鹿村 恵明 真野 泰成 小茂田 昌代 根岸 健一 佐藤 嗣道 宮崎 智
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.136, no.9, pp.1263-1273, 2016 (Released:2016-09-01)
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This nationwide survey aimed to evaluate reduction of drug and medical costs due to prevention of serious adverse drug reactions through pharmaceutical inquires by community pharmacist, and investigate relation with iyaku bungyo (separation of dispensing from medical practice) rates. Using the national list of pharmacies, 10% of pharmacies were randomly selected by prefecture and asked to participate in an Internet-based survey. The survey period was 7 days, from July 21 to July 27, 2015. Of the 5575 pharmacies queried, 818 responded to the survey (response rate: 14.7%). The proportion of inquiries to total prescriptions was 2.6%. Among these, the proportion of prescriptions changed in response to inquiry was 74.9%. An estimated 103 million yen was saved by reducing drug costs, and 133 million yen was saved by reducing medical costs due to prevention of serious adverse drug reactions. Comparison of prescription change rates between pharmacies with high and low iyaku bungyo rates indicated that the proportion of prescriptions changed was significantly higher in pharmacies with high iyaku bungyo rates than in those with low iyaku bungyo rates (78.2% vs. 69.9%, p<0.01). The findings suggest that inquiries about prescriptions are useful in ensuring the safety of pharmacotherapy and reducing the cost of healthcare. They also suggest that iyaku bungyo promotes prescription changes through inquiries, leading to proper use of pharmaceutical products.
尾関 理恵 湯浅 奈絵 赤木 圭太 真野 泰成 根岸 健一 小茂田 昌代
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.45, no.2, pp.88-96, 2019-02-10 (Released:2020-02-10)

STROMECTOL® Tablets (ivermectin), an oral scabicide, is often administered to patients as a simple suspension via a feeding tube. However, other studies have reported that this method reduces the dose of ivermectin by 10-50% compared to that associated with oral administration. There are several devices used for administration via a feeding tube. This study proposes appropriate devices for such administration. First, we compared the recovery ratio of ivermectin by different 6 devices (a syringe, an oral dispenser, a small cup, kendakun, a suspension bottle and a quick bag). Among them, the results showed that the recovery ratio of the oral dispenser, suspension bottle, and quick bag was 100% after flush operation. Next, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 10 students to evaluate the usefulness of the six devices. The result showed that the suspension bottle or quick bag was easiest to use but the suspension bottle required attention regarding back flow. In addition, the cost of the suspension bottle was the lowest, the dispenser was the highest. The usefulness test is limited because it is targeted at students. When administering STROMECTOL® Tablets via a tube, the entire volume could be administered without any loss by flushing using a suspension bottle or a quick bag and setting the angle of administration directly underneath.
阿部 健太郎 三浦 智史 藤城 法子 沖崎 歩 吉野 名穂子 青木 茂 内藤 明美 真野 泰成 齊藤 真一郎 山口 正和 森田 達也
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.16, no.1, pp.85-91, 2021 (Released:2021-03-22)

【目的】進行がん患者の遺族からみた多剤併用の状況と内服負担に関する体験や認識を明らかにする.【方法】がん患者の遺族303名に自記式質問票を郵送し,回答を得た.1回6錠以上の内服を多剤併用群,1回6錠未満の内服を非多剤併用群とし,内服負担や体験,認識について単変量解析を行った.102名の結果を解析した(有効回答率33.7%).【結果】多剤併用群(65名)は,非多剤併用群(37名)よりも遺族が患者の内服負担を感じた割合が高値であった(43.1% vs 10.8%,p<0.01).内服負担が少ない服用方法としては,現状よりも1回の服用錠剤数を減らしたいと希望していた.多剤併用群の遺族は,内服薬が多いことの懸念が強く,医療者からの内服薬に関する説明や相談できる医療者を希望していた.【結論】医療者は,服薬状況の確認とともに薬に関する家族の懸念についても十分に配慮する必要があることが示唆された.
中島 輝一 真野 泰成 大内 かおり 佐藤 大輔 岩田 杏子 樋口 安耶 江原 邦明 加藤 芳徳 廣澤 伊織 田島 正教 土屋 文人 山田 治美 小瀧 一 旭 満里子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.38, no.9, pp.599-608, 2012-09-10 (Released:2013-09-12)
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We established a pharmaceutical outpatient clinic at the International University of Health and Welfare Mita Hospital. In the clinic, pharmacists provide mainly pharmaceutical care for cancer outpatients based on prescriptions from a doctor, and then feed back the contents of medication counseling and information about patients to doctors.In this study, we evaluated the role of the pharmaceutical outpatient clinic. From April to July 2011, we investigated retrospectively the contents of feedback from pharmacists to doctors. The contents consisted of three types of information such as medication counseling, history of side effects and allergy, and uneasiness from patients. Most of this information was on side effects. Approximately 42% of uneasiness from patients was about the side effects of chemotherapy. Furthermore, we conducted a questionnaire survey in 62 cancer outpatients that gave informed consent during the period as mentioned above. The results showed that the degree of understanding of drugs on treatment and prevention of the onset of side effects after consultation was markedly improved compared with those before consulting. Many patients (50/62) felt “uneasiness about treatment" and “some uneasiness" before consultation. However, 88.0% (44/50) of them noted that their “anxiety was eased" after consultation. The degree of reduction in uneasiness in patients with stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ breast cancer was larger than that with stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ. In conclusion, it is suggested that the clinic may play a role which makes it possible to enable cancer outpatients to participate in medical treatment with ease, in addition to enabling support for doctors.