細かく切る,液状にするなどの操作を行い細胞膜を破壊することが必要である。3. 発育阻止作用は,加熱処理,乾燥によって失われる。
松下 真実子 宮川 豊美 川村 一男
和洋女子大学大学紀要 (ISSN:02893193)
vol.24, no.2, pp.p1-15, 1983-03

The authors noted the chage of tastes after cleaning teeth, and researched the change of the taste threshold after cleaning with toothcream and the effects of each component of the toothcream; the effects of surfactants which had been added to toothcream for 20 years or more were also discussed. The results are reported here. 1. The thresholds (special thresholds) of four fundamental tastes of sweet, salty, sour, and bitter in the test group were almost similar to those which were reported 40 years ago. Therefore, the difference in the taste thresholds by age was not observed. It indicated that the surfactants added to toothcream for a long time did not affect the tastes. 2. PH of the saliva not affected by cleaning of teeth. 3. Tastes of sweet and bitter were delayed to be differentiated after cleaning of teeth, but the sour taste was not affected. 4. The tastes which were affected by intraoral stimulation by commercially available "toothcream" and the mixture solution of its components were two tastes of sweet and bitter, while salty and sour tastes were hardly affected. 5. The thresholds were increased or reduced, but generally they were increased in many cases and the threshold concentration reached to 2 to 4 times as high as the original one. 6. The component of "toothcream" which can cause the change of taste thresholds was found to be sodium laurylsulfate. Perfumes strongly affected particularly sweetness and bitterness, and sodium laurylsulfate influenced sweet, salty and bitter tastes; glycerin affected only sweetness. 7. It took 3 to 15 minutes to recover the activity to differentiate sweet, salty, sour and bitter tastes after cleaning teeth with commercially available "toothcream".
宮川 豊美 川村 一男
和洋女子大学紀要. 家政系編
vol.29, pp.13-19, 1989-03-31

「にんにく」「乾燥にんにく」「にら」「蕃辛」「乾燥蕃辛」「生姜」「青じそ」の細菌発育阻止作用を,食中毒細菌のサルモネラ菌,腸炎ビブリオ菌,病原大腸菌,カンピロバクター菌及び黄色ブドウ球菌について,発育阻止作用を吟味することから次の結果を得た。1. 「にんにく」と「にら」に細菌発育阻止作用を認めたが,その効力は,「にんにく」の方が強い。2. 細菌発育阻止作用を生じさせるには,そのままの状態で使用するのではなく,潰す,磨りおろす,細かく切る,液状にするなどの操作を行い細胞膜を破壊することが必要である。3. 発育阻止作用は,加熱処理,乾燥によって失われる。
松下 真実子 宮川 豊美 川村 一男 マツシタ マミコ ミヤカワ トヨミ カワムラ カズオ Mamiko Matsushita Toyomi MIYAKAWA Kazuo Kawamura
大學紀要. 第2分冊, 家政系編
vol.24, pp.1-15, 1983-03-31

The authors noted the chage of tastes after cleaning teeth, and researched the change of the taste threshold after cleaning with toothcream and the effects of each component of the toothcream; the effects of surfactants which had been added to toothcream for 20 years or more were also discussed. The results are reported here. 1. The thresholds (special thresholds) of four fundamental tastes of sweet, salty, sour, and bitter in the test group were almost similar to those which were reported 40 years ago. Therefore, the difference in the taste thresholds by age was not observed. It indicated that the surfactants added to toothcream for a long time did not affect the tastes. 2. PH of the saliva not affected by cleaning of teeth. 3. Tastes of sweet and bitter were delayed to be differentiated after cleaning of teeth, but the sour taste was not affected. 4. The tastes which were affected by intraoral stimulation by commercially available "toothcream" and the mixture solution of its components were two tastes of sweet and bitter, while salty and sour tastes were hardly affected. 5. The thresholds were increased or reduced, but generally they were increased in many cases and the threshold concentration reached to 2 to 4 times as high as the original one. 6. The component of "toothcream" which can cause the change of taste thresholds was found to be sodium laurylsulfate. Perfumes strongly affected particularly sweetness and bitterness, and sodium laurylsulfate influenced sweet, salty and bitter tastes; glycerin affected only sweetness. 7. It took 3 to 15 minutes to recover the activity to differentiate sweet, salty, sour and bitter tastes after cleaning teeth with commercially available "toothcream".
神野 誠 中澤 和夫 松日楽 信人 宮川 豊美 砂押 貴光 羽藤 武宏 森川 康英 小澤 壯治 古川 俊治 北島 政樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2002, 2002

筆者らは, 腹腔鏡下手術を対象とし, マスタとスレーブが一体化され, 簡単・コンパクトでかつ操作性を優れた手術支援用マニピュレータを開発している。試作した一体型マスタとスレーブマニピュレータについて, ファントムを用い腹腔鏡下で彎曲針による縫合結紮作業を実施し, 従来の鉗子では不可能な方向からの縫合作業が容易であることが確認できた。さらに, 縫合時の各関節角動作データ, 作業時間および作業精度を取得し, 操作性の定量的評価を行った。
神野 誠 中澤 和夫 松日楽 信人 宮川 豊美 砂押 貴光 羽藤 武宏 森川 康英 小澤 壯治 古川 俊治 北島 政樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2003, 2003

筆者らは, マスタとスレーブが一体化され, 簡単・コンパクトでかつ操作性に優れた腹腔鏡下手術支援用ロボット鉗子を開発している。これまで外径12mmのタイプを試作してきたが, 今回, 外径10mmおよび5mmについて試作したので, その結果について報告する。