中村 均
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌ATOMOΣ (ISSN:18822606)
vol.57, no.2, pp.99-103, 2015 (Released:2020-02-19)

横山 晴子 山田 安彦 山村 喜一 中村 均 伊賀 立二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.121, no.3, pp.233-237, 2001-03-01 (Released:2002-09-27)
13 11

The effect of mouth wash on the removal of drug residues in both mouth and pharynx after the use of fluticasone propionate dry powder inhaler (FP-DPI) was studied. The concentration of FP in mouth wash after sprinkle and inhalation of Flutide® 50, 100, 200 Rotadisk® was determined by HPLC-UV. The total amount of the removed FP was measured by the sum of the concentration of FP in 5 times of mouth washes. The mouth wash procedures removed totally 79.3±4.4% (50 μg), 68.5±3.6% (100 μg), 69.3±3.4% (200 μg) of sprinkled amount of FP and 29.5±11.1% (50 μg), 35.6±6.6% (100 μg), 31.6±8.3% (200 μg) of inhaled, respectively. It was required for the removal of 90% of the totally recovered FP to do two times of mouth washes in each case. These data suggest that the mouth wash is an effective precaution for candidiasis induced by FP delivered by DPI.
高柳 理早 山田 安彦 河野 真理子 中村 均 佐藤 均 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.28, no.5, pp.489-494, 2002-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
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The new Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, which were based on ICH-GCP, were enforced in Japan in April 1997. These guidelines recommend that pharmacists play the role of managers of investigational drugs and also as cooperators (clinical research coordinator) in the performance of clinical trials. In this study, we carried out a survey of the attitude of the new graduate pharmacists (the group of graduates in the 1998 fiscal year and a group of graduates in the 1999 fiscal year) on clinical trials. After the first questionnaire, we lectured the students on GCP and performed clinical trials, and then the second questionnaire was conducted two months later. The group of graduates in the 1999 fiscal year had more opportunities to come in contact with information on clinical trials than the group in the 1998 fiscal year. Both groups knew that new GCP guidelines had been established, but they did not understand the details. Some of them had a negative impression concerning clinical trials. The lectures improved their knowledge and impression on the practice of clinical trials. After the lecture, over 90% of them thought that pharmacists should manage investigational drugs and provide information on these drugs for the rational practice of clinical trials. Furthermore, in 60% or more of the students, an improvement in the consciousness of evaluating the safety and efficacy of investigational drugs regarding the pharmacist's role was found.
福岡 恵理子 鎌田 志乃ぶ 中島 克佳 折井 孝男 中村 均 佐藤 均 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.523-530, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
1 1

In the University of Tokyo Hospital, the reentry of data, the re-output of documents, the transfer of data by hand writing, etc. has to be routinely carried out in each department, because there is no compatibility in the related work between the systems and generated information.In this study, we developed a medication management system to share drug-requesting information generated inside the hospital with medical wholesalers who introduced the Value Added Network (VAN) -ordering system, and evaluated the usefulness of this system by sending questionnaires to those who are working in the wholesale, clinical wards, and office work sections.The developed medication management system unified a series of information on the request-to-order processing of medicine between the hospital and wholesalers, the warehousing processing in the pharmacy department, the supply processing for the clinical wards, and the expenditure processing of purchased medical supplies. In addition, the system was designed to work with the LAN of our hospital information system under the environment of Windows NT®.In the investigation on the introduction situation of the computer for the drug wholesalers, 14 out of 16 companies (88%) introduced a computerized system to receive orders. Moreover, 12 out of 14 companies (86%) replied with “it is useful” regarding the usefulness of the system. On the other hand, in clinical wards, 41 out of 55 (75%) replied with “the requesting process has become more convenient by using this system”. In office sections, the time needed to process orders was drastically shortened from approximately 20 to 5 minutes on average.By utilizing this newly developed medication management system, it became possible to share the drug-requesting information originally generated in the clinical wards with the pharmacy department and office work section in the hospital and the medical wholesalers ; therefore, we find this system to be a useful supporting system for the proper management not only for hospitals but for medical wholesalers as well.
中村 均 藤沼 由江 松元 美香 大谷 道輝 小瀧 一 内野 克喜 伊賀 立二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.27, no.5, pp.491-494, 2001-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
2 1

In the present study, we investigated the effect of inter-individual variation and dispensing experience as a factor of variation when mixing digoxin powders.Sixteen of the post-graduate trainees (non-experienced group) who entered the Department of Pharmacy, University of Tokyo Hospital in April 1996, and had no dispensing experience with powders, and six pharmacists (experienced group), who had individually amassed 3 to 5-years of dispensing experience, participated in our study.The mean CV values (n=3) of the digoxin contents in the experienced group were 2.7% on the first experiment, 2.7% on the second and 2.5% on the third. Eight of the non-experienced group members produced a CV of less than 6.08% in all experiments. However, the CV values generated by the other eight members of the non-experienced group exceeded the standards of good mixing, and in addition, wide variations were observed. The eight above described trainees had received 3 weeks of training, and, when the mixing experiments were performed again, the registered CV values were less than 6.08% in all experiments.These results showed that, even in the case of digoxin powders requiring a high degree of mixing, good mixing was obtained under our proposed mixing conditions in half of the trainees with no dispensing experience, and in addition, good mixing was generally obtained after all had received 3 weeks of training.
中村 裕義 木村 真春 山形 眞一 中村 均 大森 栄 北田 光一
一般社団法人 日本医療薬学会
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.23, no.5, pp.437-444, 1997-10-10 (Released:2011-08-11)

In the present study, we examined the effects of light, temperature and humidity on the residual rate of alfacalcidol in four commercially available preparations of alfacalcidol (Alfarol® capsules, Alfarol® powder, Warkmin® capsules and Onealfa® tablets). The tests were performed for up to 10 weeks with PTP seals, or without PTP seals. The changes in residual rate of alfacalcidol in Alfarol® powder packaged with cellophane-laminate paper, and Onealfa® tablets packaged with cellophane-laminate paper after crushing were also examined.The residual rate of alfacalcidol decreased in Alfarol® capsules packaged with PTP seals under fluorescent lighting (1000 lux) and in Alfarol® powder without an aluminum seal under all conditions. There were no changes in the contents of alfacalcidol in Alfarol® capsules with PTP seals and Alfarol® powder packaged by aluminum seal. A slight decrease in the residual rate of alfacalcidol in Warkmin® capsules was found under fluorescent lighting. The residual rate of alfacalcidol decreased in Onealfa® tablets under high temperature and/or high humidity. Alfarol® powder packaged with cellophane-laminate paper and Onealfa® tablets packaged with cellophane-laminete paper after crushing were found to be unstable, indicating that long-term storage should be avoided when these formulations are prepared.
渡部 恵 杉浦 宗敏 清野 敏一 光永 義治 中村 均 山田 安彦 土屋 文人 大江 和彦 伊賀 立二
藥學雜誌 = Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (ISSN:00316903)
vol.122, no.10, pp.841-847, 2002-10-01
4 4

In the computerized prescription order entry system, it has been pointed out that a physician's input mischoice for medicine is one of the causes of medication errors. We therefore investigated the input mischoices by physicians at the time of writing prescriptions. Subsequently, the number of input characters in a prescription order was changed to three characters from two characters. Furthermore, 105 items of high-alert medications, which are likely to result in injury if errors occur, were established. A warning screen display system that requests reconfirmation of the effect, name, usage, and dosage of those medicines was also built. It was found that 70% of input mistakes were caused by choosing the medicine displayed immediately above or below the desired drug. By changing the number of input characters of a prescription order to three characters from two characters, the rate of specification of a trademark improved sharply from 36% to 85%. Consequently, the rate of choice of a drug with another trademark decreased significantly from 0.028% to 0.0047%. In 5% of cases when the warning screen was displayed for a high-alert medicine, the prescription was stopped, and 25% were changed to other medicines. The above results show that the system that requires the input of three or more characters for the physician order entry and displays a warning screen for high-alert medicines is useful in preventing mischoices at the time of prescription input.<br>
矢野 育子 井関 健 東海林 徹 青山 隆夫 木津 純子 中村 均 藤井 俊志 渡邊 美智留 野田 幸裕 脇屋 義文 森田 邦彦 手嶋 大輔 二神 幸次郎
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.35, no.1, pp.43-49, 2009 (Released:2010-02-07)
1 1

With the introduction of 6-year pharmacy educational program in 2006,a provision was made to assign pharmacist faculties having working experience as pharmacists in pharmacy schools.In October 2007,we conducted a survey to investigate the situation of pharmacist faculties.We sent a questionnaire to 247 pharmacist faculties in 66 pharmacy schools and the response rate was 84.9%.The faculties consisted of professors (43%),associate professors (23%) and lecturers (23%),and 77% of them had a Ph.D.degree.In a typical week,the major activities they engaged in were educational activities (20.6 hrs),research (12.2 hrs) and management (9.6 hrs).While the average time they were occupied by clinical practice was 3.5 hrs,67% of them did not do any.Half of the faculties did not conduct any research with students or graduate students in their own schools,and in 2007 only 55% applied for Grant-in-aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology of Japan.Twenty-six percent said they were very satisfied or satisfied with their work on a five-point scale,and 44% rated their degree of satisfaction as fair.In conclusion,our survey showed that most pharmacy faculties are not sufficiently engaged in clinical practice and do not spend much time in clinical research.We hope that its results will promote discussions among pharmacy personnel concerning the role of pharmacist faculties so that even better clinical pharmacy education may be provided to students in pharmacy schools.
詫間 晋平 中村 均
日本教育工学雑誌 (ISSN:03855236)
vol.2, no.3, pp.117-124, 1977-11-25
