小泉 純一
現代と文化 : 日本福祉大学研究紀要 = Journal of Culture in our Time (ISSN:13451758)
vol.135, pp.115-126, 2017-03-31

This paper will show how Mahmoud Darwish was introduced in Japan and visited Hiroshima. He was not only the greatest poet of the 20th century but also an activist to fight for the right of Palestine. We should not forget that he once visited Japan. After he was awarded the Lotus Prize for Literature in 1970 some Japanese writers such as Yoshie Hotta got interested in Middle East literature including the works by Darwish and planed to invite some writers and poets from Middle East countries to Japan to have a conference. In 1974 the conferences were held in Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka. The members from Middle East included Darwish, Adonis and so one. Because of a political trouble the writers from Egypt refused to attend it on the first day. But Darwish attended all the meetings and also visited the monument and the museum of Hiroshima on the way to Fukuoka. When he suffered from the air raids by Israel at Lebanon in 1982 he began to write a prose poem called Memory for Forgetfulness. He wrote about Hiroshima in it. The visit gave him the chance to connect Hiroshima and the atomic bomb to Lebanon and the air raids. His words were quoted in a local newspaper that“ The Problem of Hiroshima has been stuck in a heart of all the people on the earth. People in Hiroshima has suffered from the cruelty but we should say it is up to all human beings.” I want to say it’s not a coincidence that the poem started at August 6th which is the memorial day of Hiroshima. Just after he became a member of PLO and a speechwriter for Yasser Arafat there was no article on him in the papers in Japan until his death. We should not forget his visit to Hiroshima gave him an inspiration to his poetry.
楠田 哲士 森角 興起 小泉 純一 内田 多衣子 園田 豊 甲斐 藏 村田 浩一
日本野生動物医学会誌 (ISSN:13426133)
vol.7, no.2, pp.109-115, 2002 (Released:2018-05-04)
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飼育下ブラジルバク(Tapirus terrestris)雌2頭から週1回の採血を行い,エンザイムイムノアッセイ(EIA)法により血漿中プロジェステロン(P4)濃度を測定した。P4濃度の周期性から発情周期は約4週間であることが推察された。また,国内の動物園におけるこれまでのブラジルバク出産例を調査した結果,出産は年間を通して見られたが,3月から6月にかけてピークが存在した。P4動態からは明確な繁殖季節は存在せず,周年繁殖が可能であると考えられたが,年間の出産数に偏りが見られることを考え合わせると,気候的要因によって繁殖が影響を受けていることが示唆された。
小泉 純一郎 宮本 明彦 中沢 克二
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1123, pp.130-134, 2002-01-07

政治家には昔から電話魔が多い。情報交換という意味もある。事前の根回しも必要だ。半面、独りでいると不安でならない。自分の知らないところで政治が動いているかもしれない。 「深夜の電話は睡眠薬、早朝の電話は気つけ薬」と言った政治家がいる。心身をすり減らしながら、自分の居場所を見つけようとする。