大谷 道輝 川端 志津 假家 悟 内野 克喜 伊藤 敬 小瀧 一 籾山 邦男 森川 亜紀 瀬尾 巖 西田 紀子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.5, pp.323-329, 2002-05-01 (Released:2003-02-18)
11 13

The effect of the intake of 200g of grapefruit pulp (corresponding to one grapefruit) on the pharmacokinetics of the calcium antagonists nifedipine (NF) and nisoldipine (NS) were investigated in 8 healthy Japanese male volunteers. A crossover design was used for the study: group I did not ingest any grapefruit (control group); group II ingested grapefruit 1 h after drug administration; and group III ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration. The intake of grapefruit pulp increased the plasma concentrations of both NF and NS, an effect that has previously been reported with grapefruit juice. The increase was most marked when grapefruit was eaten before drug administration. For both NF and NS, subjects who ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration exhibited a greater Cmax and AUC0—24 than did subjects in the control group. For NF, the Cmax was 1.4 times higher and the AUC0—24 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. For NS, the Cmax was 1.5 times higher and the AUC0—24 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. The increase in the AUC0-24 was significant for both drugs (p<0.05). The finding that the ratios of Cmax and AUC0—24 for unchanged drug and metabolites did not vary greatly among the three groups for either drug suggests that the increase in serum concentration produced by grapefruit intake may be due to other factors than an inhibitory effect on drug metabolism. Also, the increases in Cmax and AUC0—24 of NS produced by grapefruit intake were smaller than those produced by grapefruit juice intake, indicating that grapefruit pulp and juice have different effects on the pharmacokinetics.
大谷 道輝 山田 伸夫 高山 和郎 小瀧 一 江藤 隆史 假家 悟 内野 克喜 伊賀 立二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.122, no.1, pp.107-112, 2002-01-01 (Released:2003-02-13)
8 8

A commonly used admixture of commercially available ointments and/or creams was selected from the prescribed sheets in our hospital, and questionnaire to dermatologists. To assess the relationship between permeability of corticosteroid through murine skin and clinical effects in human, we attempted to investigate the vasoconstrictor activity of these admixtures of topical corticosteroid by double-blind controlled study. Test samples were occluded at random on the back of 20 healthy volunteers for 4 hours. The vasoconstrictor activity of corticosteroid creams (Lidomex®) alone was significantly large as compared with that of ointments alone. The vasoconstrictor activity of corticosteroid in the admixture of Lidomex® ointment and urea ointments or heparinoid ointment was 1.5—2 fold significantly larger than that from ointments alone. The extent of the stability of the emulsion after mixing was related to the vasoconstrictor activity. These experiments demonstrated a close relationship between the vasoconstrictor activity of human skin and permeability of hairless mice skin. These results suggested that the vasoconstrictor activity of topical corticosteroids mixed with commercially available ointments and/or creams depends upon their physicochemical characteristics.
中村 均 藤沼 由江 松元 美香 大谷 道輝 小瀧 一 内野 克喜 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.491-494, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
2 1

In the present study, we investigated the effect of inter-individual variation and dispensing experience as a factor of variation when mixing digoxin powders.Sixteen of the post-graduate trainees (non-experienced group) who entered the Department of Pharmacy, University of Tokyo Hospital in April 1996, and had no dispensing experience with powders, and six pharmacists (experienced group), who had individually amassed 3 to 5-years of dispensing experience, participated in our study.The mean CV values (n=3) of the digoxin contents in the experienced group were 2.7% on the first experiment, 2.7% on the second and 2.5% on the third. Eight of the non-experienced group members produced a CV of less than 6.08% in all experiments. However, the CV values generated by the other eight members of the non-experienced group exceeded the standards of good mixing, and in addition, wide variations were observed. The eight above described trainees had received 3 weeks of training, and, when the mixing experiments were performed again, the registered CV values were less than 6.08% in all experiments.These results showed that, even in the case of digoxin powders requiring a high degree of mixing, good mixing was obtained under our proposed mixing conditions in half of the trainees with no dispensing experience, and in addition, good mixing was generally obtained after all had received 3 weeks of training.
中島 輝一 真野 泰成 大内 かおり 佐藤 大輔 岩田 杏子 樋口 安耶 江原 邦明 加藤 芳徳 廣澤 伊織 田島 正教 土屋 文人 山田 治美 小瀧 一 旭 満里子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.9, pp.599-608, 2012-09-10 (Released:2013-09-12)
4 17

We established a pharmaceutical outpatient clinic at the International University of Health and Welfare Mita Hospital. In the clinic, pharmacists provide mainly pharmaceutical care for cancer outpatients based on prescriptions from a doctor, and then feed back the contents of medication counseling and information about patients to doctors.In this study, we evaluated the role of the pharmaceutical outpatient clinic. From April to July 2011, we investigated retrospectively the contents of feedback from pharmacists to doctors. The contents consisted of three types of information such as medication counseling, history of side effects and allergy, and uneasiness from patients. Most of this information was on side effects. Approximately 42% of uneasiness from patients was about the side effects of chemotherapy. Furthermore, we conducted a questionnaire survey in 62 cancer outpatients that gave informed consent during the period as mentioned above. The results showed that the degree of understanding of drugs on treatment and prevention of the onset of side effects after consultation was markedly improved compared with those before consulting. Many patients (50/62) felt “uneasiness about treatment" and “some uneasiness" before consultation. However, 88.0% (44/50) of them noted that their “anxiety was eased" after consultation. The degree of reduction in uneasiness in patients with stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ breast cancer was larger than that with stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ. In conclusion, it is suggested that the clinic may play a role which makes it possible to enable cancer outpatients to participate in medical treatment with ease, in addition to enabling support for doctors.
大谷 道輝 川端 志津 假家 悟 内野 克喜 伊藤 敬 小瀧 一 籾山 邦男 森川 亜紀 瀬尾 巖 西田 紀子
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.122, no.5, pp.323-329, 2002-05-01
1 13

The effect of the intake of 200g of grapefruit pulp (corresponding to one grapefruit) on the pharmacokinetics of the calcium antagonists nifedipine (NF) and nisoldipine (NS) were investigated in 8 healthy Japanese male volunteers. A crossover design was used for the study: group I did not ingest any grapefruit (control group); group II ingested grapefruit 1 h after drug administration; and group III ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration. The intake of grapefruit pulp increased the plasma concentrations of both NF and NS, an effect that has previously been reported with grapefruit juice. The increase was most marked when grapefruit was eaten before drug administration. For both NF and NS, subjects who ingested grapefruit 1 h before drug administration exhibited a greater C_<max> and AUC_<0-24> than did subjects in the control group. For NF, the C_<max> was 1.4 times higher and the AUC_<0-24> 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. For NS, the C_<max> was 1.5 times higher and the AUC_<0-24> 1.3 times larger in group III than in group I. The increase in the AUC_<0-24> was significant for both drugs (p<0.05). The finding that the ratios of C_<max> and AUC_<0-24> for unchanged drug and metabolites did not vary greatly among the three groups for either drug suggests that the increase in serum concentration produced by grapefruit intake may be due to other factors than an inhibitory effect on drug metabolism. Also, the increases in C_<max> and AUC_<0-24> of NS produced by grapefruit intake were smaller than those produced by grapefruit juice intake, indicating that grapefruit pulp and juice have different effects on the pharmacokinetics.