山本 光夫 福嶋 正巳 劉 丹
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.97, no.3, pp.159-164, 2011-03-01 (Released:2011-03-01)
16 17

Barren grounds in coastal area are serious problems in Japan and throughout the world. Although several factors have been proposed to account for barren grounds, we have especially focused on lack of dissolved iron for restoring seaweed beds. It has been developed a method that the mixture of steelmaking slag and humus materials, such as composts, were supplied in seawater. A concentration of dissolved iron can be increased by using the method, since complexes, iron-humates, are produced from iron in steelmaking slag and humic substances in compost. In this study, we evaluated the effect of humic substances in this method for increasing dissolved iron concentration. A laboratorial iron elution test by using actual seawaters was attempted. Three kinds of samples for iron elution, only steelmaking slag, only humus materials, and a mixture of steelmaking slag and humus materials, were prepared. The change of iron concentration in each small tank had been monitored. We found that iron elution rate in the case of the mixture of steelmaking slag and compost was faster than that in the case of only steelmaking slag. Furthermore, it was expected that the characteristic of the structure of humic substances were related to increase iron elution from steelmaking slag. The mixture of steelmaking slag and humus materials was more effective not only for increasing iron concentration in seawater and but also for extending the life time of Fe elution.
山本 光夫 加藤 孝義 多部田 茂 北澤 大輔 藤野 正俊 小豆川 勝見 松尾 基之 田中 潔 道田 豊
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.81, no.2, pp.243-255, 2015 (Released:2015-03-20)
1 5

東日本大震災後の沿岸環境変化の評価を目的とし,岩手県釜石湾において,海水中の栄養塩と重金属濃度,底質の放射性物質含有量に着目した海域環境調査を行った。栄養塩は冬期に高く夏期に低い傾向がみられ,震災前と必ずしも一致しなかった。これは湾口防波堤破壊による湾内環境変化の影響と考えられる。一方で重金属は津波の影響と予想される濃度変化はみられなかった。放射性物質も最大で 60 Bq/kg 以下と他の海域に比べ特に高い値ではない上に現在は減少傾向にあり,安全性の面で海域環境は震災前に戻りつつあることが示唆された。