橋本 文章 春山 道子 山下 登喜雄 磯 敏明
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.23, no.2, pp.126-133, 1989-09-15 (Released:2010-08-06)
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The effect of the alkyl chain length of fatty acid soaps (C12-C18) and the other type of surfactants using for cleansing foams on adsorption on skin and on selective cleaning ability have been studied. It has been also examined whether there is any relationship between the adsorption volume of the surfactants, selective cleaning ability and skin condition.Squalene and cholesterol were used as indicator of the selective cleaning. The selective cleaning ability of the surfactants has been obtained from the wash-off ratio of cholesterol/squalene +cholesterol. Potassium palmitate and potassium stearate indicated to have higher wash-off ratio than other surfactants and had the selective cleaning ability. Besides these surfactants did not adsorb on skin. Moreover in an users' test of cleansing foams, the skin condition applied the sample including palmitic acid and stearic acid was better than that of another sample.In conclusion, it has been suggested that the surfactants which do not adsorb on skin and have selective cleaning ability maintain the skin condition to be good.
浅里 仁 井上 美津子 佐々 龍二 池田 訓子 伊田 博 島田 幸恵 向山 賢一郎 佐藤 昌史 山下 登
Showa University Dental Society
昭和歯学会雑誌 (ISSN:0285922X)
vol.24, no.4, pp.373-380, 2004-12-31

パネルディベートを歯学部4年 (89名) の小児歯科学の授業に導入した.到達目標は, 「小児歯科治療への関心を育てることができる」, 「情報収集・整理能力を育てることができる」, 「論理的思考能力を育てることができる」, 「討論する力を育てることができる」, 「聞く力を育てることができる」, 「現実問題に対応する力を育てることができる」, 「患者の立場や心理への理解を深めることができる」の7つとした.テーマは「小児歯科治療に強制治療は必要か」とし, 患者および疾患の設定は, 「3歳児の左下乳臼歯のC<SUB>2</SUB>」とした.立場は保護者, 歯科医師 (肯定派), 歯科医師 (否定派) の3者とした.一日目は, スモール・グループ・ディスカッションを行馳立論文を作成空た.二日目は役割を立論者, 代表者, 応援団, 審判団とし, パネルディベートを行った.パ不ルァィベートの結果, 歯科医師 (肯定派) 班が勝者となった.学生のアンケート結果では, 到達目標の全ての項目で, 7割以上の学生が, 上記の能力や理解が "おおいにあがる" もしくは "少しあがる" と回答した.感想や意見では, パネルディベートに肯定的な意見, 否定的な意見, 配布した資料や実施方法についての問題点などがあげられた.
山口 巧 堀尾 郁夫 青木 亮太 山下 登 田中 守 出石 文男 宮内 芳郎 荒木 博陽
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.133, no.11, pp.1249-1259, 2013 (Released:2013-11-01)
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In 2009, the Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA) established Sports Pharmacist—a system for certified pharmacists. There are many over-the-counter drugs that contain prohibited substances in Japan, and they are easily available. In Japan, most doping violations are committed when athletes unintentionally take prohibited substances. Therefore, the Sports Pharmacist has a vital role in promoting the prevention of doping. In the present study, surveys involving a total of 350 athletes, (including 260 representatives of Ehime Prefecture in the National Athletic Meets and 90 college students who participated in the intercollegiate athletics Shikoku area meets), on awareness regarding doping and medical drugs were conducted. Using correspondence and logistic regression analyses, the results were examined to develop a model for the prediction of athletes' actions to cope with sickness based on changes in their awareness of anti-doping, and the relationship between them was also analyzed. The survey results suggested that attitudes towards doping were strongly influenced by gender, rather than the athletic ability and whether or not a doping test is scheduled. Their behavior and criteria for the selection of drugs to address sickness were strongly correlated with awareness of anti-doping. Therefore, athletes with an increased awareness of anti-doping are expected to consult a pharmacist prior to using medicine. The Sports Pharmacist should further promote environmental development, such as activities to improve awareness of doping among young athletes and the establishment of medical drug consultation services for athletes (female athletes in particular).