浅見 裕 横山 直也 百鬼 史訓 田中 幸夫 田中 秀幸 大矢 稔 山神 眞一
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.27, no.1, pp.12-19, 1994-08-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

For the purpose of determining the technical characteristics of the Kendo strike with the Jodan-no-Kamae in Kendo, we measured the impact force of the one-hand Shomen-and Kote-uchi using as subjects five college Kendo club students. And analyzed the data by a motion analysis system with a video tape recorder. We also measured the impact force of the two-hand Chudan-no-Kamae strike for comparison. The following are the results obtained from a biomechanical examination of the data.1. The downward maximum magnitude of the impact force of the one-hand Kote-Uchi (150.03 ± 21.35kgf) was greater than that of the one-hand Shomen-Uchi (120.99 ± 11.55kgf). This difference was a characteristic of the one-hand strike but not of the two-hand strike.2. The angular motion at the left shoulder, from which the Shinai is brought down, was greater for the one-hand Kote-Uchi than for the one-hand Men-Uchi. This will explain why the vertical component force of the one-hand Kote-Uchi was greater than that of the one-hand Men-Uchi.3. With respect to the vertical movement of the Kensen, the maximum speed was greater for the one-hand Kote-Uchi than for the one-hand Men-Uchi while the opposite was the case with respect to the forward movement. This was in accord with the observation that the maximum magnitude of the impact force was greater for the one-hand Kote-Uchi than for the one-hand Men-Uchi with respect to the vertical movement whereas the opposite was the case with respect to the forward movement.4. The correlation coefficient between the impact time and the maximum magnitude of the impact force was small whereas the correlation coefficient between the impact time and the impulse value was great.5. There was not an appreciable difference in the magnitude of the impact force between the one-hand and two-hand Men-Uchi. However, with respect to the right Kote-Uchi, the maximum magnitude of the impact force was greater in every direction for the one-hand strike than for the two-hand strike. Most notably, with respect to the downward movement, the maximum magnitude of the impact force of the one-hand Kote-Uchi was greater than that of the two-hand Men-Uchi.
百鬼 史訓 横山 直也 有田 祐二 久保 哲也 山神 眞一
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.37, no.3, pp.1-11, 2005-03-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

山神 眞一 石川 雄一 境 英俊 藤原 章司 阿部 純也 宮本 賢作 長野 智香
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.37, no.3, pp.13-23, 2005-03-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

A study was conducted to investigate the influence of kendo exercise on the bone mineral density in male and female university kendo athletes. The subjects were 45 male university kendo athletes and 23 female university kendo athletes. They had an average kendo experience of 13.2 years and 10.0 years. Measurements were performed using an AOS100 (ALOKA Corp.). We measured the speed of sound (SOS), transmission index (TI), and osteo sonoassessment index (OSI). The mean values of SOS, TI, and OSI in male and female university kendo athletes were higher than in the same aged control group and the peak bone mass aged control group.The values of the left heel were significantly higher than that of the right heel in bone mineral density. Body weight was significantly related to bone mineral density in male and female university kendo athletes. These results suggest that regular kendo exercise during youth is effective for the increase in bone mineral density.
山神 眞一 百鬼 史訓
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.22, no.3, pp.38-45, 1990-03-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

Fuminori NAKIRI(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)The purpose of this study was to analyze the shoulder and waist in torsion on the Shomen-uchi movement in Kendo at two types of distance. The shomen-uchi movement was filmed at 100 f. p.s with two 16mm high speed cameras. Three-dimensional coordinates for the segment endpoints were computed by using a direct linear transformation technique. The subjects for this study were 5 males,19 to 20 years of age, with 7 to 10 years of experience and 3 dan degree.The results were summarized as follows: 1) On the long distance, the changes in the shoulder and waist angles seem to be larger, and the amplitude in the shoulder and waist angle in torsion also seem to be larger.2) There were two types of movements in the shoulder and waist angle in torsion on the shomen-uchi movement.A type: In the phase of the maximum point of raising the shinai, there was a cross motion between the shoulder and the waist.B type: During the shomen-uchi movement, no cross motion occurred between the shoulder and the waist.
田中 聡 山神 眞一 金井 秀作 甲田 宗嗣 長谷川 正哉 島田 昇 大塚 彰
vol.2005, pp.E1000-E1000, 2006

【はじめに】<BR> 調整力とは,体力の四大要素(筋力・持久力・柔軟性・調整力)の一つであり,平衡性,敏捷性,巧緻性などをいう.この調整力は加齢により低下するだけでなく,近年児童における低下が懸念されている.今回,我々は調整力を高めることを目的としたバランスボードの開発に関わる機会を得たので,その紹介と効果の検討について報告する.<BR>【バランスボードの概要と機能】<BR> 鉄製のパイプフレームにハンドルと全方向に傾斜可能な合板製の不安定板から構成される.不安定板には一般的なゲームコントローラの十字キー機能を持たせ,ハンドルには押しボタンの機能を持たせている.十字キー機能は,不安定板内部(底面)に不安定板の傾斜角度を計測する検出器を設置し,板の傾きによるアナログ出力をUSBインターフェイスを介してコンピュータにON信号として出力される.その出力により十字キーの8方向全てのON・OFF信号を出力することが可能である.また,専用のトレーニング用ゲームソフトを内蔵したコンピュータを搭載し,ユーザーにあわせたゲームを提供できる.内容は画面上で「射撃ゲーム」,「ボールを上下左右のカーソルを使用して外に出さないようにする」,「箱を傾けて玉をゴールに導く」,「敵の弾を避けながら相手を撃つ」などである.この装置によるトレーニングは,軽くハンドルを握り不安定板上に立ち,画面を見ながら素早く不安定板を操作することと,ハンドルのスイッチを押すことが要求される.<BR>【トレーニング効果の検討】<BR> 男子大学生8名(平均年齢22.7歳,平均身長175.6cm,平均体重66kg)を対象に,本装置を使用してトレーニング中の下肢筋活動をNECメディカルシステムズ社製筋電計サイナアクトにて記録した.被検筋は全員右側の脊柱起立筋,中殿筋,半膜様筋,大腿直筋,長腓骨筋,腓腹筋,前脛骨筋,母趾外転筋とした.解析は,キッセイコムテック社製BIMUTAS2を使用し同一ゲーム課題遂行時の安定した筋活動を用いて3秒毎に積分値(IEMG)を算出し,3回の平均値をトレーニング中の筋活動の指標とした.また各筋の3秒間における等尺性最大随意収縮時の積分値を100%として正規化し,%IEMGを比較した.統計学的処理は分散分析,多重比較を用い有意水準は5%未満とした.<BR>【結果と考察】<BR> トレーニング中の筋活動は,母趾外転筋が有意に高く41.2%を示し,以下腓腹筋(29.2%),長腓骨筋(21.5%),前脛骨筋(17.9%)と下腿筋の活動が大きく,次いで脊柱起立筋(16%),中殿筋(11.3%),半腱様筋(8.8%),大腿直筋(5.3%)の順であった.<BR> 本装置はゲームを利用していることで楽しみながら平衡性,敏捷性,巧緻性に対するトレーニングと併せて下肢筋を中心とした筋力トレーニングも可能であると考えられた.<BR>
直原 幹 市川 真澄 山神 眞一 宮本 賢作
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.30, no.1, pp.14-21, 1997-08-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

The location of the stance during the standard position (Chudan-no-kamae) in Kendo measured from skilled Kendo players (n=28) were divided in the two types, high grade type (=HG) and middle grade type (=MG), according to the trained career (=Dan-i and playing career) of them. The length, width and left foot angle made from vertical line estimated from the location of the stance were compared between HG and MG. The differences of equilibrium between HG and MG were studied in student Kendo players (n=10). The parameters of equilibrium determined by analyzing the center of the foot pressure were the displacement of the body sway and the body sway area. These parameters were compared between HG and MG. The length of the stance (cm/Height) was shorter significantly (p< 0.05) in HG (=0.12±0.03)than in MG (=0.15±0.05). In the width and left foot angle of the stance, there was no difference between HG and MG, respectively. The displacement of the body sway was shorter significantly (p< 0.01) in HG than in MG. As the total period kept standing, mean value of the displacement in HG (=716.6mm) was 14% shorter than in MG (=830.6mm). In the body sway area, there was no difference between HG (=28.9± 13.1cm2) and MG (=30.9 ± 17.0cm2). These results suggest that the equilibrium in Kendo posture correlate closely with the length of stance. In the present paper, correlation between biomechanical properties of the different stance types in Kendo players and skill levels of them are also discussed.