岡本 託
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.8, pp.1497-1521, 2014-08-20

This article discusses how high-ranking officials were trained under France's July Monarchy (1830-1848), at a time when government administration was becoming more and more complex and a bureaucratic organization was gradually being institutionalized. The author takes up the case of the Auditorat in the Conseil d'Etat, focusing on the logic behind the recruitment and training of its administrative officials. He describes the actual circumstances of recruitment and training of auditeurs via a synthesis of three approaches: 1) institutional analysis of the auditeur based on laws and ordinances, 2) prosopographical analysis utilizing the personal data of 211 auditeurs and 3) analysis of petitions for recruitment of auditeurs as well as their internal evaluation. The author concludes that first, two contrary opinions existed regarding the institution of auditeur during the time in question. One was the conservative idea which considered the auditorat as a stagiaire who would become merel a maitre des requetes or a conseiller in the Conseil d'Etat in the future; the other was the republican idea which considered the institution to be the grande ecole d'administration, in which trained officials who could be entrusted with any administrative post. The laws and ordinances pertaining to auditeurs promulgated under the July Monarchy all embodied the opposition between these ideologies. Secondly, the necessary conditions of auditeur recruitment were threefold: 1) the social background of the candidate, 2) the influence of recommenders and 3) the abilities of the candidate. However, it is impossible to determine which condition was the most conclusive, leading one to believe that it was a combination of them which led to successful recruitment. Finally, as to the system of auditeur training, the author points out that auditeurs were expected to acquire the skills of administrative officials through experience gained along different career paths, which included a central administrative post, a local administrative post and a post in the Conseil d'Etat. However, auditeur training was not very successful because of the customs surrounding the promotion of central administrative officials and the lack of administrative ability on the part of the auditeurs themselves. In addition, the lack of maitre des requetes posts in the Conseil d'Etat made the training of auditeurs more difficult. Nevertheless, approximately half of those who had trained at the auditorat under the July Monarchy were given administrative appointments and reappointed by the next political regime. This proportion of reappointments exceeded the number during the Napoleonic era and the Bourbon Restoration. Consequently, it can be said that the institution of auditeur under the July Monarchy served the function of training high-ranking officials to some extent and that this institution had a impact on both the struggle for hegemony in the Chambre des pairs and the Chambre des deputes, and on the institutionalization of the recruitment and the careers of high-ranking officials during the nineteenth century.
岡本 託
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.123, no.8, pp.1497-1521, 2014

This article discusses how high-ranking officials were trained under France's July Monarchy (1830-1848), at a time when government administration was becoming more and more complex and a bureaucratic organization was gradually being institutionalized. The author takes up the case of the Auditorat in the Conseil d'Etat, focusing on the logic behind the recruitment and training of its administrative officials. He describes the actual circumstances of recruitment and training of auditeurs via a synthesis of three approaches: 1) institutional analysis of the auditeur based on laws and ordinances, 2) prosopographical analysis utilizing the personal data of 211 auditeurs and 3) analysis of petitions for recruitment of auditeurs as well as their internal evaluation. The author concludes that first, two contrary opinions existed regarding the institution of auditeur during the time in question. One was the conservative idea which considered the auditorat as a stagiaire who would become merel a maitre des requetes or a conseiller in the Conseil d'Etat in the future; the other was the republican idea which considered the institution to be the grande ecole d'administration, in which trained officials who could be entrusted with any administrative post. The laws and ordinances pertaining to auditeurs promulgated under the July Monarchy all embodied the opposition between these ideologies. Secondly, the necessary conditions of auditeur recruitment were threefold: 1) the social background of the candidate, 2) the influence of recommenders and 3) the abilities of the candidate. However, it is impossible to determine which condition was the most conclusive, leading one to believe that it was a combination of them which led to successful recruitment. Finally, as to the system of auditeur training, the author points out that auditeurs were expected to acquire the skills of administrative officials through experience gained along different career paths, which included a central administrative post, a local administrative post and a post in the Conseil d'Etat. However, auditeur training was not very successful because of the customs surrounding the promotion of central administrative officials and the lack of administrative ability on the part of the auditeurs themselves. In addition, the lack of maitre des requetes posts in the Conseil d'Etat made the training of auditeurs more difficult. Nevertheless, approximately half of those who had trained at the auditorat under the July Monarchy were given administrative appointments and reappointed by the next political regime. This proportion of reappointments exceeded the number during the Napoleonic era and the Bourbon Restoration. Consequently, it can be said that the institution of auditeur under the July Monarchy served the function of training high-ranking officials to some extent and that this institution had a impact on both the struggle for hegemony in the Chambre des pairs and the Chambre des deputes, and on the institutionalization of the recruitment and the careers of high-ranking officials during the nineteenth century.
岡本 託
史学研究会 (京都大学大学院文学研究科内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.98, no.3, pp.467-500, 2015-05

岡本 託
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.128, no.4, pp.1-33, 2019 (Released:2021-08-26)

本稿では、アン県およびドローム県をケース・スタディーとして、近代フランスの行政制度が複雑化と拡大化を経験した、第二帝政期の地方幹部候補行政官である県参事会員の登用を分析し、専門職化の実態解明を試みた。 まず、数値的分析から、第二帝政期県参事会員の性質変化をみてみると、年齢では時代が進むごとに若年化が進み、出身県ではあらゆる地方出身の若者が両県に赴任したことが明らかとなった。また、経歴面では、第二帝政期の県参事会員は短期間に多くの県と公職で職歴を積み、地方幹部候補行政官として養成されていったのである。 次に、叙述史料の分析から、以下のことが明らかとなった。第一に、請願書における候補者の属性に関する記述は、第二帝政期になると、前任者や父親からの公職継承は衰退することとなり、七月王政期に比べて属性的要素は減少したといえる。第二に、請願書における候補者本人の能力に関する記述は、七月王政期と第二帝政期ともに、性格に関する主観的な評価、教育からもたらされた行政知識に関する評価、そして公職の現場での経験に対する評価という三つの評価基準が中心に記述されていたが、第二帝政期の県参事会員の性質変化により、候補者本人の能力がより詳細に記述されるようになった。また、第二帝政期から、多くの県参事会員登用者が知事官房に関わる職を経験することにより、行政的能力を磨いていった。 最後に、C・シャルルは、支配的原理としての属性主義の原理がまだ優位であった1830年代から1880年代にかけて、能力主義の原理が徐々に浸透していったとし、その転換点は第三共和政期初頭であると指摘した。この見解を地方幹部候補行政官に当てはめてみると、第三共和政期初頭の転換の準備は第二帝政期に既に整えられていたのである。