中島 淳 宮脇 崇
応用生態工学 (ISSN:13443755)
vol.24, no.1, pp.79-94, 2021-07-28 (Released:2021-10-01)

1.休耕田を掘削した湿地ビオトープ(手光ビオトープ)における3 年間の調査において,18 目 93 種の水生動物,4 種の沈水植物を確認した.このうち環境省あるいは福岡県レッドデータブック掲載種は 24 種であり,本ビオトープが生物多様性や希少種の保全に効果があったことがわかった.2.水生昆虫の種数は夏季(8 月)を中心とした時期に増加,冬季(2 月)を中心とした時期に減少し,顕著な季節性があることがわかった.このことから,止水性昆虫相の調査は夏季に行うことが適していると考えられた.3.水生昆虫の種数及び多様度指数(Hʼ)は顕著な移行帯(エコトーン)をもつ地点が大きかったが,一方で流水環境に特異な種も確認されたことから,生物多様性保全を目的とした場合には浅所から深所まで連続的に変化する移行帯を伴う環境構造とともに,止水から流水にかけての多様な流速環境をデザインすることが重要であると考えられた.4.本ビオトープで確認された水生昆虫類は,ほぼ全種が近隣の 2 km 以内のため池に生息する種であったが,その一方でそれらのため池に生息しながらビオトープで確認されない種もあった.このことから,本ビオトープの水生昆虫相は,周囲の水生昆虫相とビオトープの環境構造の 2 点から決定したものと考えられた.5.本ビオトープの水生生物相は侵略性のある外来種であるアメリカザリガニとスクミリンゴガイによる悪影響を受けていたものと考えられた.
平川 周作 中島 淳 松木 昌也 古賀 敬興 秦 弘一郎 柏原 学 古閑 豊和 石間 妙子 宮脇 崇 金子 洋平 志水 信弘 松本 源生 石橋 融子
一般社団法人 日本環境化学会
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.30, pp.125-132, 2020 (Released:2020-09-18)

In this study, we examined a fish survey method using environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding in a river, and the relationship between the fish survey results and water quality detected in eDNA was analyzed. eDNA surveys and fishing surveys were conducted in summer and winter, targeting three sites on three rivers in Fukuoka prefecture. Our comparison of riffles and pools and our examination of the appropriate places to collect eDNA samples revealed that the detected fish species were not completely consistent between the two kinds of surveys and there was no ecological features common to detected fish species. Therefore, sampling at multiple locations is expected to reduce detectable fish dropouts. More fish species were detected in the eDNA survey than in the collection survey at all times. However, the results also suggested that the DNA of fish species living upstream may remain at sampling site, and benthic fish species tend to be difficult to detect by eDNA surveys. In addition, the influence of water quality on the characteristics of the survey site were analyzed, since marine species were detected in some river eDNA surveys. The results suggested that domestic drainage is likely to affect the characteristics in winter, when the amount of water is small, and the change in concentration of linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid and its salts and the change of the ratio of chloride ions may be used as an index of domestic drainage.
西野 貴裕 加藤 みか 宮沢 佳隆 東條 俊樹 市原 真紀子 浅川 大地 松村 千里 羽賀 雄紀 吉識 亮介 長谷川 瞳 宮脇 崇 高橋 浩司 片宗 千春 下間 志正
一般社団法人 日本環境化学会
環境化学 (ISSN:09172408)
vol.30, pp.37-56, 2020 (Released:2020-02-19)
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Quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in three environmental medias (air, water, and sediment) were carried out via a network of regional environmental research institutes in five large cities (Tokyo, Nagoya, Hyogo, Osaka, and Fukuoka) in Japan. The study took place from FY2016 to FY2018 as a part of a risk assessment for aquatic organisms. Analysis data of water samples from the five cities were carried out at the Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection. The risk assessment for aquatic organisms was carried out by comparing the sample data with the predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs) gathered from various sources. Concentration levels of five chemicals (clarithromycin, erythromycin, diclofenac, carbamazepine, and triclosan) exceeded the PNECs in several water samples. Concentrations of antibiotics, such as clarithromycin, and antihistamines, such as fexofenadine, tended to be higher during January to February than during June to August. In contrast, concentrations of insect repellents such as N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) tended to be higher during June to August than during January to February. The discharge sources of these chemicals would be effluents from plants, such as sewage treatment plants, that were not completely treated. Estimated PPCPs loads accumulated by inflow data of Tamagawa river were compared with measured load value in this study. For some of these chemicals, such as fexofenadine and diclofenac, estimated loads did not coincide with measured loads at sampling points along the Tamagawa River. These differences were thought to occur as the consumption of fexofenadine increased rapidly during the research period, and diclofenac photodegraded while flowing down the river.