vol.17, no.4, 2000-08-10

Scutellaria barbata (SB) and Oldenlandia diffusa (OD) have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating stomach, colon, liver, breast and ovarian tumors. The anti-tumorgenic effect of SB and OD was examined by various in vitro and in vivo experimental studies. The combined effect of SB and OD was examined to determine the anti-tumorgenic effect. Experiments were done in vitro on human breast tumor cell line MCF-7 and human prostatic adenocarcinoma cell line DU-145. For in vivo experiments, C3H-AVy mice with spontaneous hepatocellular carcinoma were used. It was found that the herbal extracts inhibited the proliferation of both cell lines as measured by the MTT assay. In the proliferation of both cell lines after addition of various concentrations of herbal extracts in the medium, 50 % inhibition was obtained with 1 % herbal extracts, and 80 % inhibition by 10 % herbal extracts. C3H-AVy mice survived 1.4 times longer than controls after oral administration of the herbal extracts. In conclusion, the present in vivo and in vitro results strongly suggest that the conbination of OD and SB suppresses tumor growth in vitro and increases survival rate in mice with spontenous hepatocellular carcinoma.
vol.19, no.6, 2002-12-20

Scutellariae Radix and its main constituent, baicalin, concentration-dependently contracted the isolated rat aorta, and its contractile responses were tachyphylaxic. Wogonin, another constituent in Scutellariae Radix, conversely concentration-dependently relaxed the contraction induced by phenylephrine in the isolated rat aorta, and the relaxation was not tachyphylaxic. Applying the sample containing baicalin and wogonin in the same proportion as the content ratio in Scutellariae Radix, it was observed that the isolate rat aorta contracted in the same way as Scutellariae Radix and baicalin. From the results with adrenergic blockers, serotonergic blockers, tetrodotoxine and NO synthase inhibitors, it is suggested that the mechanism of contractile effect of Scutellariae Radix and baicalin on the vascular smooth muscle is not based on the adrenergic and serotonergic system, and endothelium derived relaxing factor. Furthermore, cyclooxygenase inhibitors suppressed the contractile response to baicalin in the isolated rat aorta, correlation was identified between prostanoids concentration and the contraction by baicalin. Repeated applications of baicalin induced the decrease of prostanoids production while weakening the strength of contraction. The above results suggest that prostanoids production is involved in the contractile response to baicalin.
櫻又 康秀 大江 弘美 草野 崇一
和漢医薬学雑誌 (ISSN:18801447)
vol.21, no.5, pp.237-240, 2004-10-20

Ludvik et al. have recently shown the effect of white skinned sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) on reducing fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in type-2 diabetic patients. It, however, was required 2-4 weeks after the starting of administration of white skinned sweet potato. The present study aimed to determine if the combination therapy of white skinned sweet potato with a loquat leaf extract, which shows an insulin-like effect, could make it possible to enhance the anti-diabetic activities of white skinned sweet potato, and to shorten the time necessary for the inhibition of increasing blood glucose levels. A mixture of the pulverized skin of white skinned sweet potato (194mg/kg) and the powdered loquat leaf extract (6mg/kg) was orally administered to 6 weeks-old male KK-Ay/Ta mice for 28 days and the glucose loading test was conducted every 7 days. In the glucose loading test after one week feeding, a reduction in blood glucose concentration after 60 minutes of the administration of glucose was observed in the mixture groups against the control group (p<0.05). In the case of white skinned sweet potato only, similar delayed effects were seen in 3 weeks after feeding.
vol.17, no.3, 2000-06-30

The formulations group of tonic actions in Kampo medicine, called "hozai", are in the limelight recently. Especially, formulations including Astragali root (黄耆 , Huang Qi ; Ougi) which is represented in Jingi-zai (参耆剤) (formulations including Ginseng root with Astragali root) play important role in the treatment of elderly patients. There are two herbs which have been used as Ougi, Astragali root and Hedysari root (晋耆 , Jing Qi ; Shingi) . Although Astragali root and Hedysari root have no similarity botanically, they have been used as comparatively in the clinical scene and even historically, Hedysari root was regarded as being better than Astragalus root. There is no systematic review which explicates the difference and similarity of the two herbs. In this report, we attempt to compare Astragalus root and Hedysari root clinically and pharmacologically, and discuss about the historical and theoretical basis of their clinical applications.
Ahn Mi-Jeong Bae Ji Young Mikage Masayuki Park Jong Hee
Medical and Pharmaceutical Society for WAKAN-YAKU = 和漢医薬学会
和漢医薬学雑誌 (ISSN:18801447)
vol.27, no.5, pp.204-209, 2010

韓国民間薬 「Da-Rae-Jul-Ki」 は, 排尿障害, 脳卒中, 胃腸カタル, 急性胃炎, 胃癌などに使用される。 その基源は一般にマタタビ科マタタビ属植物の小枝であるとされるが, これまで確証がなかった。 そこで, 韓国や日本に生育する本属植物, <I>Actinidia arguta</I> (サルナン), <I>A. arguta</I> var. <I>rufinervis</I>, A. <I>kolomikta</I> (ミヤママタタビ), <I>A. polygama</I> (マタタビ), および <I>A. rufa</I> (ナシカズラ) の枝を比較組織学的に検討した。 その結果, 検討した 5 分類群はコルク層の細胞層数, コルク細胞の大きさ, 一次皮層の幅に対する二次皮層の幅の比, 纖維束間の石細胞の有無, およびその大きさ, 分泌道の形, 導管や髄柔細胞の大きさなどの違いにより区別され, Da-Rae-Jul-Ki は <I>A. arguta</I> の小枝であることを確証した。
村岡 健一 吉田 哲 長谷川 和正 中西 信夫 福沢 勲 冨田 昭雄 丁 宗鐵
和漢医薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13406302)
vol.20, no.1, pp.30-37, 2003

In this study, using dogs as experimental models, we observed body temperature rise following administration of "Kakkon-to" preparation, and investigated the average number of macrophages and average rate of phagocytosis of macrophages in blood using the latex microparticles. The body temperature of the Kakkon-to-treated dogs significantly increased 30 minutes after administration (p<0.05). After that, the body temperature was still high until the next administration at 8 hours. When the difference in body temperature before and after administration was compared with that of the control group, a significant in crease was maintained from 1 to 12 hours after administration. The phagocytotic activity of macrophages was also increased. The average number and the average rate of phagocytosis were significantly increased 1 (p<0.05) and 2 (p<0.01) hours after administration, respectively, in comparison with the activity before administration. The significant increases (p<0.01) in both the number and the rate of phagocytosis were continuously found at every measurement point from 2 to 24 hours after administration. In addition, when compared with the control group, the test group showed a significant administration in both the number and the rate of phagocytosis at 3 hours after administration (p<0.01). These results demonstrated that administration of "Kakkon-to" not only increased the body temperature but also enhanced the phagocytic activity of macrophages, the in vivo defensive factors, suggesting that "Kakkon-to" may contribute to the suppression of multiplication of common cold viruses and influenza viruses, which consequently results in improvement of various symptoms during infection with common cold syndrome.
谷川 聖明 GOTO Hirozo NAKAMURA Norio TANAKA Nobumitsu HATTORI Masao ITOH Takashi TERASAWA Katsutoshi
和漢医薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13406302)
vol.16, no.2, pp.45-50, 1999-07-20

桂皮の血流改善作用については古くから知られており,これに関連した報告はあるものの,その詳細な検討はなされていない。今回我々はマグヌス法を用いて,ラット胸部大動脈輪状標本における桂皮含有クンニンの血管作動性について検討した。桂皮含有タンニンは,プロスタグランディンF_<2α>(PGF_<2α>)の血管収縮に対し,内皮保存血管において濃度依存性に血管弛緩作用が認められた。しかし,内皮除去血管及ぴN^G-nitro-l-argininemethyl ester(L-NAME)前処置内皮保存血管においては,血管弛緩作用はほぼ消失した。以上より,桂皮含有タンニンの血管弛緩作用は内皮依存性であることが明らかとなった。桂皮含有タンニンをさらに二量体から五量体までのタンニン画分に分取し検討したところ,二量体以上の重合したタンニンにおいて血管弛緩作用が認められた。また,重合度が増すに従い血管弛緩作用はより低い濃度で発揮され,作用も増強されることが明らかとなった。
岡村 信幸 安保 尚美 青野 美和 江口 倫由 吉井 久乃 小野 行雄 八木 晟
和漢医薬学雑誌 (ISSN:13406302)
vol.19, no.3, pp.114-118, 2002-06-20
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Daio-kanzo-to is a Kampo medicine for acute and chronic constipation which consists of a combination of rhubarb and glycyrrhiza. The contribution of rhubarb is to provide a purgative effect, due to the presence of sennosides. Sennoside A is known to decompose on heating during decoction. Therefore, it is said that Kampo decoctions containing rhubarb rather do not have to be boiled for a long time when targeting the purgative activity of sennoside A. This study was performed to clarify the relationship between decocting times of rhubarb and purgative activity. The variation of sennoside A content in rhubarb during the decocting times of 5 to 240 min was shown to be almost the same as that of Daio-kanzo-to. Compared to sennoside A content between powder and cut rhubarb during the period of decoction, the time when the maximum dissolution was reached had significant differences (powder: 10 min, cut: 40 min). Each purgative activity of powder and cut rhubarb decoctions was in proportion to sennoside A content. Kampo decoctions are generally prepared with cut crude drugs. Therefore, we concluded that usual decoction (40 min) is most suitable for Kampo medicines containing rhubarb to use for constipation.