寺尾 寿芳
西田哲学会年報 (ISSN:21881995)
vol.13, pp.72-85, 2016 (Released:2020-03-21)

The theory of Creation in Christianity has recently displaced its formerly established key concept of“Creation from Nothing”in the ontological form to the periphery and found its most central aspect in the experimental narrative of us who live in this world. The Creation in Holy Spirit indicates the intention of Creation in the future. In modern Japanese Catholicism, Onodera Isao has contributed much to its research and Oshida Shigeto has discerned it in the depth of the daily life world. Oshida’s spiritual journey was indispensable with the indigenous nature of the earth. He found the most primal word(koto-kotoba in Japanese)coming from the hole (ana in Japanese)as radical nothingness and showed himself as a shaman who was possessed with such words. This vision to the depth can be shared with the radical anthropologist Iwata Keiji who critically deconstructed the academically defined concept of“animism”and reconstructed it positively as a pre-interpreted encounter with the invisible“something great.”This intention can be linked with Miyamoto Hisao who sympathizes with the mourning thought of Ishimure Michiko as a spiritual companion with the deeply damaged casualties and patients in Minamata disease. Jürgen Moltmann also collaborates effectively in this stream with his unique idea of the non-created Sabbath. Silent Pentecostal will be expansively seen as an extension of such thoughts.
寺尾 寿芳
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.36, pp.14-28, 2019-03-30 (Released:2019-05-22)

The relation of the dead and the living is examined against the background that the contemporary Christian faith is not a process of mastering the ready-made doctrines, but a personal experience of looking for the true life of Christ. Here, the most important emphasis is put on the mourning work by the living person with repentance for the absent deceased loved one. The idea of Holy Saturday in the Paschal Mystery provides us an instructive point of view. The Easter Triduum can be radically found in the whole of time and sanctifies and moves our chronological time forward. Particularly on the second day, Holy Saturday, when the Lord descended to the dead according to the Apostles’ Creed, the Church essentially refrains from any kind of the ecclesiastical liturgy. Then the illumination of revelation on the living people decreases, as the Lord is absent, and their sinful visage becomes apparent in contrast. The self-inquiry on that day illuminates that the living people are responsible for the death of the deceased in the historical-social stage and it forms a necessary part of the mourning work here. Once the living fulfill the responsibility of being conscious of their sins, they can acceptably expect the resurrection of the dead. But the burden of such self-inspection is likely to be so heavy that in order to accomplish it we, as living ones, need to take as our model someone such as Oshida Shigeto, who was thoroughly honest to the radical evil in him.
寺尾 寿芳
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.32, pp.30-41, 2015-03-31 (Released:2018-08-28)

Oshida Shigeto was a peculiar Dominican monk who founded a unique community Takamori-sōan as an immanent self-criticism to cure the ossified Catholicism. His religious philosophy worked positively as a devil’s advocate as a result. Oshida listened intensively to what he called koto-kotoba, proto-word derived from the primordial dimension of an existence that can be found in the midst of nature instead of through an accumulation of dogma and theology. His language and behavior are not intellectual but are fundamentally spiritual with such a strange self-image of lying on the grass that appears on the first page of one of his books. The recumbent position offers the dimension of das Dämonische that is often passed over in the sharp contrast between a self-constructing standing position and a self-renouncing sitting position. This type of demonic vision does not intend to launch some opposing reaction but rather to express sympathy for the weak in the thoroughly passive posture of decumbence.
寺尾 寿芳
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.77, no.2, pp.369-391, 2003

寺尾 寿芳
宗教研究 (ISSN:03873293)
vol.77, no.2, pp.369-391, 2003-09-30 (Released:2017-07-14)
