川杉 桂太 竹村 和久 岩滿 優美 菅原 ひとみ 西澤 さくら 塚本 康之 延藤 麻子 小平 明子 轟 純一 轟 慶子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18219, (Released:2019-06-20)

In this study, we proposed three image analysis methods (wavelet transform, singular value decomposition, and Fourier transform) to evaluate drawings of the tree test quantitatively, and demonstrated the analyses to three images of the tree test drawn by schizophrenic patients. Wavelet analysis suggested that information about the position of drawn trees (direction, depth and width of drawn lines) can be captured. Fourier analysis suggested that information about the direction and depth of drawn lines can be captured. Singular value decomposition suggested that information about the position and direction of drawn lines can be captured. Further research is needed to consider the features of mathematical image analysis in detail, and apply them to analysis of the tree test.
川杉 桂太 竹村 和久 岩滿 優美 西澤 さくら 塚本 康之 延藤 麻子 小平 明子 轟 純一 轟 慶子
人間環境学研究 (ISSN:13485253)
vol.18, no.1, pp.63-71, 2020 (Released:2020-06-30)

In this study, the fuzzy inference technique was applied for preprocessing the clinical drawings of schizophrenic patients. The interpretation procedure for the clinical drawings was divided into two phases, namely preprocessing and interpretation phases. In the preprocessing phase, two analyses were conducted by employing the fuzzy inference technique and three analyses were conducted by applying Fourier transform, wavelet transform, and singular value decomposition on three images of the tree test. In the interpretation phase, the drawings and output images were psychologically interpreted. The contrast of each image was also examined for determining the feature associated with the corresponding output image of the fuzzy inference technique. Based on the compared interpretations and contrasts, it can be concluded that image analysis incorporating the fuzzy inference technique is superior as a preprocessing method employed before interpreting whole image. Further research is required for examining the relation between the empirical findings regarding schizophrenic patients and the parameter of the fuzzy inference technique.
川杉 桂太 岩滿 優美 轟 慶子 小平 明子 延藤 麻子 塚本 康之 西澤 さくら 轟 純一 竹村 和久
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
日本心理学会大会発表論文集 日本心理学会第85回大会 (ISSN:24337609)
pp.PD-053, 2021 (Released:2022-03-30)

本研究では,統合失調症患者と健常者の,図形分割課題時の眼球運動を測定し,その特徴を比較することを目的とした。対象者は,統合失調症患者13名および健常者37名であった。調査には,Iwamitsu et al.(2009)で用いられた図形分割課題を,ディスプレイとタッチペンを用いる形式に変更し用いた。課題は14試行(2分割方向×7図形)からなり,課題中の眼球運動を,アイカメラにより測定した。眼球運動データから,注視回数など六つの指標を算出し,また図形を対称に分割したか否かを指標として,二つの分析を実施した。まず,図形を対称に分割した頻度について χ2検定を実施した。その結果,図形を垂直に分割するとき,健常者の方が統合失調症患者より有意に高い割合で対称に分割したことが示された(χ2(1)=4.06, p<.05)。次に,眼球運動の指標について3要因(2群×2分割方向×7図形)の分散分析を実施した。その結果,統合失調症患者の方が有意に注視時間が長い傾向が認められた(F(1,48)=2.90, p<.10)。これらの結果は,統合失調症患者の注視傾向や,課題の形式等を反映したものと考えられた。
深谷 悦子 岩滿 優美
公益財団法人 パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター
ストレス科学研究 (ISSN:13419986)
pp.2018002, (Released:2019-01-18)

Objective: This study aimed to assess how the general public perceives and evaluates people with visible differences.Methods: This study targeted 153 university and graduate students. These students were shown four photographs, and were asked to anonymously answer an originally-developed questionnaire which included items on perception and evaluation of people with visible differences. After excluding questionnaires with missing values, we analyzed data from a total of 127 participants. Results and Discussion: High evaluation scores were obtained for five items, including “readily catching the eyes of others” and “being surprised when running into them.” This reflects difficulties experienced by people with visible differences. There were significant sex-differences in five items, including “being in a disadvantageous position when it comes to marriage” and “difficult to have a loving relationship with someone”; suggesting men evaluated people with visible differences more negatively than women. When assessing how participants perceived the reasons underlying the visible differences in free descriptions, the rate of correct answers differed by the specific reason. In particular, for port-wine stain, even in the perception group are had a low rate. These findings highlight the importance of educating the general public so that they would have accurate knowledge regarding visible differences.