沢田 徳之助 山原 條二 島津 早苗 太田 利夫
生薬学雑誌 (ISSN:00374377)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-16, 1971-06-20

The contents of coloring matter and essential oil from the root of Curucuma domestica (C. longa) and the fungistatic action of them are tested. Essential oil shows a high effect against Aspergillus niger IFO. 6341, Penicillium citrinum IFO. 6352, Chaetomium globosum IFO. 6347 and Neurospora crassa IFO. 4596.
/ 岩本 真承 青木 俊二 田中 直美 田嶋 清子 山原 條二 高石 喜久 吉田 雅昭 富松 利明 玉井 洋進 Yoshin TAMAI
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.39, no.2, pp.397-399, 1991-02-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
40 73

It has been reported that an acetone extract of ginger and its fractions have anti-5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine; serotonin) effects. In the present study, guinea pig ileum, rat stomach fundus and rabbit aortic strips are used in order to determined the constituents of fraction 2 which are responsible for anti-5-HT effect and to examine their pharmacological properties.The analysis of fraction 2-3 indicated that galanolactone, a diterpenoid, is one of the active constituents. In guinea pig ileum, galanolactone inhibited contractile responses to 5-HT with a pIC50 value 4.93. pIC50 value of galanolactone against the response to 2-methyl-5-HT, a selective 5-HT3 agonist, in the presence of methysergide at 1×10-5M was 5.10. pIC50 values of ICS 205-930, a selective 5-HT3 antagonist, were 5.30 and 7.49, respectively. The concentration-response curve of 5-HT was shown as a biphasic curve and galanolactone caused a selective shift to the right of the second phase.In the same preparations, the pIC50 value of galanolactone and ICS 205-930 against the response to carbamylcholine (CCh) was 4.45 and 4.46.The inhibitory effect of galanolactone on the 5-HT response in the stomach fundus and aortic strips was less than that in the ileum.In addition, in the thoracic aorta precontracted with 50 mM K+, the relaxing effect of galanolactone was about 1/10 of that of papaverine.These results suggest that the anti-5-HT effect of galanolactone, a diterpenoid isolated from ginger, is related to antagonism of 5-HT3 receptors.
矢原 正治 金城 順英 下川 隆志 野原 稔弘 山原 條二 千坂 武司
no.27, pp.726-733, 1985-09-07

We have examined the constituents of three crude drugs showing an antihypercholesteremic activity. 1) Daemonorops draco --- D-7 was obtained as an active substance. It was further separated into two compounds (D-7-I,II) being the isomers each other and their substances were deduced to be the deoxy-proanthocyanidins by the spectral data. 2) Caesalpinia sappan --- Total nineteen compounds relating to brazilin were isolated and the chemical structures of fourteen compounds among them were discussed by the spectroscopic means. SO-k, g,e were the 3-benzyl-chroman-4-one derivatives; SO-i,b,c were shown to be the first examples of the 3-benzyl-chroman-4-ol derivatives and assumed to be the key-intermediates on the biogenetic route of brazilin; All of SO-j,p,SLC-b,c,d presented new novel framework-models among the naturally occurring compounds. SO-j was suggested to be produced from SO-i,b,c by oxidative coupling, SO-p was presumed to be derived from brazilin by oxidative fission. SLC-b,c,d were considered to be originated from brazilin. SLC-b was effective for antihypercholesteremia. 3) Dalbergia odorifera --- Five aromatic compounds, DO-I-V, were isolated from the active fraction and their structures were revealed to be the unique bi-isoflavanoids by the various spectral data.
山原 條二 松田 久司 下田 博司 割石 紀子 矢木 信博 村上 啓寿 吉川 雅之
公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
日本薬理学雑誌 (ISSN:00155691)
vol.105, no.5, pp.365-379, 1995-05-01
16 6

ツンベルギノールAのI~IV型アレルギ―に対する作用を検討した.ツンベルギノールAは,I型アレルギーモデルのラットおよびマウスの受身皮膚アナフィラキシー反応(PCA反応)に対し,反応惹起2時間前の300mg/kg以上および50mg/kg以上の経ロ投与で,それぞれ有意に抑制した.また,IgE受動感作ラットの気道狭窄反応に対しても,300mg/kg以上の経ロ投与で有意(P<0.05)な抑制効果を示した.一方,in vitroにおいて,IgE受動感作ラット気管標本およびIgG受動感作モルモット肺切片の,抗原刺激による収縮反応をそれぞれ濃度依存的(10<SUP>-7</SUP>~10<SUP>-4</SUP>および10<SUP>-5</SUP>~10<SUP>-4</SUP>M)に抑制し,さらに感作ラット腹腔滲出細胞からのヒスタミン遊離に対しても,濃度依存的(10<SUP>-5</SUP>~10<SUP>-4</SUP>M)な抑制効果を示した.また,ケミカルメディエーターに対する拮抗作用として,マグヌス法およびマウス耳介血管透過性充進モデルを用いた検討で,シプロヘプタジンの1000分の1程度のごく弱い抗セロトニン様作用が認められた.ツンベルギノールAは,II型アレルギーの逆皮膚アナフィラキシー反応(RCA反応),III型アレルギーのアルサス反応を抑制しなかったが,IV型アレルギーモデルのマウス接触性皮膚炎の一次反応を,免疫翌日から反応惹起までの1日1回(100mg/kg)の経口投与で有意(P<0.01)に抑制した.また,マウス遅延型足浮腫反応に対しては,反応惹起直前と8時間後の2回経口投与(300,500mg/kg)で有意(P<0.01)な抑制効果が認められた.以上の結果より,ツンベルギノールAは,I型アレルギーに対して経口投与で有効で,その作用は肥満細胞からの脱穎粒の抑制と弱い抗セロトニン様作用に基づく可能性が考えられた.また,IV型アレルギーに対しても有効性が示唆された.