小島 律子
学校音楽教育研究 (ISSN:13429043)
vol.20, pp.27-38, 2016-03-31 (Released:2016-08-16)

Working within the framework of Dewey's concept of “experience,” this paper aims to clarify the relationship between Aesthetic Education and Action Learning, and, moving beyond them, put forward a third theory : the Generating of Music. First, the structure of Dewey's concept of experience will be defined. Second, the theories and practices of Aesthetic Education, Action Learning, and the Generating of Music are examined in light of Dewey's concept of experience. Third, the verification of the Generating of Music as a third theory of music education is posited. The nature of experience is in the connection to the element of “trying” and “undergoing.” However, both Aesthetic Education and Action Learning focus only on “trying,” not “undergoing.” Thus, they disregard a child's inner world in the music teaching-learning process. To relate “trying” to “undergoing” can unify “doing” with “knowing.” This unification enables the lifelong development of musical experience. Moreover, to relate “trying” to “undergoing” can encourage the formation of a child's inner world and ensure the development thereof. The Generating of Music is a third theory of music education because of its relationship between “trying” and “undergoing”.
小林 佐知子 小島 律子
大阪教育大学紀要. 第4部門, 教育科学 = Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University (ISSN:03893472)
vol.65, no.2, pp.113-124, 2017-02

研究目的は,事例研究を通して,わらべうた遊びを基盤とする幼児の表現活動においてどのように共同体形成が起こるかを明らかにすることである。事例とした保育実践は,わらべうた遊びからその替え歌づくりの表現活動へと展開する5歳児クラスの実践である。わらべうた遊びに内在するノリは,表現活動では身体・言語コミュニケーションを促進した。身体・言語コミュニケーションが共通の目的,共同行為,意味共有を可能にし,教室に共同体形成をもたらした。The purpose of this paper is to reveal the characteristic appearance of community formation in young children's expressive activity based on warabeuta play through case study. The case is an early childhood education practice to create a new version of warabeuta play "Hayashi no naka kara". Nori in warabeuta play worked to facilitate body/verbal communication in the expressive activity. Body/verbal communication made it possible to share an end, actions and meanings of expressive activity, and then formed community in the class.