平田 諭治
英学史研究 (ISSN:03869490)
vol.1994, no.26, pp.59-70, 1993 (Released:2009-10-07)

“Kyoiku Chokugo” was formally introduced abroad by Dairoku Kikuchi in1907. The official English translation is the Imperial Rescript on Education which was based on Kikuchi's tentative translation. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of the authorized version.Kikuchi prepared his translation of the Imperial Rescript relative to Education for his lectures on Japanese education at the University of London. His version was criticized in the English scholars' circles in Japan, and some other versions appeared before long. However, Kikuchi didn't support these versions, especially those written in biblical English.After that, the Imperial Rescript on Education was translated faithfully from the original, keeping the solemn tone. It was translated as the fundamental principle of Japanese education in order to gain approval overseas. The key word “Kokutai” in Japanese was changed from Kikuchi's “national constitution” to “the fundamental character of Our Empire”, and this is the only free translation in the official version. At London University, Kikuchi pointed out the importance of “Kokutai” to the British citizens and explained its translation, which symbolized the national characteristics of Japan before World War II.
平田 諭治
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.83, no.3, pp.302-314, 2016-09-30 (Released:2016-12-14)

平田 諭治
比較教育学研究 (ISSN:09166785)
vol.1996, no.22, pp.167-179,221, 1996-06-15 (Released:2011-01-27)

Currently a growing interest in Japan is visible all over the world, owing mainly to its economic importance. In Japan herself, “Internationalization of Education” is being advocated more loudly. Among foreign scholars some misunderstandings concerning Japanese education seem to continue because of the lack of information and their failure of cognition. Japan will have to make efforts to introduce her education more positively and more correctly to other countries, in order to deepen international understanding. It goes without saying that verbal communication needs looking in.
平田 諭治
筑波大学教育学系論集 = Bulletin of Institute of Education, University of Tsukuba (ISSN:03858979)
vol.42, no.2, pp.1-13, 2018-03

Yoshisaburo Okakura (1868-1936), who is known to have led the drive to establish and make uniform English language education as well as English philology and literature in modern Japan, had traveled as a student sent abroad by the Department of Education in the year of 1901 and had experienced advanced research and education in Europe. Studying abroad is said to have brought about a turning point in his academic and intellectual pursuits and career, but this had not been clear in terms of substance for the most part until now. The main purpose of this paper is to elucidate the basic facts and concrete aspects while investigating the background and the circumstances related to his European study abroad experience, and to approach one reason for studying abroad in relation to modern Japan and academic and intellectual pursuits while conducting a reexamination about the turning point and change in his academic and intellect pursuits. Okakura was selected to be an overseas student while quantitative expansion and administrative reinforcement of students sent abroad were established as a policy, and the system was strengthened as a result. His research theme was English philology and language teaching methods. It is known that Kazutoshi Ueda, a senior academic, who had studied linguistics with Okakura at the Imperial University, participated in his selection as chief of the Bureau of Special School Affairs in the Ministry of Education. It was demanded that "the issue of foreign languages" was placed as the inevitable corollary while the institutionalization of the Japanese "national language" for the nation-state was quickly implemented, and Okakura supplemented an agenda of language policy which Ueda had promoted. As an overseas student, Okakura associated with the Reform Movement that is a modern language teaching crusade and learned the importance of "Realien" and the new experimental phonetics, and more importantly, he gained greater knowledge of language teaching while touring and inspecting European academic settings. His experiences were set out in the mission and the institutional framework that various possibilities would be imposed on.