郷間 英世 川越 奈津子 宮地 知美 郷間 安美子 川崎 友絵
京都教育大学紀要 (ISSN:03877833)
vol.115, pp.123-130, 2009-09

幼児期の「気になる子」の保護者の持つ養育上の問題点やその内容を調査し,子どもの行動特徴との関連などについて検討した。方法は保育園において発達上の問題を有する巡回相談事例119 例について,保護者がもつ養育上の問題点の有無と内容,子どもの持つ問題点との関連,などについて分析した。その結果,保護者に養育上の問題があったのは61.3%で過半数を占めた。内容は,手をかけない,手をかけすぎるなど母親の養育態度に問題を有するものが多く,その他,母親の養育能力不足,父親の養育態度の問題,虐待の疑いなどがあった。子どもの問題との関連では,保護者が養育上の問題を持つ子どもはそうでない子どもより,多動性や衝動性など行動上の問題を有する場合が有意に多く認められた。結果より,子どもが発達上の問題を有する場合は,保護者の養育上の問題も考慮した対応が必要と考えられた。The purposes of this study were to investigate parenting issues in raising their children who have developmental problems and to clarify the relationship between the parents' issues and the developmental problems of their children. We sampled 119 consulting cases (100 boys and 19 girls) of a psychologist's rounds at 18 nursery schools. We looked at cases in which parents had parenting issues and analyzed the relationship between parenting issues and the developmental problems of their children. Parenting issues in raising their children were seen in 73 out of 111 parents (61. 3%)-cases such as insufficient or overprotective parenting, lack of parenting ability, parents with their own developmental disabilities, suspicion of abuse and so on. Of the children whose parents had parenting issues, 26 out of 73 (42.0%) had behavioral problems-aggressiveness, impulsiveness and violence, while 5 out of 38 (15.6%) of the children whose parents didn't have parenting issues (p<0.05) had behavioral problems. Many parents raising children with developmental problems had various parenting issues. Further, it is indicated that there are relationships between parenting issues and developmental or behavioral problems of their children. We believe support is required not only for the children with developmental problems, but also for the parents of these children.
郷間 英世 木下 佐枝美 川越 奈津子 中市 悠 木村 秀生 郷間 安美子
京都教育大学紀要 (ISSN:03877833)
no.117, pp.63-71, 2010-09

最近臨床の場でよく見かける発達障害児や「気になる子」の描画は未熟な印象を受けることが多い。そこで幼児の人物画発達を調査し,障害児や「気になる子」の描画特徴について検討した。対象は保育園に在籍する3 ~ 6 歳の554 人の幼児であり,グッドイナフ人物画知能検査行った。描かれた画は描画発達年齢を求め人物画知能(DAM-IQ)を算出した。対象児のうち広汎性発達障害や知的障害など診断名のついている子どもは17 人(3.1 %)で描画発達は遅れており平均DAM-IQ は70.1 で低値であった。診断のない子どものDAM-IQ は平均98.3 で加齢とともに低下した。診断はないが行動や社会性に関して「気になる子」どもは計63 人(11.4%)おり,DAMIQ は平均92.2 とやや低く,成熟した描写と未熟な描写をともに持つアンバランスさを多くの画に認めた。今後その原因や発達の詳細との関連なども検討の必要があると考えられた。We have studied on children's development and have pointed out that present-day children have delay and unbalance in their development. The delay is prominent in drawing. In this study, we investigated the human figure drawing of children with and without disabilities using Goodenough-Drawing-Test (DAM). The subjects were 281 boys and 273 girls at nursery schools. We evaluated the developmental drawing age by scoring 50 items and calculated DAM-IQ. Then we compared the data between children with disabilities and children without disabilities. The number of children with disabilities is 17. The diagnoses of them are pervasive developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities and so on. The drawing developmental of them is retarded and the average DAM-IQ is 70.1. As for children without disabilities, the average DAM-IQ is 98.3. The number of children "Kininaruko" who have social and behavior problems but have no diagnosis of developmental disabilities is 63(11.4%). The average DAM-IQ of them is 92.7, and in the drawing figures, there are both mature and immature descriptions, which we felt unbalance. There are delay or unbalance on the drawing figures of children with developmental disabilities or Kininaruko. More precise study regarding possible causes and other developmental aspects is needed.
郷間 英世 小谷 裕実 池田 友美 落合 利佳 大谷 多加志 鈴木 万喜子 中市 悠 木村 由里 郷間 安美子 川越 奈津子
