春日井 淳夫 小笠原 正志 伊藤 朗
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.5, pp.530-539, 1992-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

In order to evaluate iron balance in the human body, we studied the effects of exercise on iron excretion in urine, sweat and feces. The subjects were five healthy male, college athletes. The daily intake of nutrients by the subjects was regulated by a prescribed diet (Calorie Mate, Ohtsuka), and the control measurements and the exercise measurements were performed within seven days. Excretion of iron in the urine during the exercise period was significantly higher than in the control period. The excretion of iron in the sweat was 1.076±0.118 mg, i. e, , about 70% of total iron physiologically excreted from the human body. The excretion of iron in the feces during the exercise period was significantly lower than during control period. Feces volume was positively correlated with energy expenditure and negatively correlated with the excretion of iron in the feces. Iron absorption during the exercise period was significantly higher than during the control period. These findings suggest that exercise stimulates not only iron excretion via urine and sweat, but iron absorption, and that iron balance remains positive in healthy male subjects who have normal iron status.
入江 由香子 小笠原 正志 吉田 裕人
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.28, no.4, pp.4_345-4_355, 2018 (Released:2018-10-12)

The purpose of this study was to examine the business model of sports tourism utilized by the South Korean walking trail "Jeju Olle", leading to social change not only domestically but also internationally. Jeju Olle was opened in 2007 and currently it offers 26 courses (totaling 425 km). From 2011 to 2014, over a million Korean walkers rushed to Jeju, causing a walking tour boom. Jeju Olle has changed the leisure-time activities, regional economy, and policies of Korea and it is spreading to Kyushu Olle and Mongol Olle. Ms. Myung-sook Suh, the founder of Jeju Olle, serves as the president of the Jeju Olle Foundation, a non-profit organization (NPO) that operates without dependence on administrational subsidies. The NPO succeeded in transforming an old country road into a fashionable trail decorated with a gentle feminine sensibility that has become known as the "Olle" brand. The NPO’s business operates on revenue from membership fees, company sponsorships, and sales of original brand products and it is supported by a large number of volunteers. Thus, it is a sustainable business model made possible by its financial independence, enthusiastic followers, and brand image, based on female sensibilities and flexibility, and it represents a new global approach to health promotion.
荒木 速雄 加野 草平 西間 三馨 小笠原 正志 松崎 守利 田中 宏明 田中 守 進藤 宗洋
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.40, no.3-1, pp.205-214, 1991-03-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

気管支喘息児12名に自転車エルゴメーターを用いて4週間のトレーニングを行い, WBPLA_1 (work load at first braking point of lactic acid) より設定した5段階負荷強度にて physical working capacity の向上, EIB の改善をトレーニング前後で比較した. また, 高張食塩水吸入による気道反応の変化についても検討し, 以下の結果を得た. 1)心拍数はトレーニング前の WBPLA_1 175%強度に相当する仕事率で, トレーニング前値の188.5±9.6bpmよりトレーニング後178.4±9.7bpmへと, また WBPLA_1 150%強度では174.0±11.9bpmより165.6±11.3bpmへと, それぞれトレーニング後に有意に低下した. また最大酸素摂取量(Vo_2max/wt)は34.5ml/min/kgより41.lml/min/kgに有意に上昇した. 2) FEV_<1.0>の運動負荷後のMax.%fall は WBPLA_1 175%強度にて, トレーニング前37.4±17.4%よりトレーニング後30.3±17.4%へと, また WBPLA_1 150%強度では27.1±24%より18.0±17.1%へとそれぞれトレーニング後に有意に低下した. 3) 3.6%高張食塩水吸入試験ではトレーニング群においてPD_<20>は4.2±5.9mlから8.1±8.0mlへと有意に増加した. なお, コントロール群では3.7±5.8mlより4.3±6.3mlへと有意な変化は認められなかった.
小笠原 正志 中嶋 健
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1_61-1_73, 2015 (Released:2015-05-27)

“Jeju Olle” is the name of a series of walking trails (26 courses, totaling approximately 410km) located in Jeju Island, South Korea. "Olle" means “an alley to a village” in the dialect of the island. Ms. Myung-sook Suh has played a central role in the construction of Jeju Olle and serves as the president of the Jeju Olle Foundation, a non-profit organization. The first course of Jeju Olle was constructed in September 2007, and volunteers helped to extend and complete all the courses in November 2012. Olle is maintained by revenue from membership fees, company sponsorships, and sales of original brand products. In 2007, 3000 people came to walk on Olle, and since then the annual number of Olle walkers has increased significantly; every year since 2011 there have been over one million visitors, and this has brought about a new trend in tourism business. One of the main reasons for the increase in popularity in South Korea of the walking tours to Jeju Olle is the reduction in cost and improved access associated with an increase in the number of LCC flights from 2008. Jeju Olle has won praise both at home and abroad, and is a successful new business model of sports tourism, combining factors such as business management by non-profit organizations and activation of the regional economy.